Gries.xla listing

Gries.xla Listings

EXCEL VBA Module aus Gries.xla
(Stand 2013-10-24)

Inhaltsverzeichnis Module



Attribute VB_Name = "Makrosammlung_Gries"
'(c) 2005-2013, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2005-10-16
'Letzte Änderung SVDO: 2007-07-29
'Erstellung Hypercom: 2009-11-11
'Erstellung VeriFone: 2011-08-08
'Erstellung B.Braun: 2013-03-01
'Vorletzte Änderung: 2012-02-25
'Letzte Änderung: 2013-03-01
Public Const Last_Modified As String = "2013-03-01" '= Letzte Änderung 'Gries.xla'

Option Explicit

Public Const sCopyright As String = "(c)2005-2013, Michael Gries"
Public Const csAddinTitle As String = "Quality (Gries.xla) " & Last_Modified
Public Const csAddinComment As String = "(c)2011-2013 Michael Gries, -1642, B.Braun Melsungen"

Private Declare Function SystemBeep Lib "kernel32.dll" _
        Alias "Beep" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
Sub Set_MacroShortcutKeys()
'belegt ist) diese Datei mit AddIn=false geöffnet werden, um unter
'Menü Extras/Macro/Optionen die alte Tastenbelegung zu löschen
    'Tastenkombination zuordnen
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Set_Autofilter", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="A"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Format_Border_Bold", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="B"
'    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Toggle_Comments", _
'        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="C"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Add_Charge", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="C"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="DauerlaufMessung", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="E"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="SchnelleMessung", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="F"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="GitternetzAnAus", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="G"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Histo_Diagramm", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="H"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="MonthViewer", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="K"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Insert_HypercomLogo", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="L"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Format_Muster", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="M"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Formel_RTC", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="N"
'    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Format_Prüfwerte", _
'        HasShortcutKey:=False, ShortcutKey:="P"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="QI_p_Diagramm", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="P"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="PPT_Diagramm", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="Q"
    'Shortcut R used for Microsft Windows Rechner (calc)
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Insert_Statistik", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="S"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Open_Folder_Musterbau", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="T"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="QI_U_Diagramm", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="U"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Add_Empty_Column", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="X"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Convert_ASC_Dateien", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="Y"
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Concatenate_Sheets", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="Z"
End Sub

Sub Standardprofil_Gries()
    Application.CommandBars("Visual Basic").Visible = True
    'Tastenkombination zuordnen
    'ACHTUNG: Macrozuordnung hier nicht möglich, solange
    'nicht alle Module geöffnet sind
End Sub

'VBA - Dezimal in Binär umrechnen
Function dec2bin(ByVal lngZahl As Long) As String
    Select Case lngZahl
        Case 0
            dec2bin = "0"
        Case 1
            dec2bin = "1"
        Case Else
            dec2bin = dec2bin(lngZahl \ 2) & IIf(lngZahl Mod 2, "1", "0")
    End Select
End Function

Sub AutoPivotChart()
    Const csPivotTableName = "Pivot"
    Const csPivotChartName = "Chart"
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim sUsedRange As String: sUsedRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Address
    Dim sName As String: sName = ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & sUsedRange
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=sName).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:="", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
    ActiveSheet.Name = csPivotTableName
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(csPivotTableName).Range("A3")
    ActiveChart.Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
    ActiveSheet.Name = csPivotChartName
    Dim sPivotFields1 As String
    sPivotFields1 = ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields(1).Name
    sPivotFields1 = "Count " & sPivotFields1
    ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.AddDataField ActiveChart.PivotLayout. _
        PivotTable.PivotFields(1), sPivotFields1, xlCount
End Sub

Sub Show_AddInTables()  'Tastenkombination STRG+UMS+I
Attribute Show_AddInTables.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "I\n14"
    Const csGriesHomeUser As String = "Stefanie"
    Const csGriesOfficeUser As String = "mgries"
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    If strUserName = csGriesHomeUser Or _
       strUserName = csGriesOfficeUser _
        ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = False
        Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Hide_AddInTables", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="O"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Hide_AddInTables()  'Tastenkombination STRG+UMS+O
Attribute Hide_AddInTables.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "O\n14"
    ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
    On Error Resume Next 'falls keine belibige Mappe geöffnet ist
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Show_AddInTables", _
    HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="I"
End Sub

Function Append_Data_To_HYC_Logfile(Data As String) As Long
    'notiert einzelne Aufrufe aus hydr. Vermessung
    Const csLogFile As String = "LogFile_QM.txt"
    Const csLogFileADS As String = "LogFile_QM_Details.txt"
    Const csLogFilePath As String = "QM\"
    Const csShellCommand As String = "cmd /c @echo on && "
    Dim sLogFileServer1 As String: sLogFileServer1 = "C:\" 'default
    Dim sLogFileServer2 As String: sLogFileServer2 = "T:\" 'default
    Dim sLogFilePath As String: sLogFilePath = csLogFilePath
    Dim sDomain As String: sDomain = VBA.Interaction.Environ("USERDOMAIN")
    On Error Resume Next 'falls kein Workbook offen
        ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    On Error GoTo 0
    If sDomain = "HYPERCOM" Then 'Firma
        'sLogFileServer1 = "\\Deheffs001\root$" 'L-Laufwerk
        If Modul_WSH.CheckDriveExists("T") Then
            sLogFileServer2 = "T:\" 'T-Laufwerk
            sLogFilePath = csLogFilePath  'wird nicht automatisch angelegt
        End If
        If Modul_WSH.CheckDriveExists("L") Then
            sLogFileServer1 = "L:\" 'L-Laufwerk
'            sLogFileServer1 = VBA.Environ("USERPROFILE")
'            sLogFilePath = "\Eigene Dateien\"   '!!! funktioniert hier nicht
            sLogFileServer1 = "D:\" 'D-Laufwerk Laptop
            sLogFilePath = ""
        End If
    Else 'Privat
        sLogFileServer1 = "D:\"
    End If
    Dim sCommand1 As String: Dim sLogfile1 As String
    Dim sCommand2 As String: Dim sLogfile2 As String
    Dim sLogData As String: sLogData = Get_Timestamp & vbTab & Data
    Dim iTaskID As Long
    'in LogFile1 speichern
    sLogfile1 = sLogFileServer1 & sLogFilePath & csLogFile
    sCommand1 = csShellCommand & "ECHO " & sLogData & Get_UserData & " >> " & sLogfile1
        'Debug.Print sCommand
    iTaskID = Shell(sCommand1, WindowStyle:=vbHide)
    'in LogFile2 speichern
    sLogfile2 = sLogFileServer2 & sLogFilePath & csLogFile
    sCommand2 = csShellCommand & "ECHO " & sLogData & Get_UserData & " >> " & sLogfile2
        'Debug.Print sCommand
    iTaskID = Shell(sCommand2, WindowStyle:=vbHide)
    'und zusätzlich in Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
    Dim sComputer As String: sComputer = VBA.Interaction.Environ("ComputerName")
    Dim sUserProfile As String: sComputer = VBA.Interaction.Environ("UserProfile")
    ' Data = Get_Username & sComputer & sUserProfile
    sCommand1 = csShellCommand & "ECHO " & sLogData & _
                Get_UserData & Get_UserFootprint & " >> " & _
                sLogfile1 & ":" & csLogFileADS
        Debug.Print sCommand1, sCommand2
    iTaskID = Shell(sCommand1, WindowStyle:=vbHide)
    'TaskIG <> 0 = shell-Kommando wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt
    Append_Data_To_HYC_Logfile = iTaskID
End Function

'2011-01-29 erweitert
'Formatiert von EasyLog USB 2 erzeugte Excel Export Dateien
'1. Prüfen of als CSV-Datei (Komma separiert) schon geöffnet
'2. wenn als CSV geöffnet dann Zeilen durch Separatot in Spalten aufteilen
'3. ansonsten Öffnen-Dialog mit Öffnen als Textdatei mit Komma-Delimiter
'4. Formatierung der Daten (Autofilter, etc.)
Sub EasyLog_USB_ExcelExportFile()
    Const csFindRange = "A1"
    Const csID1 = ",High Alarm rh,Low Alarm rh,dew point"
    Const csID2 = ",Serial Number"
    Const csRowSerialNumber = "J"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(csID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(csFindRange).Find(csID2, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Call Split_TextSeparatedKomma
        Call Open_TextSeparatedKomma
    End If
    'Leerzeichen bei Einheiten einfügen wegen Zeilenumbruch
    Cells.Replace What:="(", Replacement:=" (", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
        SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    Range("1:1").WrapText = True 'Zeilenumbruch aktivieren
    Range("A1").Select 'für Autofilter
    Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
    ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 1
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 8 'Indexspalte verkleinern
    Range("C:C,F:F,I:I").NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Temperaturspalten
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    Dim sDest As String
    sDest = csRowSerialNumber & "2:" & csRowSerialNumber & lRowLastUsed
    Range(csRowSerialNumber & "2").AutoFill Destination:=Range(sDest)
End Sub

Sub Split_TextSeparatedKomma()
    Const csDelimiter = ","
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim sTextArrayX: Dim sText: Dim i
    For lRow = 1 To lRowLastUsed
        sText = Cells(lRow, 1).Value
        sTextArrayX = Strings.Split(sText, csDelimiter)
        For i = 0 To UBound(sTextArrayX) 'Anzahl Datensätze
            Cells(lRow, i + 1).Value = sTextArrayX(i)
        Next i
    Next lRow
End Sub

Sub Open_TextSeparatedKomma()
Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "EasyLog - comma separated file (*.txt),*.txt"
Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: EasyLog Rohdaten"
Dim Mappen As Variant
Dim iMappen As Long
iMappen = 0
Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, FilterIndex:=0, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)
If IsArray(Mappen) Then
    For iMappen = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
        'Ggf. Meldung bei OpenText Prozedur unterdrücken, falls Format nicht erkannt wird
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=Mappen(iMappen), DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Next iMappen
End If
'    Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
'        "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\mgries\Eigene Dateien\EL010062276USB 2011-01-29 SZ.txt" _
'        , Origin:=932, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _
'        xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, _
'        Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), _
'        Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), _
'        Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End Sub

Function Append_Data_To_Logfile(Data As String) As Long
    'notiert einzelne Aufrufe aus hydr. Vermessung
    Const csLogFile As String = "LogFile_Vermessung.txt"
    Const csLogFileADS As String = "LogFile_Vermessung_Details.txt"
    Const csLogFilePath As String = "KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\"
    Const csShellCommand As String = "cmd /c @echo on && "
    Dim sLogFileServer As String
    Dim sDomain As String: sDomain = VBA.Interaction.Environ("USERDOMAIN")
    If sDomain = "GA" Or sDomain = "Britta" Then 'Privat
        sLogFileServer = "D:\"
    Else 'Firma
        sLogFileServer = "\\bber021a\did82006\" '
    End If
    Dim sCommand As String: Dim sLogfile As String
    Dim sLogData As String: sLogData = Get_Timestamp & vbTab & Data
    Dim iTaskID As Long
    'in logFile spreichern
    sLogfile = sLogFileServer & csLogFilePath & csLogFile
    sCommand = csShellCommand & "ECHO " & sLogData & Get_UserData & " >> " & sLogfile
        Debug.Print sCommand
    iTaskID = Shell(sCommand, WindowStyle:=vbHide)
    'und zusätzlich in Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
    Dim sComputer As String: sComputer = VBA.Interaction.Environ("ComputerName")
    Dim sUserProfile As String: sComputer = VBA.Interaction.Environ("UserProfile")
    ' Data = Get_Username & sComputer & sUserProfile
    sCommand = csShellCommand & "ECHO " & sLogData & _
                Get_UserData & Get_UserFootprint & " >> " & _
                sLogfile & ":" & csLogFileADS
        Debug.Print sCommand
    iTaskID = Shell(sCommand, WindowStyle:=vbHide)
    'TaskIG <> 0 = shell-Kommando wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt
    Append_Data_To_Logfile = iTaskID
End Function

Sub Formel_YearMonth()
    'Erstellt: 2010-06-12, Michael Gries
    'Zelle mit Datumswert in Form YYYY-MM umwandeln
    'dabei kann es sich auch um einen Verweis auf eine andere Zelle handeln
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Long
    Dim e: Dim eV
    Dim sValue As String 'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row: eV = e.Value
        If (IsDate(eV)) Then
            If (month(eV) < 10) Then
               sValue = year(eV) & "-0" & month(eV)
               sValue = year(eV) & "-" & month(eV)
            End If
            e.Value = sValue
        End If
    Next e
End Sub

Sub Formel_YearMonthDay()
    'Erstellt: 2010-11-07, Michael Gries
    'Zelle mit Datumswert in Form YYYY-MM-DD umwandeln
    'dabei kann es sich auch um einen Verweis auf eine andere Zelle handeln
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Long
    Dim e: Dim eV
    Dim sValue As String 'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    Dim sMonth As String 'Monat einstellig/zweistellig
    Dim sDay As String 'Tag einstellig/zweistellig
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row: eV = e.Value
        If (IsDate(eV)) Then
            If (Day(eV) < 10) Then
               sDay = "-0" & Day(eV)
               sDay = "-" & Day(eV)
            End If
            If (month(eV) < 10) Then
               sMonth = "-0" & month(eV)
               sMonth = "-" & month(eV)
            End If
            sValue = year(eV) & sMonth & sDay '& "Zusatz"
            e.Value = sValue
            e.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
        End If
    Next e
End Sub

Sub Formel_HGN()
    'Erstellt: 2010-06-12, Michael Gries
    'Zelle mit Seriennummer in HGN (8-stellig umwandeln
    'dabei kann es sich auch um einen Verweis auf eine andere Zelle handeln
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Long
    Dim e: Dim eV
    Dim sValue As String 'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row: eV = e.Value
        If (IsDate(eV)) Then GoTo Nextselection
        'If (IsNumeric(eV)) Then GoTo Nextselection
        sValue = eV
        Dim i As Integer: i = Len(sValue)
        If (i > 8) Then
           sValue = Right(sValue, 8)
        End If
        On Error Resume Next 'falls Text keine Zahl beinhaltet
        e.Value = CLng(sValue)
        On Error GoTo 0
    Next e
End Sub

Sub Formel_RTC()
Attribute Formel_RTC.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "N\n14"
    'Erstellt: 2010-05-31, Michael Gries
    'EPP V6 Kommando n liefert Zahlenwert in Form ddmmyyhhmmss
    'Prozedur dient zum umrechnen auf Initialisierungszeit
    Const csTitleInputbox As String = "Berechung: EPP V6 Initialisierungszeitpunkt"
    Const csParameterDefault As String = "000001123059"
    Dim sDate As String: Dim sTime As String
    Dim DD: Dim MMM: Dim YY: Dim hh: Dim mm: Dim ss
        YY = "1900": MMM = "01": DD = "00": hh = "00": mm = "00": ss = "00"
    Dim dPCtime As Date: dPCtime = Now
    Dim dV6init As Date: Dim dV6time As Date
    Dim sParameter As String
    Dim sComment As String
    sParameter = "Aktuelle Uhrzeit: " & dPCtime & vbCr & vbCr & "EPP V6 command n value ?"
    Dim sInput As String: Dim sConvert As String
    'ACHTUNG: folgende Umwandlung in englische Darstellung ist notwendig,
    'um die automatische Gebietsschema-Konvertierung bei FormulaR1C1 zu ermöglichen
    sConvert = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(sInput, ",", ".")
    Dim e
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim sValue As String
    'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    Dim sFormel As String
    Dim sTerm1 As String: Dim sTerm2 As String: Dim sTerm3 As String
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row
        sValue = Cells(iRow, iCol).Value
        If sValue <> "" Then 'dann keine Leerzeile
            sInput = sValue
'            sTerm1 = sValue
'            sTerm2 = sInput
'            sTerm3 = 1
            sInput = InputBox(sParameter, csTitleInputbox, csParameterDefault)
'            sTerm1 = sInput
'            sTerm2 = 1
'            sTerm3 = 1
        End If
        sComment = "PC-Time: " & Chr(10) & dPCtime & Chr(10) & _
                   "n-Command: " & Chr(10) & sInput
        Select Case Len(sInput)
        Case 0
        sComment = "keine Eingabe"
        Case 1 To 2
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        Case 3
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        mm = Mid(sInput, 1, 1)
        Case 4
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        mm = Mid(sInput, 1, 2)
        Case 5
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        mm = Mid(sInput, 2, 2)
        hh = Mid(sInput, 1, 1)
        Case 6
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        mm = Mid(sInput, 3, 2)
        hh = Mid(sInput, 1, 2)
        Case 12
        ss = Right(sInput, 2)
        mm = Mid(sInput, 9, 2)
        hh = Mid(sInput, 7, 2)
        DD = Mid(sInput, 5, 2)
        MMM = Mid(sInput, 3, 2)
        YY = "19" & Left(sInput, 2)
        Case 19
        sComment = "bereits Datum"
        Case Else
        sComment = "keine Tagangabe"
        End Select
        dV6time = DateSerial(YY, MMM, DD) + TimeSerial(hh, mm, ss)
        'sFormel = "=" & sTerm1 & "*" & sTerm2 & "*" & sTerm3
        'e.FormulaR1C1 = sFormel
        dV6init = dPCtime - dV6time + 1 'plus 1 ???
        e.Value = dV6init
        e.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
        With e 'für Kommentartext
            .Comment.Visible = False 'set true for viewing permanently
            .Comment.Text Text:=sComment
        End With
    Next e
End Sub

Function Get_Timestamp() As String
    'Trennt Datum und Uhrzeit durch Tabulator für effektivere Auswertung
    'z.B. durch Autofilter bei Excel. etc.
    'gewählte Datumsanzeige für flexiblere Sortierung
    Dim sLogDate As String: sLogDate = VBA.Format(VBA.Now, "yyyy-mm-dd")
    Dim sLogTime As String: sLogTime = VBA.FormatDateTime(VBA.Now, vbLongTime)
    Dim sLogHost As String: sLogHost = VBA.Environ("COMPUTERNAME") & "           -"
    Dim sLoginID As String: sLoginID = VBA.Environ("USERNAME") & "           -"
    sLogHost = Left(sLogHost, 14) 'set to fixed lenght due to tabulated text file structure
    sLoginID = Left(sLoginID, 11) 'set to fixed lenght due to tabulated text file structure
    Get_Timestamp = sLogDate & vbTab & sLogTime & vbTab & sLogHost & vbTab & sLoginID
End Function

Function Get_UserData() As String
    Dim sLogSheetName
    Dim sLogTitle As String:  Dim sLogTheme As String
    Dim sLogAuthor As String:  Dim sLogComment As String
    If Not ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
        With ActiveWorkbook
            sLogSheetName = .Name
            sLogTitle = .BuiltinDocumentProperties("TITLE")
            sLogTheme = .BuiltinDocumentProperties("SUBJECT")
            sLogAuthor = .BuiltinDocumentProperties("AUTHOR")
            sLogComment = .BuiltinDocumentProperties("COMMENTS")
        End With
    End If
    Get_UserData = vbTab & sLogSheetName & vbTab & sLogAuthor & _
                   vbTab & sLogTitle & vbTab & sLogTheme & vbTab & sLogComment
End Function

Function Get_UserFootprint() As String
    Dim sLogID As String: sLogID = VBA.Environ("USERNAME")
'    'MS Word 2003 spezifische Objekte
'    Dim sLogOS As String: sLogOS = System.OperatingSystem
'    Dim sLogPT As String: sLogPT = System.ProcessorType
'    Dim sLogHR As String: sLogHR = System.HorizontalResolution
'    Dim sLogVR As String: sLogVR = System.VerticalResolution
    Get_UserFootprint = vbTab & sLogID & vbTab & Modul_API_functions.ScreenResolution
'    & _
'                        sLogPT & "/" & sLogOS & vbTab & _
'                        sLogHR & "x" & sLogVR
End Function

Sub View_All_Sheets()
    'alle Tabellen einblenden (geht im Menü nur für jede Tabelle einzeln)
    Dim e
    For Each e In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        Debug.Print e.Name
        e.Visible = True
    Next e
End Sub

Sub Toggle_Comments()
Attribute Toggle_Comments.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "C\n14"
    '2006-01-19, M. Gries
    'Toggle Funktion zwischen
    Select Case Application.DisplayCommentIndicator
    Case xlNoIndicator
        Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
    Case xlCommentIndicatorOnly
        Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator
    Case xlCommentAndIndicator
        Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlNoIndicator
    End Select
End Sub

Sub Convert_WMF_Dateien()
    Const sTabellenname As String = "Übersicht"
    Const dWMFscale As Single = 2.5
    Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "Prüfstands-Diagramme (*.wmf;*.jpg),*.wmf;*.jpg"
    Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Prüfstands-Diagramme" _
                            & "   " & vbTab & "   " & sCopyright
    Dim Dateien As Variant
    Dim iDateien As Long: iDateien = 0 'Initialisierung
    Dim colChart As New Collection
    'Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    Dateien = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, FilterIndex:=0, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)
    If IsArray(Dateien) Then
        Dim lngTicks: lngTicks = Modul_API_functions.GetTickCount
        Application.Workbooks.Add  'Neue Excel Mappe erstellen
        ActiveSheet.Name = sTabellenname
        'Werte(Inhalte) für ActiveSheet dürfen nicht jetzt schon eingetragen
        'werden, da sonst die Diagramme mit default-Diagrammtyp Inhalten versehen
        For iDateien = LBound(Dateien) To UBound(Dateien)
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            'Charts.Add 'besser Sheets als Charts wegen Hyperlinkfunktionalität
            Sheets.Add After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sTabellenname)
            Dim sPicture: sPicture = Dateien(iDateien)
            Dim sName As String: sName = GetFilenameOfPath(sPicture, False)
            colChart.Add sName 'zur Sammlung hinzufügen
            'Debug.Print Charts.Count; sPicture, sName
            'With ActiveChart
            With ActiveSheet
                .Name = sName
                .Pictures.Insert (sPicture)
                '.SizeWithWindow = True
                With .Shapes(1)
                    .ScaleHeight dWMFscale, msoFalse
                    .ScaleWidth dWMFscale, msoFalse
                End With
            End With
            ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False
            ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Dim rÜberschrift As Range
            Set rÜberschrift = Worksheets(sTabellenname).Range("A3")
            rÜberschrift.offset(2 * iDateien, 0) = ActiveSheet.Name
            Worksheets(sTabellenname).Hyperlinks.Add _
                    Anchor:=rÜberschrift.offset(2 * iDateien, 0), _
                    Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ActiveSheet.Name & "'!A1", _
        Next iDateien
        With ActiveSheet
            .Tab.ColorIndex = 36
            With .Range("A1")
                .Value = "Übersicht"
                .Font.Size = 14
                .Font.Bold = True
                .Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
                .RowHeight = .RowHeight * 2
            End With
'            Dim I
'            For I = 1 To colChart.Count
'                With .Range("B" & (I * 3 + 1))
'                    .Value = VBA.CStr(colChart.Item(I))
'                    .Font.Size = 12
'                    .Font.Bold = True
'                    .Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
'                    .RowHeight = .RowHeight * 2
'               End With
'            Next I
        End With
        Debug.Print "Laufzeit: "; (GetTickCount - lngTicks); " ms"
    End If
End Sub

Function GetFilenameOfPath(ByVal sPath As String, ByVal bSuffix As Boolean) As String
    Const sDelimiter As String = "\"
    Dim sFile As String: Dim iLength As Integer: Dim iCharacters As Integer
    iLength = VBA.Len(sPath)
    iCharacters = iLength - VBA.InStrRev(sPath, sDelimiter)
    sFile = VBA.Right(sPath, iCharacters)
    If Not bSuffix Then
        sFile = VBA.Left(sFile, VBA.Len(sFile) - 4)
    End If
    'Update: 2006-09-08 Sheetname auf 31 Zeichen begrennzen falls Dateiname länger
    If VBA.Len(sFile) > 31 Then
        sFile = VBA.Left(sFile, 9) & "..." & VBA.Right(sFile, 19)
    End If
    GetFilenameOfPath = sFile
End Function

Sub Insert_SiemensVDOLogo()
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Statistik").Shapes("SiemensVDO Logo").Copy
    On Error GoTo Err:
    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Activate    'immer in erste Zelle da
                                        'Ausführung für Anwender nicht
                                        'per Rückgängig korrigierbar
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 91 Then 'Keine Mappe offen
        Resume 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub Insert_HypercomLogo()
    ThisWorkbook.Charts("Diagramme").Shapes("Hypercom Logo").Copy
    On Error GoTo Err:
    If Selection Is Nothing Then
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Activate    'immer in erste Zelle da
                                            'Ausführung für Anwender nicht
    End If                                  'per Rückgängig korrigierbar
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 91 Then 'Keine Mappe offen
        Resume 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub Insert_BBraun_Logo()
    On Error GoTo Err:
    If Selection Is Nothing Then
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Activate    'immer in erste Zelle da
                                            'Ausführung für Anwender nicht
    End If                                  'per Rückgängig korrigierbar
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 91 Then 'Keine Mappe offen
        Resume 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub Insert_VeriFoneLogo()
    On Error GoTo Err:
    If Selection Is Nothing Then
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Activate    'immer in erste Zelle da
                                            'Ausführung für Anwender nicht
    End If                                  'per Rückgängig korrigierbar
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 91 Then 'Keine Mappe offen
        Resume 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub SpaltenGruppieren()
    On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet.Outline
        .AutomaticStyles = False
        .SummaryRow = xlAbove
        .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
    End With
End Sub

Sub ZeilenGruppieren()
    On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet.Outline
        .AutomaticStyles = False
        .SummaryRow = xlAbove
        .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub AddInTest()
    Dim oAddIn As AddIn
    Dim sAddIn As String
'    sAddIn = "Asc_Quick_View.xla" 'Alternativ-Test
    sAddIn = "Gries.xla"
    For Each oAddIn In Application.AddIns
        Debug.Print UCase(oAddIn.Name)
        If UCase(oAddIn.Name) = UCase(sAddIn) Then
            MsgBox UCase(sAddIn) & " ist installiert!"
            Exit Sub
        End If
   MsgBox UCase(sAddIn) & " ist nicht installiert!"
End Sub

Sub GitternetzAnAus()
Attribute GitternetzAnAus.VB_Description = "G"
Attribute GitternetzAnAus.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "G\n14"
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = _
        Not Application.ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines
    With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
        .Controls("Gries").Controls("&Gitternetzlinien Aus")
        .State = Not .State
    End With
End Sub
Sub Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Applikation_Show()
    'Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Applikation True
    Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Quality True
End Sub

Sub Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Quality(bShow As Boolean)
    On Error GoTo LZF:

Dim sComments As String
sComments = "Global Quality, Qualitätsmanagement, QM"

Dim s As Worksheet
For Each s In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    sComments = sComments & ", " & s.Name
Next s

'Benutzerlogin ermitteln
Dim sBenutzerkennung As String
sBenutzerkennung = Modul_API_functions.GetUserLoginName

'Projektname unter VBA ändern (default: VBAProject)
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Name = "Applikation"

'zum Auslesen aller vorhandenen Built-In Dokument-Eigenschaften
'    Dim p
'    For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
'        Debug.Print p.Name
'    Next

'Dokument spezifische Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook 'ActiveWorkbook or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/ZUSAMMENFASSUNG
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 0)
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "VeriFone Germany GmbH"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Don Perkins"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "Michael Gries"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Quality"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = sComments
'   .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Hyperlink Base").Value = ""
    'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/STATISTIK
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = sBenutzerkennung
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision number").Value = 2
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Total Editing Time").Value = 15 'Minuten
End With

'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/ANPASSEN
'ACHTUNG: geht nur einmal pro Dokument; ggf. vorher löschen
With ActiveWorkbook
    On Error Resume Next
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Ansprechpartner", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Michael Gries"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Abteilung", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="QM"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Telefonnummer", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="-691"
End With

    Debug.Print "<<< CustomDocumentProperties >>>"
Dim e
For Each e In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
    Debug.Print e.Name & ": " & e.Value
Next e

With ActiveSheet
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Ersteller", Value:="Michael Gries"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="e-Mail", Value:=""
End With

    Debug.Print "<<< CustomProperties >>>"
For Each e In ActiveSheet.CustomProperties
    Debug.Print e.Name & ": " & e.Value
Next e

'Eigenschaften Dialog zwecks Überprüfung oder Änderung öffnen
If bShow Then
End If

Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
    If Err.Number = 91 Then
        MsgBox "Kein Arbeitsblatt ausgewählt"
    End If
    If Err.Number = 1004 Then
        If Err.Description Like "*programmatische*" Then
        '"Der programmatische Zugriff auf das Visual Basic-Projekt ist nicht sicher"
            MsgBox "Zur Ausführung des Makros: " & vbCr & vbCr & _
                "Unter Menu: Extras / Makros... / Sicherheit..." & vbCr & _
                "Register: ""Vertrauenswürdige Herausgeber""" & vbCr & _
                "Kontrollkästchen: ""Zugriff auf Visula Basic-Projekt vertrauen"" aktivieren", _
                    Title:="Makro: Dokumenteigenschaften hinzufügen"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Applikation(bShow As Boolean)
    On Error GoTo LZF:

Dim sComments As String
sComments = "Applikation, Kraftstoffpumpe"

Dim s As Worksheet
For Each s In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    sComments = sComments & ", " & s.Name
Next s

'Benutzerlogin ermitteln
Dim sBenutzerkennung As String
sBenutzerkennung = Modul_API_functions.GetUserLoginName

'Projektname unter VBA ändern (default: VBAProject)
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Name = "Applikation"

'zum Auslesen aller vorhandenen Built-In Dokument-Eigenschaften
'    Dim p
'    For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
'        Debug.Print p.Name
'    Next

'Dokument spezifische Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook 'ActiveWorkbook or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/ZUSAMMENFASSUNG
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 0)
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "Siemens VDO"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Bernd Wehrum"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "Michael Gries"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Applikation"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = sComments
'   .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Hyperlink Base").Value = ""
    'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/STATISTIK
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = sBenutzerkennung
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision number").Value = 2
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Total Editing Time").Value = 15 'Minuten
End With

'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/ANPASSEN
'ACHTUNG: geht nur einmal pro Dokument; ggf. vorher löschen
With ActiveWorkbook
    On Error Resume Next
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Ansprechpartner", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=sBenutzerkennung
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Abteilung", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="FS RD BBE D"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Telefonnummer", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="-770"
End With

    Debug.Print "<<< CustomDocumentProperties >>>"
Dim e
For Each e In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
    Debug.Print e.Name & ": " & e.Value
Next e

With ActiveSheet
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Ersteller", Value:="M. Gries"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="e-Mail", Value:=""
End With

    Debug.Print "<<< CustomProperties >>>"
For Each e In ActiveSheet.CustomProperties
    Debug.Print e.Name & ": " & e.Value
Next e

'Eigenschaften Dialog zwecks Überprüfung oder Änderung öffnen
If bShow Then
End If

Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
    If Err.Number = 91 Then
        MsgBox "Kein Arbeitsblatt ausgewählt"
    End If
    If Err.Number = 1004 Then
        If Err.Description Like "*programmatische*" Then
        '"Der programmatische Zugriff auf das Visual Basic-Projekt ist nicht sicher"
            MsgBox "Zur Ausführung des Makros: " & vbCr & vbCr & _
                "Unter Menu: Extras / Makros... / Sicherheit..." & vbCr & _
                "Register: ""Vertrauenswürdige Herausgeber""" & vbCr & _
                "Kontrollkästchen: ""Zugriff auf Visula Basic-Projekt vertrauen"" aktivieren", _
                    Title:="Makro: Dokumenteigenschaften hinzufügen"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2007-07-29: aus irgendeinem VBA Forum
Sub Sort_Ply()
    Dim Tabellenblattanzahl As Integer
    Dim Erste_Schleife As Integer, Zweite_Schleife As Integer
    Tabellenblattanzahl = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
    For Erste_Schleife = 1 To Tabellenblattanzahl
        For Zweite_Schleife = Erste_Schleife To Tabellenblattanzahl
            If Worksheets(Zweite_Schleife).Name < Worksheets(Erste_Schleife).Name Then
                Worksheets(Zweite_Schleife).Move Before:=Worksheets(Erste_Schleife)
            End If
        Next Zweite_Schleife
    Next Erste_Schleife
End Sub

Sub getUserStatus()
    Dim users
    Dim row
    users = ActiveWorkbook.UserStatus
    With Workbooks.Add.Sheets(1)
        For row = 1 To UBound(users, 1)
            .Cells(row, 1) = users(row, 1)
            .Cells(row, 2) = users(row, 2)
            Select Case users(row, 3)
                Case 1
                    .Cells(row, 3).Value = "Exclusive"
                Case 2
                    .Cells(row, 3).Value = "Shared"
            End Select
    End With
End Sub

Sub SaveAsMultiUserEditing()
    If Not ActiveWorkbook.MultiUserEditing Then
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.FullName, _
        ActiveWorkbook.AutoUpdateFrequency = 5
    End If
    Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.AutoUpdateFrequency
End Sub

Sub ShowConfictHistory()
    If ActiveWorkbook.MultiUserEditing Then
        ActiveWorkbook.ShowConflictHistory = True
    End If
End Sub

Sub Windows_Rechner()
Attribute Windows_Rechner.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "R\n14"
    Dim lTaskID
    lTaskID = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\system32\CALC.EXE", 1)
    'lTaskID = Shell("net send Michael Test")
    Debug.Print lTaskID
    On Error Resume Next
    'Tastenkombination zuordnen
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Windows_Rechner", _
        HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="R"
End Sub

'Hilfsprozedur zum ermitteln des Colorindex Wertes
Private Sub Farbtabelle()
Dim bfarbe As Byte
Application.Workbooks.Add 'in neuer Mappe anzeigen

For bfarbe = 2 To 57
If bfarbe < 30 Then
    Cells(bfarbe, 1) = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe, 3).Font.ColorIndex = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe, 3) = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe - 28, 5) = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe - 28, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe - 28, 7).Font.ColorIndex = bfarbe - 1
    Cells(bfarbe - 28, 7) = bfarbe - 1
End If
Next bfarbe
End Sub

Sub SetColor_Siemens_Petrol()
    'Erstellung: 2006-04-26
    'Const iIndexBlaugrün As Integer = 14 'default Farbwert 14 ist 'Blaugrün'
    Const iIndexAquamarin As Integer = 42 'default Farbwert 42 ist 'Aquamarin'
    Dim iIndexPetrol As Integer: iIndexPetrol = iIndexAquamarin
    'Petrol: Pantone 321; CMYK 100, 0, 40, 0; RGB 0, 164, 187
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(iIndexPetrol) = RGB(0, 164, 187)
    Range("A2").Interior.ColorIndex = iIndexPetrol
End Sub

Sub SetColor_VDO_blue()
    'Erstellung: 2006-04-26
    Const iIndexDunkelblau As Integer = 11 'default Farbwert 11 ist 'Dunkelblau'
    Dim iIndexBlue As Integer: iIndexBlue = iIndexDunkelblau
    'Blue: Pantone 287; CMYK 100, 69, 0, 11; RGB 35, 77, 150
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(iIndexBlue) = RGB(35, 77, 150)
    Range("B2").Interior.ColorIndex = iIndexBlue
End Sub

Sub SetColor_Thales_blue()
    'Erstellung: 2008
    Const iIndexDunkelblau As Integer = 11 'default Farbwert 11 ist 'Dunkelblau'
    Dim iIndexBlue As Integer: iIndexBlue = iIndexDunkelblau
    'Blue: Pantone 287; CMYK 100, 69, 0, 11; RGB 35, 77, 150
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(iIndexBlue) = RGB(35, 77, 150)
    Range("B2").Interior.ColorIndex = iIndexBlue
End Sub

Sub SetColor_Hypercom_blue()
    'Entsprechend Hypercom Corporate Indentity Guide Version 1.1'
    'siehe auch Auszug Coporate Colors im Chart Diagramme
    Const iIndexBlaugrün As Integer = 14 'default Farbwert 14 ist 'Blaugrün'
    Dim iIndexBlue As Integer: iIndexBlue = iIndexBlaugrün
    'Blue: PMS 654; CMYK 100,73,10,48; RGB 0,44,95; HTML 00C25F
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(iIndexBlue) = RGB(0, 44, 95)
    Dim e
    For Each e In Selection
        e.Interior.ColorIndex = iIndexBlue
    Next e
End Sub

Sub SetColor_Hypercom_Grey()
    'Entsprechend Hypercom Corporate Indentity Guide Version 1.1'
    'siehe auch Auszug Coporate Colors im Chart Diagramme
    Const iIndexDunkelblau As Integer = 11 'default Farbwert 11 ist 'Dunkelblau'
    Dim iIndexGrey As Integer: iIndexGrey = iIndexDunkelblau
    'Grey: PMS Cool Grey 8; CMYK 23,17,13,41; RGB 139,141,142; HTML 8B8D8E
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(iIndexGrey) = RGB(139, 141, 142)
    Dim e
    For Each e In Selection
        e.Interior.ColorIndex = iIndexGrey
    Next e
End Sub

'Hilfsprozedur zum Auslesen aller vorhandenen Built-In Dokument-Eigenschaften
Private Sub BuiltIn_Properties()

    Dim p
    For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
        Debug.Print p.Name

End Sub

Private Sub Test_SendKeys()
    Dim AnwRechner, i
    AnwRechner = Shell("CALC.EXE", 1)    ' Rechner starten.
    AppActivate AnwRechner     ' Rechner aktivieren.
    For i = 1 To 10    ' Zählschleife beginnen.
        SendKeys i & "{+}", True    ' Tastenanschläge senden, um die
        SystemBeep 20000, 100 'nicht hörbar als Pause
    Next i    ' Werte von I zu addieren.
    SendKeys "=", True    ' Gesamtsumme abrufen.
    'SendKeys "%{F4}", True    ' Rechner mit ALT+F4 beenden.
End Sub

Sub Test_Timer()
    'Dim VBATimer As New Klasse_Zeitgeber 'Name des Klassenmoduls
    'Set VBATimer.VBA_Timer = 1
End Sub

Public Sub Add_To_Statistics()
   Dim iCounter As Integer

With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = "C:\Temp\Statistik"
    .SearchSubFolders = True
    .Filename = "Statistik*.xls"
    .MatchTextExactly = False
    '.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
          For iCounter = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
         Cells(iCounter + 1, 1).Value = Dir(.FoundFiles(iCounter))
      Next iCounter

End With

End Sub

Sub DauerlaufMessung()
Attribute DauerlaufMessung.VB_Description = "E"
Attribute DauerlaufMessung.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "E\n14"
    Const csHomeUser As String = "Michael"
    Const csFilename As String = "SchnelleMessung.xls"
    Const csHomeServer As String = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Michael\"
    Const csHomePath As String = "Eigene Dateien\"
    Const csOfficeServer As String = "\\bber021a\did82006\"
    Const csOfficePath As String = "KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\"
    Dim sServer As String: Dim sPath As String: Dim sFile As String
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    If strUserName = csHomeUser Then
        sServer = csHomeServer: sPath = csHomePath
        sServer = csOfficeServer: sPath = csOfficePath
    End If
    Application.Run sServer & sPath & "SchnelleMessung.xls!Convert_Diadem_File_DL"
End Sub

Sub SchnelleMessung()
Attribute SchnelleMessung.VB_Description = "F"
Attribute SchnelleMessung.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "F\n14"
    Const csHomeUser As String = "Michael"
    Const csFilename As String = "SchnelleMessung.xls"
    Const csHomeServer As String = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Michael\"
    Const csHomePath As String = "Eigene Dateien\"
    Const csOfficeServer As String = "\\bber021a\did82006\"
    Const csOfficePath As String = "KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\"
    Dim sServer As String: Dim sPath As String: Dim sFile As String
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    If strUserName = csHomeUser Then
        sServer = csHomeServer: sPath = csHomePath: sFile = csFilename
        sServer = csOfficeServer: sPath = csOfficePath: sFile = csFilename
    End If
    Application.Run sServer & sPath & csFilename & "!Convert_ASC_File_SM"
'    If AddIns("Schnellemessung").Installed = True Then
'        Application.Run "SchnelleMessung.xla!Convert_ASC_File_SM"
'    Else
'        AddIns.Add Filename:=sServer & sPath & sFile  'AddIn Öffnen"
'        Application.Run "SchnelleMessung.xla!Convert_ASC_File_SM"
'    End If
End Sub

'hier nur als Info; folgende Prozedur muss in die jeweilige Tabelle kopiert werden
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange _
            (ByVal TargetRow As Range)
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Sub AddEventZeilenweiseMarkieren()
   Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
   Dim LineNum As Long
   Set VBCodeMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject. _

   With VBCodeMod
       LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
       .InsertLines LineNum, _
    "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal TargetRow As Range)" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "Application.EnableEvents = False" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "Rows(TargetRow.row).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "TargetRow.Activate" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "Application.EnableEvents = True" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "End Sub"
   End With

End Sub

Sub AddEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern()
    Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
    Dim LineNum As Long
    Dim sActSheet As String
    Dim sActBook As String
    On Error Resume Next 'falls keine Mappe offen
    Debug.Print ActiveWindow.Name
    Debug.Print ActiveWindow.Panes.Count
    Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Name
    sActBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    Debug.Print ActiveWindow.ActiveSheet.Name
    Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Name
    Debug.Print ActiveSheet.CodeName
    sActSheet = ActiveSheet.CodeName
    'nachfolgende IF-Routine als Workaround, fall ActiveSheet nicht erkannt
    If sActSheet = "" Then
        ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True 'sicherstellen:
            'Registerblatt sollte für Inputbox sichtbar sein
        sActSheet = InputBox("Tabellennamen (s.u.) angeben", "Excel: Makro(Gries) Zeilen-Cursor setzen")
        sActSheet = ActiveSheet.CodeName
    End If
    Set VBCodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject. _
    'Debug.Print Application.VBE.CodePanes(1).CodeModule.Lines(1, 4)
    Debug.Print VBCodeMod.Lines(1, 4)
    'If Not VBCodeMod.Find("AddEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern", 12, 1, 12, 1) Then
    'If VBCodeMod.CountOfLines < 3 Then
    On Error GoTo NoEventDetected
    LineNum = VBCodeMod.ProcBodyLine("Worksheet_SelectionChange", vbext_pk_Proc)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If LineNum <> 0 Then GoTo EventAlreadyExits
    With VBCodeMod
        LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
        .InsertLines LineNum, _
    "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal TargetRow As Range)" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "   'AddEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern auto generated by AddIn Gries.xla; (c)2006 M. Gries" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "   Application.EnableEvents = False" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "   Rows(TargetRow.row).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "   TargetRow.Activate" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "   Application.EnableEvents = True" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
    "End Sub"
    End With
    'End If
End Sub

Sub RemoveEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern()
    Const lNoOfCodeLines As Long = 7
    Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
    Dim LineNum As Long
    Dim sActSheet As String
    sActSheet = ActiveSheet.CodeName
    If sActSheet = "" Then GoTo NoEventDetected
    Set VBCodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject. _
    Debug.Print VBCodeMod.Lines(1, 7)
    On Error GoTo NoEventDetected
    LineNum = VBCodeMod.ProcBodyLine("Worksheet_SelectionChange", vbext_pk_Proc)
    VBCodeMod.DeleteLines LineNum, lNoOfCodeLines
End Sub

'2011-01-29 Zusammenfassung für Hypercom, PM, Peter Florack
Sub CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessSerialNumbers()
    Call CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers
    Call CognosReports_MultipleSerialNumbers
End Sub

'2011-03-05 Zusammenfassung für Hypercom, S&R, Falk Stolle
Sub CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessRepairOrders()
    Call CognosReports_MarkDoubleRepairOrders
    Call CognosReports_MultipleRepairOrders
End Sub

Sub CognosReports_MarkDoubleRepairOrders()
    '2010-12-25 Sortiert Repair Order und markiert doppelte in separater Spalte
    Const csCriteria = "Repair Order"
    Const csColumnNew = "ROx"
    Dim lRow As Long: Dim iColumn As Integer
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    Dim c: Set c = Selection.Find(csCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        'Debug.Print c.Address
        lRow = c.row: iColumn = c.Column
        lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        'Sortierung zuerst
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Cells(lRow, iColumn), Order1:=xlAscending, _
            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        'Spalten kopieren
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        Columns(iColumn + 1).EntireColumn.Select
        Cells(lRow, iColumn + 1).Select
        Selection.Value = csColumnNew
        Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
        Dim sSN1 As String: Dim sSN2 As String
        Dim sSNmark As String: Dim sSNmarkLen As Integer: Dim iSNcount As Integer
        Dim l As Long
        For l = lRow + 1 To lRowLastUsed
            sSN1 = Cells(l, iColumn)
            sSN2 = Cells(l + 1, iColumn)
            sSNmark = Cells(l, iColumn + 1)
            If sSN1 = sSN2 Then
                If sSNmark = "" Then
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "1x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                    sSNmarkLen = VBA.Strings.Len(sSNmark)
                    sSNmark = Left(sSNmark, sSNmarkLen - 1)
                    iSNcount = VBA.CInt(sSNmark)
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = iSNcount & "x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = iSNcount + 1 & "x"
                End If
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn + 1)
            '.ColumnWidth = 40
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub CognosReports_MultipleRepairOrders()
    'ähnlich 2011-01-16 erweitert CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers
    Const csCriteria = "ROx"
    Const csColumnNew = "RO Rx"
    Dim lRow As Long: Dim iColumn As Integer
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    Dim c: Set c = Selection.Find(csCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        'Debug.Print c.Address
        lRow = c.row: iColumn = c.Column
        lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn).End(xlUp).row
        'Sortierung zuerst
'        c.CurrentRegion.Select
'        Selection.Sort Key1:=Cells(lRow, iColumn), Order1:=xlAscending, _
'            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
'            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        'Spalten kopieren
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        Columns(iColumn + 1).EntireColumn.Select
        Cells(lRow, iColumn + 1).Select
        Selection.Value = csColumnNew
        Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
        Dim sRO1 As String: Dim sRO2 As String
        Dim sRO2Len As Integer: Dim iRO2count As Integer
        Dim l As Long
        For l = lRow + 2 To lRowLastUsed
            sRO1 = Cells(l - 1, iColumn)
            sRO2 = Cells(l, iColumn)
            If Not sRO1 = sRO2 Then
                sRO2Len = VBA.Strings.Len(sRO2)
                sRO2 = Left(sRO2, sRO2Len - 1)
                iRO2count = VBA.CInt(sRO2)
                Dim r As Long
                For r = 0 To iRO2count - 1
                    Cells(l - r, iColumn + 1) = "R" & iRO2count
                Next r
            End If
'                Select Case sSN2
'                Case ""
'                    'nothing - since after 2x,3x, ...
'                Case "1x"
'                    'nothing - since after 2x,3x, ...
'                Case "2x"
'                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "R2"
'                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "R2"
'                Case "3x"
'                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "R3"
'                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "R3"
'                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "R3"
'                Case "4x"
'                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "R4"
'                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "R4"
'                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "R4"
'                    Cells(l - 2, iColumn + 1) = "R4"
'                Case "5x"
'                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "R5"
'                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "R5"
'                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "R5"
'                    Cells(l - 2, iColumn + 1) = "R5"
'                    Cells(l - 3, iColumn + 1) = "R5"
'                Case Else
'                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "unknown"
'                End Select
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn + 1)
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers()
    '2010-12-25 Sortiert S/N und markiert dopplete in separater Spalte
    Const csCriteria = "Serial"
    Const csColumnNew = "S/Nx"
    Dim lRow As Long: Dim iColumn As Integer
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    Dim c: Set c = Selection.Find(csCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        'Debug.Print c.Address
        lRow = c.row: iColumn = c.Column
        lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        'Sortierung zuerst
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Cells(lRow, iColumn), Order1:=xlAscending, _
            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        'Spalten kopieren
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        Columns(iColumn + 1).EntireColumn.Select
        Cells(lRow, iColumn + 1).Select
        Selection.Value = csColumnNew
        Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
        Dim sSN1 As String: Dim sSN2 As String
        Dim sSNmark As String
        Dim l As Long
        For l = lRow + 1 To lRowLastUsed
            sSN1 = Cells(l, iColumn)
            sSN2 = Cells(l + 1, iColumn)
            sSNmark = Cells(l, iColumn + 1)
            If sSN1 = sSN2 Then
                Select Case sSNmark
                Case ""
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "1x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                Case "2x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                Case "3x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                Case "4x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                Case "5x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "6x"
                Case Else
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "unknown"
                End Select
                Select Case sSNmark
                Case ""
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "1x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "2x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "3x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "4x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "5x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case Else
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "else unknown"
                End Select
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn + 1)
            '.ColumnWidth = 40
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub CognosReports_MultipleSerialNumbers()
    '2011-01-16 erweitert CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers
    Const csCriteria = "S/Nx"
    Const csColumnNew = "S/N Mx"
    Dim lRow As Long: Dim iColumn As Integer
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    Dim c: Set c = Selection.Find(csCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        'Debug.Print c.Address
        lRow = c.row: iColumn = c.Column
        lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn).End(xlUp).row
        'Sortierung zuerst
'        c.CurrentRegion.Select
'        Selection.Sort Key1:=Cells(lRow, iColumn), Order1:=xlAscending, _
'            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
'            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        'Spalten kopieren
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        Columns(iColumn + 1).EntireColumn.Select
        Cells(lRow, iColumn + 1).Select
        Selection.Value = csColumnNew
        Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
        Dim sSN1 As String: Dim sSN2 As String
        Dim sSNmark As String
        Dim l As Long
        For l = lRow + 1 To lRowLastUsed
            sSN1 = Cells(l, iColumn)
            sSN2 = Cells(l + 1, iColumn)
            'sSNmark = Cells(l, iColumn)
            If Not sSN1 = sSN2 Then
                Select Case sSN2
                Case ""
                    'nothing - since after 2x,3x, ...
                Case "1x"
                    'nothing - since after 2x,3x, ...
                Case "2x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "M2"
                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "M2"
                Case "3x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "M3"
                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "M3"
                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "M3"
                Case "4x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "M4"
                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "M4"
                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "M4"
                    Cells(l - 2, iColumn + 1) = "M4"
                Case "5x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "M5"
                    Cells(l + 0, iColumn + 1) = "M5"
                    Cells(l - 1, iColumn + 1) = "M5"
                    Cells(l - 2, iColumn + 1) = "M5"
                    Cells(l - 3, iColumn + 1) = "M5"
                Case Else
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "unknown"
                End Select
                Select Case sSNmark
                Case Else
                    'Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "else unknown"
                End Select
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn + 1)
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub Set_Autofilter()
    '2010-06-12 (original version see Set_Autofilter_Musterbau)
    On Error GoTo LZF1004
    With ActiveSheet
        .AutoFilterMode = False 'Autofilter zurücksetzen
        Dim iColor As Integer: iColor = Selection.Interior.ColorIndex
        Dim lRow As Long
        lRow = Selection.row
        With .Rows(lRow)
            .RowHeight = .RowHeight + 12
            .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            '.AutoFilter 'liefert an dieser Stelle manchmal mehr Spalten
            Dim iLastCol: iLastCol = .CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
        End With
        .Range(Cells(lRow, 1), Cells(lRow, iLastCol)).AutoFilter
        If (iColor = xlNone) Then
            .Range(Cells(lRow, 1), Cells(lRow, iLastCol)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'hellgrau
            .Range(Cells(lRow, 1), Cells(lRow, iLastCol)).Font.Bold = True
        End If
        'Fenster fixieren
        With ActiveWindow
            .SplitRow = lRow
            .FreezePanes = True
        End With
    End With
    GoTo Final
    'Laufzeitfehler 1004
    'z.B. wenn leeres Blatt oder leere Zeile
    Debug.Print "ERROR: ", Err.Number, Err.Description
    MsgBox ("Gries.xla Laufzeitfehler")
End Sub

Sub Format_Status()
    'Erstellt: 2006-09-09, M. Gries
    'verwendet Menü Daten/Gültigkeitsregeln/Einstellungen-Liste
    Const csTitle As String = "Status"
    Const csListe As String = "grün,gelb,rot"
    With Selection.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertWarning, _
            Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=csListe
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = csTitle
        .ErrorTitle = csTitle
        .InputMessage = csListe
        .ErrorMessage = "nur " & csListe & " möglich"
        .ShowInput = True
        .ShowError = True
    End With
    'bedingte Formatierung anwenden
    Const csCond1Text      As String = "grün"
    Const csCond2Text      As String = "gelb"
    Const csCond3Text      As String = "rot"
    Const ciCond1BackColor As Integer = 4 'green
    Const ciCond2BackColor As Integer = 6 'yellow
    Const ciCond3BackColor As Integer = 3 'red
    Const ciCond1FondColor As Integer = 1 'black for green
    Const ciCond2FondColor As Integer = 1 'black for yellow
    Const ciCond3FondColor As Integer = 2 'white for red
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter: .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond1Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond1BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(1).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond1FondColor
        End With
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond2Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond2BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(2).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond2FondColor
        End With
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond3Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond3BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(3).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond3FondColor
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Sub Format_Testresult()
    'Erstellt: 2010-07-22, Michael Gries
    'verwendet Menü Daten/Gültigkeitsregeln/Einstellungen-Liste
    Const csTitle As String = "Testresult"
    Const csListe As String = "PASS,NOT_TESTED,FAIL"
    With Selection.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertWarning, _
            Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=csListe
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = csTitle
        .ErrorTitle = csTitle
        .InputMessage = csListe
        .ErrorMessage = "nur " & csListe & " möglich"
        .ShowInput = True
        .ShowError = True
    End With
    'bedingte Formatierung anwenden
    Const csCond1Text      As String = "PASS"
    Const csCond2Text      As String = "NOT_TESTED"
    Const csCond3Text      As String = "FAIL"
    Const ciCond1BackColor As Integer = 4 'green
    Const ciCond2BackColor As Integer = 6 'yellow
    Const ciCond3BackColor As Integer = 3 'red
    Const ciCond1FondColor As Integer = 1 'black for green
    Const ciCond2FondColor As Integer = 1 'black for yellow
    Const ciCond3FondColor As Integer = 2 'white for red
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter: .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond1Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond1BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(1).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond1FondColor
        End With
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond2Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond2BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(2).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond2FondColor
        End With
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
            Formula1:="=""" & csCond3Text & """"
        .FormatConditions(3).Interior.ColorIndex = ciCond3BackColor
        With .FormatConditions(3).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Italic = False
            .ColorIndex = ciCond3FondColor
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Sub Format_Mitarbeiter()
    'Erstellt: 2006-09-09, M. Gries
    'Erstellt: 2009-11-27, Michael Gries, Hypercom
    'Letzte Änderung; 2010-07-01
    'verwendet Menü Daten/Gültigkeitsregeln/Einstellungen-Liste
    Const csTitle As String = "Bearbeiter"
    'Const csListe As String = "Wehrum,Constantin,Gries,Meiser,Rademacher,Staab"
    Const csListeLN As String = "Gries,Müller,Poroffscheck,Raschke,Tonko"
    Const csListe As String = "Michael Gries,Bernd Poroffscheck,Marco Müller,Anne-Katrin Raschke"
    With Selection.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertWarning, _
            Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=csListe, Formula2:="Gries"
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = csTitle
        .ErrorTitle = csTitle
        .InputMessage = csListe
        .ErrorMessage = "nur " & csListe & " möglich"
        .ShowInput = False '=false wegen schlechten Zeilenumbruch
        .ShowError = False '=false für andere "Bearbeiter"
    End With
End Sub

Sub Add_Shape()
    Const xPixel As Integer = 100
    Const yPixel As Integer = 100
    Const xSize As Integer = 120
    Const ySize As Integer = 80
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, xPixel, yPixel, xSize, ySize).Select
    With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill
        .Visible = msoFalse
        .Transparency = 1# 'entspricht 100%
    End With
    With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
        .Weight = 4#
        .DashStyle = msoLineSolid
        .Style = msoLineSingle
        .Transparency = 0#
        .Visible = msoTrue
        .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10
        .BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With
    'Auswahl als Formen Standard festlegen
End Sub

Sub Add_CustomLists()
    'Erstellt: 2006-09-09, M. Gries
    'fügt neue Listen hinzu unter Menü Extras/Optionen/Benutzerdefinierte Listen
    'Letzte Änderung; 2010-05-10
    'Application.AddCustomList _
    '    ListArray:=Array("Wehrum", "Constantin", "Gries", "Meiser", "Rademacher", "Staab")
    'Application.AddCustomList _
    '    ListArray:=Array("Lenz", "Lotz", "Schmidt", "Warnke", "Zöll")
    Application.AddCustomList _
        ListArray:=Array("Walter Tonko", "Michael Gries", "Bernd Poroffscheck", "Marco Müller", "Anne-Katrin Raschke")
End Sub

Public Function Wochen(iWochen As Integer) As Date
    'fügt Anzahl Wochen zum aktuellen Datum hinzu
    Debug.Print Selection.Address
    Debug.Print Selection.Value
    Wochen = VBA.Now + (iWochen * 7)
    Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
End Function

Sub Outlook_Notiz()
    'VBA-Zugriff auf Outlook.
    'Anwendung: z.B. wenn Activecell Hyperlink ist
    Dim olApp As Object, oNewNote As Object
    Dim sNoteText As String
    sNoteText = "TEST"
    If olApp Is Nothing Then
        Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    End If
    Set oNewNote = olApp.CreateItem(outlook.olNoteItem)
    With oNewNote
        .body = sNoteText
        .Color = outlook.olBlue
        '.Close (olSave)
    End With
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set oNewNote = Nothing
End Sub

'used for correction MS Symbolic Link (SYLN-) files created by Diagnose_DB Tool
'SYLN-Files started with two characters 'ID' e.g. 'ID_DiagnosticsSet'
Sub TestReplaceTextInFile()
    ReplaceTextInFile ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ReplaceInTextFile.csv", "ID_DiagnosticsSet", "'ID_DiagnosticsSet"
    'ReplaceTextInFile ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ReplaceInTextFile.txt", "|", ";"
    'replaces all pipe-characters (|) with semicolons (;)
End Sub

'The macros below can be used to replace text in a text file, e.g. when you want to change a column
'separator in a text file before you import it into an Excel worksheet or after you export a worksheet to a text file.
Sub ReplaceTextInFile(SourceFile As String, sText As String, rText As String)
    Dim TargetFile As String, tLine As String, tString As String
    Dim p As Integer, i As Long, F1 As Integer, F2 As Integer
    TargetFile = "RESULT.TMP"
    If Dir(SourceFile) = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Dir(TargetFile) <> "" Then
        On Error Resume Next
        Kill TargetFile
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Dir(TargetFile) <> "" Then
            MsgBox TargetFile & _
                " already open, close and delete / rename the file and try again.", _
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    F1 = FreeFile
    Open SourceFile For Input As F1
    F2 = FreeFile
    Open TargetFile For Output As F2
    i = 1 ' line counter
    Application.StatusBar = "Reading data from " & _
        TargetFile & " ..."
    While Not EOF(F1)
        If i Mod 100 = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = _
            "Reading line #" & i & " in " & _
            TargetFile & " ..."
        Line Input #F1, tLine
        If sText <> "" Then
            ReplaceTextInString tLine, sText, rText
        End If
        Print #F2, tLine
        i = i + 1
    Application.StatusBar = "Closing files ..."
    Close F1
    Close F2
    Kill SourceFile ' delete original file
    Name TargetFile As SourceFile ' rename temporary file
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceTextInString(SourceString As String, _
    SearchString As String, ReplaceString As String)
Dim p As Integer, NewString As String
        p = InStr(p + 1, UCase(SourceString), UCase(SearchString))
        If p > 0 Then ' replace SearchString with ReplaceString
            NewString = ""
            If p > 1 Then NewString = Mid(SourceString, 1, p - 1)
            NewString = NewString + ReplaceString
            NewString = NewString + Mid(SourceString, _
                p + Len(SearchString), Len(SourceString))
            p = p + Len(ReplaceString) - 1
            SourceString = NewString
        End If
        If p >= Len(NewString) Then p = 0
    Loop Until p = 0
End Sub

'Internet Explorer: private Homepage hinzufügen (wird von VeriFone profile ständig gelöscht)
Sub SecondaryStartPages()
    Const IEpath = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Secondary Start Pages"
    Const IEvalue = ""
    RegWrite IEpath, IEvalue
End Sub

'Screensaver ändern (wird von VeriFone profile ständig gesetzt)
Sub ScreenSaverIsSecure()
    Const IEpath = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop\ScreenSaverIsSecure"
    Const IEvalue = "0"
    RegWrite IEpath, IEvalue
End Sub

' Schreibt den Wert aus "Value" als den Typ aus "Typ"
' in den in "Path" angegebenen Schlüssel
Public Function RegWrite(ByVal Path As String, _
    ByVal Value As String, _
    Optional ByVal Typ As String = "REG_SZ") As Boolean
    Dim ws As Object
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ws.RegWrite Path, Value, Typ
    RegWrite = True
    Exit Function
  RegWrite = False
End Function

Attribute VB_Name = "Menüs_Applikation"
Option Explicit
'(c)2005, Michael Gries

'Update 2011-01-11
Function Check_User_Applikation() As Boolean
    Debug.Print GetEnvironComputername
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add True, "Michael"  'Privat
    cUser.Add True, "MichaelG12"  'Privat
    cUser.Add True, "Stefanie"  'Privat
    cUser.Add True, "mgries"     'Michael Gries
    cUser.Add True, "Hypercom"     'Michael Gries
    cUser.Add True, "bporoffsche"  'Bernd Poroffscheck
    cUser.Add True, "mmueller"  'Marco Müller
    cUser.Add True, "araschke"  'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
    cUser.Add True, "pflorack"  'Peter Florack
'    cUser.Add False, "Kleinwächter"  'Jörg Kleinwächter
'    cUser.Add False, "wtonko"  'Walter Tonko
'    cUser.Add True, "snuhn"  'Sascha Nuhn
'    cUser.Add True, "jhenningsen"  'Jennifer Hennigsen
'    cUser.Add True, "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
'    cUser.Add True, "mblasl"  'Michael Blasl
'    cUser.Add True, "fstolle"  'Falk Stolle
    On Error GoTo Err
    Check_User_Applikation = cUser(strUserName)
    Exit Function
    Check_User_Applikation = False
End Function

Sub ApplikationsMenüErstellen()
If Check_User_Applikation Then
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim CB_App As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_UApp As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_Upopup As CommandBarControl
    Const csAppMenuTitle = "&Quality"

Dim MB As CommandBarControl
'Set MB = Application.CommandBars("System").Controls.Add
'    With MB
'         .Caption = "zu Favoriten hinzufügen"
'         .OnAction = "LinkToFavorites"
'         .BeginGroup = True
'    End With
'Set MB = Application.CommandBars("Ply").Controls.Add
'    With MB
'         .Caption = "Zellbereich freigeben"
'         .OnAction = "ClearScrollArea"
'         .BeginGroup = True
'    End With
Set MB = Nothing

'Applikationsmenu anlegen
'Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Reset
'Alternativ (alle  Einträge werden nicht entfernt)
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
i = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Count
'j = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls(i).Index
'Alternativ: vor Hilfe (?) Untermenü
j = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("?").Index
Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
            (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=j)
    CB_App.Caption = csAppMenuTitle
'Applikations Untermenu erstellen

'Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'    With CB_UApp
'        .Caption = "Anfragen Übersicht"
'        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'        .FaceId = 80 'großes A
'        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
'        .TooltipText = "G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Entwicklung\Anfragen\!Anfragenübersicht.xls"
'        .BeginGroup = True
'    End With
'Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'    With CB_UApp
'        .Caption = "Klarstellungen Übersicht"
'        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'        .FaceId = 90 'großes K oder 36 Filmstreifen
'        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
'        '.TooltipText = ""
'        '.TooltipText = "G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Entwicklung\Klarstellungen\!Vorlagen\Klarstellungen.xls"
'        .TooltipText = "G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Public_K\KP_Aufwandsabschaetzung\Aufträge&Klarstellungen\Klarstellungen.xls"
'        .BeginGroup = False
'    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Autofilter"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Set_Autofilter"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 370
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Formeln"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: Jahr-Monat (date type)"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonth"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: Jahr-Monat-Tag (date type)"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonthDay"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: HGN (8-stellig)"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_HGN"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: EPP V6 - RTC (command n)"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_RTC"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "PPM-Performance (WN)"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 95 'großes P
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        .TooltipText = "monatliche Trendbetrachtung WN"
        .TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\PPM-Performance.xls"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Übersicht Warenrückläufer"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 97 'großes R
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        .TooltipText = "DoA's Wincor Nixdorf"
        .TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\WR-Übersicht 2006-2007.xls"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Qualitätszahlen ENH (Trendauswertung)"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 99 'großes T
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        .TooltipText = "wöchentlicher Report ENH"
        .TooltipText = "L:\QM\QM-UM_\Subcontractors\EN-Hersfeld___vormals_EZH_Bad-Hersfeld_D\Q-Reporting\2009_neu\Summary_PRF-FT2.xls"
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
'Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'    With CB_UApp
'        .Caption = "&Ankerdaten formatieren..."
'        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'        .OnAction = "DateiLaden_Anker"
'        .State = msoButtonUp
'        .FaceId = 162
'        .BeginGroup = True
'    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Qualitätszahlen formatieren..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "DateiLaden_ENH"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - IRIS-Code Analyse..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - Pivot erstellen..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - doppelte S/N markieren..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - mehrfach S/N markieren..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_MultipleSerialNumbers"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&SAP reports - Gruppierung erstellen..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "SAP_ExcelReports_grouping"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&EPP V6 Logfiles formatieren..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "DateiLaden_Logfiles"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Bilder laden..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Convert_WMF_Dateien"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 703 'mehrere Diagramme(oder 303)
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&rote Markierung..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Add_Shape"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 701 '???
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Hypercom Logo"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Insert_HypercomLogo"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6376 'ABC Symbol
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Tag &Aktualisieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Tag_Aktualisieren"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 126
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Tag &Neu Auswählen"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Tag_Neu_Auswählen"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 125
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Monats&kalender       Strg+Ums+K"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "MonthViewer"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 1992 'Kalendersymbol
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Zeilen-Cursor"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "&Zeilen-Cursor setzen"
            .TooltipText = "richtet einen Event Funktion im Arbeitsblatt ein"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AddEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern"
            .State = msoButtonDown
            .FaceId = 293
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Zeilen-Cursor löschen"
            .TooltipText = "richtet einen Event Funktion im Arbeitsblatt ein"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "RemoveEventZeilenweiseMarkierenExtern"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 293
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Spalten Gruppieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "SpaltenGruppieren"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 371
        '.BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Zeilen Gruppieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "ZeilenGruppieren"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 372
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Gitternetzlinien An/Aus"
        .TooltipText = "Toggle Funktion"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "GitternetzAnAus"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 151
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Status formatieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Format_Status"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 352 'rote Lampe
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Teststatus formatieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Format_Testresult"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 353 '???
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Mitarbeiter Quality"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Format_Mitarbeiter"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 2103 'Männer Kopf
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Kontextmenues"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Kontext &Aktivieren"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "OnTimeStart"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 346
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Kontext &Beenden"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "OnTimeStop"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 348
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'Hypercom Grau' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Aquamarin'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_Hypercom_grey"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'Hypercom Blau' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Dunkelblau'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_Hypercom_blue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = csPrivateMenuTitle & ".xla Version: " & Last_Modified
        .TooltipText = Last_Modified
        .DescriptionText = "Description Text tbd"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = Null
        .FaceId = 0 'KEIN Symbol
        .Enabled = False
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
'''Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
'''    With CB_UApp
'''        .Caption = "hydr. &Messwerte"
'''    End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "ASC-Datei(en) &Konvertieren...          Strg+Ums+Y"
'''            .TooltipText = "Strg+Umsch+Y"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Convert_ASC_Dateien"
'''            .FaceId = 300 '300 Tabelle ohne Excel Symbol, 142 mit
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Dateien hydr. Vermessung öffnen"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "DateienHydrVermessungÖffnen"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 142   'Excel Tabellenblatt Symbol
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Deichmann Matrix konvertieren"
'''            .TooltipText = " ... in Musterbau Messdatenformat"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Convert_Deichmann_Matrix"
'''            .FaceId = 600 'Tabelle alt in neu
'''            '.BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Kennlinien erstellen...                      Strg+Ums+Q"
'''            .TooltipText = "aus Musterbau Messdaten (Excel Format)"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "PPT_Diagramm"
'''            .FaceId = 422 'Kennlinien Diagramm rot-blau
'''            '.BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "ASC-Datei 'Schnelle Messung'"
'''            .TooltipText = "für DiaDEM Diagrammerstellung"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "SchnelleMessung"
'''            .FaceId = 300 '300 Tabelle ohne Excel Symbol, 142 mit
'''            '.BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Kennlinien Übersicht"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .FaceId = 435 'Diagramm und Hand
'''            .FaceId = 90 'Großes K
'''            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
'''            .TooltipText = "G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Entwicklung\Kennlinien2\Kunden\!Kennlinienübersicht.xls"
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Prüfungsübersicht"
'''            .TooltipText = "für Musteraufträge"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Open_Prüfungsübersicht"
'''            .FaceId = 190 'Flußdiagramm Symbol
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Arbeitsanweisung Gries"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .FaceId = 2611 'Großes A mit rotem Unterstrich
'''            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
'''            '.TooltipText = ""
'''            .TooltipText = "\\bber021a\did82006\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\" _
'''                     & "XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\Arbeitsanweisung Gries.pdf"
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Statistik hinzufügen                         Strg+Ums+S"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Insert_Statistik"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 308 'Omega Symbol
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Musternummer Sortierung"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .TooltipText = "Musternummern vereinheitlichen"
'''            .OnAction = "Format_Muster_Sortierung"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 333
'''        '    .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Leerspalte hinzufügen"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Empty_Column"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 2175
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Charge hinzufügen/aktualisieren    STRG+UMS+C"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Charge"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 2175
'''        '    .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Zeitselektion hinzufügen/aktualisieren"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Zeitraum"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 2175
'''        '    .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Prüfwerte &Zusammenführen..."
'''            .TooltipText = "mind. zwei Blätter müssen markiert sein"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Concatenate_Sheets"
'''            .FaceId = 35 'Zeile mit grünem Pfeil
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Prüfwerte &Formatieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "für bessere Lesbarkeit"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Format_Prüfwerte"
'''            .FaceId = 9 'Symbol für Zweispaltig
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Spannung interpolieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Voltage"
'''            .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Enabled = False
'''            .Caption = "Spannung extrapolieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Voltage_Extrapoliert"
'''            .FaceId = 107 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument (rot)
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Drehzahl interpolieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Speed"
'''            .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Enabled = True 'freigeschaltet
'''            .Caption = "Drehzahl extrapolieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Speed_Extrapoliert"
'''            .FaceId = 107 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument (rot)
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Druck interpolieren"
'''            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Pressure"
'''            .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
'''            .BeginGroup = False
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "&Mittelwerte bilden"
'''            .TooltipText = "erstelt neues Sheet"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Add_Mittelwerte"
'''            .FaceId = 92 'Großes M
'''            .FaceId = 226 '226 Summenzeichen gri.
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Tag &Aktualisieren"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Tag_Aktualisieren"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 126
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "Tag &Neu Auswählen"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Tag_Neu_Auswählen"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 125
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''        With CB_Upopup
'''            .Caption = "SiemensVDO Logo"
'''            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''            .OnAction = "Insert_SiemensVDOLogo"
'''            .State = msoButtonUp
'''            .FaceId = 6376 'ABC Symbol
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "&Optionen..."
'''                .TooltipText = "für jeden PC individuell einstellbar"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Options_Musterbau"
'''                .FaceId = 581 'Blitz mit Fenster
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''            End With
'''    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
'''        With CB_UApp
'''            .Caption = "Diagramme"
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Diagramm Trennlinie"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Insert_Musterkopfzeile"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 56   '=Doppelstrich
'''                .BeginGroup = False
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Diagramm: Q,I=f(U)            Strg+Ums+U"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "QI_U_Diagramm"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 422   'Diagramm
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''           End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Diagramm: Q,I=f(n)            Strg+Ums+N"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Q_n_Diagramm"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 430  'Diagramm
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Diagramm: Q,I=f(p)            Strg+Ums+P"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "QI_p_Diagramm"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 422   'Diagramm
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Diagramm: Histogramm    Strg+Ums+H"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Histo_Diagramm"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 433   'Diagramm
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''            End With
'''    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
'''        With CB_UApp
'''            .Caption = "hydr. &Formeln"
'''            .BeginGroup = True
'''        End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Formel: Wirkungsgrad"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Formel_Wirkungsgrad"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Formel: elektrische Leistung"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Formel_elektrischeLeistung"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Formel: hydraulische Leistung"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Formel_hydraulischeLeistung"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
'''            End With
'''        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
'''            With CB_Upopup
'''                .Caption = "Formel: Treibstrahlmenge SSP"
'''                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
'''                .OnAction = "Formel_TreibstrahlmengeSSP"
'''                .State = msoButtonUp
'''                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
'''                .BeginGroup = True
'''            End With

    'Resourcen freigeben
    Set CB_App = Nothing
    Set CB_UApp = Nothing
    Set CB_Upopup = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Public Sub ZellenkontextmenüErgänzen()

Dim MB As CommandBarControl
Dim CBR As CommandBarControl
Dim CBRS As CommandBarControl

Application.CommandBars("Row").Reset   'zunächst Kontextmenü zurücksetzen

On Error Resume Next
If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
Set MB = Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls.Add
    With MB
        .FaceId = 35 'mit Hilfe von "SmartTools IconHelp v1.00" ermittelt
        .Caption = "zu Messergebnisse.xls hinzufügen"
        .TooltipText = "hydr. Messdaten am Dateiende anhängen"
        .OnAction = "ZuDateiMessergebnisseHinzufügen"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
'End If
Set CBR = Application.CommandBars("Row").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CBR
        .Caption = "&Statistik"
    End With
    Set CBRS = CBR.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CBRS
            .FaceId = 142 'Symbol Excel-Datei
            .Caption = "Statistik 1"
            .TooltipText = "hydr. Messdaten am Dateiende anhängen"
            .OnAction = "Stat1"
            '.BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CBRS = CBR.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CBRS
            .FaceId = 142 'Symbol Excel-Datei
            .Caption = "Statistik 2"
            .TooltipText = "hydr. Messdaten am Dateiende anhängen"
            .OnAction = "Stat2"
            '.BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CBRS = CBR.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox)
        With CBRS
            Dim sAction As String
            .AddItem Text:="DPI", Index:=1
            .AddItem Text:="HPI", Index:=2
            .DropDownLines = 3
            .DropDownWidth = 120
            .Width = 150
            .ListIndex = 2
            .ListHeaderCount = 0
            sAction = "Statistik " & .Index
            .OnAction = sAction
            '.BeginGroup = True
        End With
End If
   Call OnTimeStart

End Sub
'Private ctlComboBoxHandler As New ComboBoxHandler
'Sub AddComboBox()
'    Set HostApp = Application
'    Dim newBar As Office.CommandBar
'    Set newBar = HostApp.CommandBars.Add(Name:="Test CommandBar", Temporary:=True)
'    Dim newCombo As Office.CommandBarComboBox
'    Set newCombo = newBar.Controls.Add(msoControlComboBox)
'    With newCombo
'        .AddItem "First Class", 1
'        .AddItem "Business Class", 2
'        .AddItem "Coach Class", 3
'        .AddItem "Standby", 4
'        .DropDownLines = 5
'        .DropDownWidth = 75
'        .ListHeaderCount = 0
'    End With
'    ctlComboBoxHandler.SyncBox newCombo
'    newBar.Visible = True
'End Sub

Sub Statistik(ByVal Index As Integer)
    MsgBox Index
End Sub

Sub Print_Menues()
    Dim m As Long
    For m = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count
        Debug.Print m & ": " & Application.CommandBars(m).Name
    Next m
End Sub

Sub Test_Menue_Adding()
    Dim MB As CommandBarControl
    Set MB = Application.CommandBars("Pictures Context Menu").Controls.Add
        With MB
             .Caption = "zu Favoriten hinzufügen"
             .OnAction = "LinkToFavorites"
             .BeginGroup = True
        End With
End Sub

Sub ResetAllCommandBars()
    'Kontextmenüs zurücksetzen
    With Application
        .CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
        .Reset                              'Hauptmenü
        .CommandBars("Cell").Reset          '(1) Zellen
        .CommandBars("System").Reset        '(2) System
        .CommandBars("Toolbar List").Reset  '(3) Menü- und Symbolleisten
        .CommandBars("Ply").Reset           '(4) Registerkarten
        .CommandBars("Column").Reset        '(5) Spalten
        .CommandBars("Row").Reset           '(6) Zeilen
        .CommandBars("Chart").Reset         '(?) Diagramm
        .CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False '2011-02-13
    End With
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Menüs_BBRaun"
'(c)2013, Michael Gries, 2013-03-01
'Letzte Änderung:  2013-03-01
Option Explicit

Const csMenüName As String = "&B.Braun"
'End Deklarationen

Function Check_User_BBraun() As Boolean  'und Analyse
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add True, "Administrator"
    cUser.Add True, "griemide"
    cUser.Add True, "burgpade"      'Patricia Burgmaier     2013-03-01
    cUser.Add True, "schnsode"      'Sonja Schneider        2013-03-01
    On Error GoTo Err
    Check_User_BBraun = cUser(strUserName)
    On Error GoTo Err_Log
    'Makrosammlung_Gries.Append_Data_To_HYC_Logfile "Gries.xla 2011 Hypercom GmbH"
    Exit Function
    Check_User_BBraun = False
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "ERROR: ", Err.Number, Err.Description
    Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -1642"
    Dim sText: sText = Err.Description & vbCr & csContact
    Dim sResult
    sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, "Menüs_BBraun")
End Function

Sub Menü_BBraun()
If Check_User_BBraun Then
    Dim CB_App As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_UApp As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_Upopup As CommandBarControl
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
'    Caution: Scottsdale Excel version does nort have '?' in Standard Menue Bar
'    Dim i: i = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("?").Index
'    Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
'                (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=i
    Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
        CB_App.Caption = csMenüName
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Autofilter"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Set_AutofilterCognosType"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 370
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Share auf Laufwerk J:"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AutoPivotChart"
            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
            .TooltipText = "Share auf Laufwerk J:"
            .TooltipText = "\\bhewvfile1\share"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 89 'großes J
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "AutoPivot&Chart"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AutoPivotChart"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 6450 'Chart Symbol
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Save Cognos to Excel"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "FileFormat_Cognos_SaveAs_XLS"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 3 'Save Symbol
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Document properties update"
            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Hypercom"
            .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    'Abteilungsspezifische Untermenüs erstellen
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Application"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Open Ladedatenbank (LDB) CSV-Files..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Open_CSV_Files_LDB"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Open Diagnose_DB (DDT) CSV-Files..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Open_CSV_Files_DDT"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    'Global Product Support
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Global Product Support"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Shipped Order Details - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SOD_GPS"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analysis..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: MORP - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_IRIS_Report.Mapping_MORP_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Product Management"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Commercial Configurator (AHT)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "GE2306_AHT_Commercial_Configurator_2010-V4.xls"
                .TooltipText = "L:\Company\Produkte\Artema_Hybrid\Commercial_Configurator\GE2306_AHT_Commercial_Configurator_2010-V4.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Shipped Order Details - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SOD"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Serial Number List - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SNL"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-&Monat (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonth"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Status formatieren"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Format_Status"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 352 'rote Lampe
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    'Quality Management
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Quality"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Accounts"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 80 'großes A
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = "L:\QM\Hypercom Chart of Accounts 3-31-10.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "IRIS-Codes ("
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = ""
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "PPM-Performance (WN)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 95 'großes P
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "monatliche Trendbetrachtung WN"
                '.TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\PPM-Performance.xls"
                '.TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\"
                .TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\transfer_enh\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\PPM-Performance.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Warenrückläufer - Wincor Nixdorf (WN)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 102 'großes W
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "monatliche Trendbetrachtung WN"
                '.TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\WR_Übersicht.xls"
                .TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\transfer_enh\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\WR_Übersicht.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Amdocs report - IRIS Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "AmdocsReports_IRIS_Pivot_WN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 7
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - QM - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_QM"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse KEBA..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code_KEBA"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse WN..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code_WN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: S/W Load Date (based on HSM_LIFELINE DB)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_SwLoadDate"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: 1st Shipped (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_1stShipped"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: HGN (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_HGN_Sub"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Item Revision (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_Rev"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Datecode (based on DIN EN 60062)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_Datecode"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: EMS Partner ID (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_EMS"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Pivot Chart formatting..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Format_PivotChart"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 17   'Chart Symbol
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Fault Tree - Group ID Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_FaultTree"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Formel: HGN (8-stellig)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_HGN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Sales Order Processing"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Open Orders Snapshot - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - On Hand Quantity - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_OHQ"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Service && &Repair"
            .FaceId = 97 'großes R      !!!! will not work here
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
           With CB_Upopup
               .Caption = "&Anleitung - Grt Oracle Repair Tool (GORT)"
               .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
               .FaceId = 80 'großes A
               .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
               .TooltipText = "Anleitung - Grt Oracle Repair Tool (GORT)"
               .TooltipText = "L:\KV\KVR\GORT\GORT_V2.doc"
               .BeginGroup = False
           End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "IRIS-Codes ("
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = ""
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
           With CB_Upopup
               .Caption = "Übersicht &Wartungsstufen (Repair Level)"
               .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
               .FaceId = 102 'großes W
               .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
               .TooltipText = "Übersicht Wartungsstufen (Repair Level)"
               .TooltipText = "L:\KV\KVR\_Übersicht Wartungsstufen\Repair Level - CrossReference.xls"
               .BeginGroup = False
           End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - Service Provider"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_SP"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Fault Code - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RFC"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Fault Code - Revenue..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RFC_Revenue"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair &Level - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_RepairLevel"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair Record &Type - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_RepairRecordType"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Serial Number - Marking uniqueless"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessSerialNumbers"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair Orders - Marking uniqueless"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessRepairOrders"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-&Monat (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonth"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-Monat-&Tag (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonthDay"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
            End With
    'Standardmenü unten
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "B.Braun &Logo"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Insert_BBraun_Logo"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 6376 'ABC Symbol
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = csPrivateMenuTitle & ".xla Version: " & Last_Modified
            .TooltipText = Last_Modified
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = Null
            .FaceId = 0 'KEIN Symbol
            .Enabled = False
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    'Resourcen freigeben
    Set CB_App = Nothing
    Set CB_UApp = Nothing
    Set CB_Upopup = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Hypercom()
    Dim sComment As String: sComment = "Usage of 'Gries.xla' " & Last_Modified
    Call Modul_Pivot.Add_AuthorInfo(sComment)
End Sub

'''Function Mapping_User_to_Username() As String
'''    Mapping_User_to_Username = "" 'default
'''    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
'''    Dim cUser As New Collection
'''    'Quality
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "mgries"             'it's me
'''    cUser.Add "Anne-Kathrin Raschke", "araschke"    'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
'''    'Supply Chain
'''    cUser.Add "Bernd Poroffscheck", "bporoffsche"   'Improvement Engineer
'''    cUser.Add "Marco Müller", "mmueller"            '
'''    'Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "gniemann"           'Head of Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Falk Stolle", "fstolle"              'Project Leader
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Blasl", "mblasl"             'Manager
'''    cUser.Add "Jennifer Henningsen", "jhenningsen"  'Apprentice
'''    cUser.Add "Nathalie Dunst", "ndunst"            'vormals Schwemmlein
'''    'SOP
'''    cUser.Add "Peter Kuhn", "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
'''    'PM
'''    cUser.Add "Horst Bernshausen", "hbernshause"    'Product Manager
'''    cUser.Add "Peter Florack", "pflorack"           'Technical Key Account
'''    'GPS
'''    cUser.Add "Tom Detras", "TDetras"               'Head of GPS
'''    cUser.Add "Ralene Yesenski", "RYesenski"        'nice lady
'''    On Error Resume Next
'''    Mapping_User_to_Username = cUser(strUserName)
'''End Function

Function Mapping_User_to_Username() As String
    Mapping_User_to_Username = "" 'default
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "MichaelG12"         'it's me
    cUser.Add "Anne-Kathrin Raschke", "araschke"    'Wareneingang
    cUser.Add "Reinhold Pfeffer", "ReinholdP1"      'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    cUser.Add "Norbert Köhler", "NorbertK1"         'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    'Supply Chain
    cUser.Add "Bernd Poroffscheck", "bporoffsche"   'Improvement Engineer
    cUser.Add "Marco Müller", "mmueller"            '
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "gniemann"           'Head of Service&Repair
    cUser.Add "Falk Stolle", "fstolle"              'Project Leader
    cUser.Add "Michael Blasl", "mblasl"             'Manager
    cUser.Add "Peter Kuhn", "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add "Horst Bernshausen", "hbernshause"    'Product Manager
    cUser.Add "Peter Florack", "pflorack"           'Technical Key Account
    On Error Resume Next
    Mapping_User_to_Username = cUser(strUserName)
End Function

'''Function Mapping_User_to_Manager() As String
'''    Mapping_User_to_Manager = "" 'default
'''    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
'''    Dim cUser As New Collection
'''    'Quality
'''    cUser.Add "TK Cheung", "mgries"
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "araschke"       'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
'''    'Supply Chain
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "bporoffsche"    'Bernd Poroffscheck
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "mmueller"       'Marco Müller
'''    'Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Benno Rach", "gniemann"          'Georg Niemann
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "fstolle"        'Falk Stolle
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "mblasl"         'Michael Blasl
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "jhenningsen"    'Jennifer Hennigsen
'''    'SOP
'''    cUser.Add "Benno Rach", "pkuhn"             'Peter Kuhn
'''    'PM
'''    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "hbernshause" 'Horst Bernshausen
'''    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "pflorack"    'Peter Florack
'''    'GPS
'''    cUser.Add "TK Cheung", "TDetras"            'Tom Detras
'''    cUser.Add "Tom Detras", "RYesenski"    'Rai Yesenski
'''    On Error Resume Next
'''    Mapping_User_to_Manager = cUser(strUserName)
'''End Function

Function Mapping_User_to_Manager() As String
    Mapping_User_to_Manager = "" 'default
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add "Don Perkins", "MichaelG12"
    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "T_AnneR1"       'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "ReinholdP1"  'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    cUser.Add "Reinhold Pfeffer", "NorbertK1"   'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    'Supply Chain
    cUser.Add "Ralf Seger", "BerndP1"           'Bernd Poroffscheck
    cUser.Add "Ralf Seger", "MarcoM1"           'Marco Müller
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "FalkS1"         'Falk Stolle
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "MichaelB18"     'Michael Blasl
    cUser.Add "Markus Hoevekamp", "pkuhn"       'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "hbernshause" 'Horst Bernshausen
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "pflorack"    'Peter Florack
    On Error Resume Next
    Mapping_User_to_Manager = cUser(strUserName)
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Menüs_Gries"
'(c) 2006, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2006-01-27 (SVDO)
'Erstellung: 2008-02-28 (Thales)
'Letzte Änderung: 2010-11-22
Option Explicit

Public Const csPrivateMenuTitle = "&Gries"
Const csGriesHomeUser As String = "Michael"
'Const csGriesOfficeUser As String = "uidf9246"
Const csGriesOfficeUser As String = "mgries"
'End Deklarationen

Sub test()
    Application.CommandBars("&Versuch").Reset   '(6) Zeilen
End Sub

Sub CheckForPrivateMenue()
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    If strUserName = csGriesHomeUser Or _
       strUserName = csGriesOfficeUser Or _
       Check_User_Admin _
       Call PrivateMenüErstellen
       Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Standardprofil_Gries
    End If
End Sub

Function Check_User_Admin() As Boolean  'und Analyse
    Dim strAdminName As String: strAdminName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add True, "Michael"
    cUser.Add True, "MichaelG12"
    cUser.Add True, "mgries"
    cUser.Add True, "Hypercom"     'Michael Gries
    cUser.Add True, "Stefanie"
    cUser.Add True, "Reuber"  '
    cUser.Add True, "Administrator"  '
    cUser.Add True, "griemide"  '
    On Error GoTo Err
    Check_User_Admin = cUser(strAdminName)
    Exit Function
    Check_User_Admin = False
End Function

Sub PrivateMenüErstellen()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim CB_App As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_UApp As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_Upopup As CommandBarControl

'Privates Menü anlegen
'Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Reset
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
i = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Count
j = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("Help").Index
Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
            (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=j)
    CB_App.Caption = csPrivateMenuTitle
'Private Untermenüs erstellen
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = csPrivateMenuTitle & ".xla Version: " & Last_Modified
        .TooltipText = Last_Modified
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = Null
        .FaceId = 0 'KEIN Symbol
        .Enabled = False
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Internet: Wikibooks - Excel VBA"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 84 'großes E
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        .TooltipText = ""
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Dokumenteigenschaften"
        .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Applikation_Show"
        .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - Combo..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
        .Style = msoComboLabel
        .AddItem "vanilla"
        .AddItem "chocolate"
        .AddItem "cookie dough"
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlEdit)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Cognos reports - Edit..."
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Windows Rechner"
        .TooltipText = "Calc"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Windows_Rechner"
        .FaceId = 960 'Rechner Symbol
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Tabellenblätter einblenden"
        .TooltipText = "alle"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "View_All_Sheets"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 125 'zwei Tabellenblätter
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Gitternetzlinien An/Aus"
        .TooltipText = "Toggle Funktion"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "GitternetzAnAus"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        '.State = Not .State
        '.FaceId = 151
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&ScrollArea Aus"
        .TooltipText = "alles freigeben"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "ScrollArea_All"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 6
        '.BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Kommentare       Strg+Ums+K"
        .TooltipText = "Toggle Funktion"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Toggle_Comments"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 1593 'Kommentar Wechselsymbol oder 1594
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Outlook Notiz"
        .TooltipText = "Hyperlink als Notiz in Outlook speichern"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Outlook_Notiz"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 1758 'Notiz-Haftzettel
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Farbtabelle"
        .TooltipText = "zeigt Übersicht in neuer Mappe"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Farbtabelle"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 417 'Farbmal Symbol
        .BeginGroup = False
    End With

Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "AddIn: Excel-Hilfen"
        .TooltipText = "AddIn: Excel-Hilfen"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Toggle_AddInHerbers"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 66
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Formeln"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: EPP V6 - RTC (command n)"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_RTC"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Datei Messergebnisse.xls öffnen"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "DateiMessergebnisseÖffnen"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 142   'Excel Tabellenblatt Symbol
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: Wirkungsgrad"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_Wirkungsgrad"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: hydraulische Leistung"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_hydraulischeLeistung"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Formel: Treibstrahlmenge SSP"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Formel_TreibstrahlmengeSSP"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
        End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "EasyLog USB Excel Export Datei formatieren... "
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 6450 'Chart Symbol
        .OnAction = "EasyLog_USB_ExcelExportFile"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "LogFile_Vermessung"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 662 'T-Symbol mit weißen Viereck
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        '.TooltipText = "\\bber021a\did82006\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\LogFile_Vermessung.txt"
        .TooltipText = "T:\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\LogFile_Vermessung.txt"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Gleitzeitliste"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .FaceId = 86 'großes G
        .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
        .TooltipText = "\\BBER002A\uidf9246$O$\Vorlage Zeiterfassung_Gries.xls"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "Gries.xla freigeben"
        .TooltipText = "auf T: Server kopieren"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Release_Gries_AddIn"
        .State = msoButtonDown
        .State = Not .State
        .FaceId = 263
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Kontextmenues"
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Kontext &Aktivieren"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "OnTimeStart"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 346
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Kontext &Beenden"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "OnTimeStop"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 348
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'Siemens Petrol' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Aquamarin'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_Siemens_Petrol"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'VDO Blau' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Dunkelblau'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_VDO_blue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'Thales Blau' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Dunkelblau'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_VDO_blue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With
    Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_Upopup
            .Caption = "Farbindex 'Hypercom Blau' setzen"
            .TooltipText = "ändert Colorindex 'Dunkelblau'"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "SetColor_Hypercom_blue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 417
        End With

'Resourcen freigeben
Set CB_App = Nothing
Set CB_UApp = Nothing
Set CB_Upopup = Nothing

End Sub

Sub Print_AddIns()
    Dim m As Long
    For m = 1 To Application.AddIns.Count
        Debug.Print m & ": " & Application.AddIns(m).Name
       'Debug.Print m & ": " & Application.AddIns(m).FullName
    Next m
End Sub

Sub Toggle_AddInHerbers()
    Set a = AddIns("Excel-Recherche")
    If a.Installed = True Then
        AddIns("Excel-Recherche").Installed = _
        Not AddIns("Excel-Recherche").Installed
        MsgBox "Add-In ist nicht installiert"
    End If
End Sub

Sub ScrollArea_All()
    On Error Resume Next 'falls kein Blatt ausgewählt
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "" 'Gesamtes Blatt
    With ActiveWindow
        .DisplayFormulas = False
        .DisplayGridlines = True
        .DisplayOutline = True
        .DisplayZeros = True
        .DisplayHeadings = True 'Zeilen- und Spaltenüberschriften
        .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
        .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
        .DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
    End With
End Sub

Sub Release_Gries_AddIn()
    'Letzte Änderung: 2007-08-11
    Const csAddinName As String = "Gries.xla"
    Const csOfficeDrive As String = "L:\"
    Const csOfficeServer As String = "\\Deheffs001\root$\"
    Const csOfficePath As String = "Company\QM_Public\Improvement\CMMI\"
    Const csOfficeBackup As String = "\\Deheffs001\gries\"
    'für Laptop Anwendung mittels SVDOsupport.mga
'''    Dim sUA As String: sUA = VBA.Environ("APPDATA")
'''    Const csUPUA As String = "\Microsoft\Addins\"
'''    Dim sSource As String: sSource = sUA & csUPUA & csAddinName
    'für Feststation
    Dim sUA As String
    sUA = VBA.Environ("USERPROFILE")
    Const csUPUA As String = "\Eigene Dateien\"
    Dim sSource As String
    sSource = sUA & csUPUA & csAddinName
    Dim sDestination As String: sDestination = csOfficeDrive & csOfficePath
    Dim sUD As String: sUD = VBA.Environ("USERPROFILE")
    Const csUPUD As String = "\Eigene Dateien\"
    Dim sBackupDate As String: sBackupDate = VBA.Format(VBA.Date, "yyyy-mm-dd")
    Dim sBackup As String
    sBackup = sUD & csUPUD & "Gries." & sBackupDate & ".xla"
    If VBA.Environ("USERNAME") = "uidf9246" Then
        sSource = csOfficeBackup & csAddinName
        sBackup = csOfficeBackup & "Gries." & sBackupDate & ".xla"
    End If
    'Anpassung an DOS wegen xcopy Befehl (Leerzeichen in Pfadangaben)
'    sSource = """" & sSource & """"
'    sDestination = """" & sDestination & """"
'    sBackup = """" & sBackup & """"
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    If Modul_WSH.CopyFile(sSource, sBackup) Then
        Application.StatusBar = sSource & " nach " & sBackup & " kopiert"
        MsgBox "Fehler"
    End If

'    sShellCommand = _
'        "xcopy /y " & sSource & " " & sBackup
'        Debug.Print " Command: "
'        Debug.Print sShellCommand
'    iTaskID = Shell(sShellCommand): Debug.Print iTaskID
'    If iTaskID = 0 Then
'        MsgBox "Fehler bei (Gries.xla freigeben): " & _
'        csAddinName & vbCr & vbCr & _
'        sSource & vbCr & _
'        sBackup, , ThisWorkbook.Name
'    End If
    'On Error Resume Next
    Modul_WSH.CopyFile sSource, sDestination
    On Error GoTo 0
'    Dim sShellCommand As String: sShellCommand = _
'        "xcopy /y " & sSource & " " & sDestination
'        Debug.Print " Command: "
'        Debug.Print sShellCommand
'    Dim iTaskID: iTaskID = Shell(sShellCommand): Debug.Print iTaskID
'    If iTaskID = 0 Then
'        MsgBox "Fehler bei (Gries.xla freigeben): " & _
'        csAddinName & vbCr & vbCr & _
'        sSource & vbCr & _
'        sDestination, , ThisWorkbook.Name
'    End If
    'BACKUP ausführen
End Sub

Sub Scripting_Test()
    'Verweis auf "Microsoft Scripting" muss vorhanden sein
'    Debug.Print Drive.DriveLetter
End Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Menüs_Musterbau"
'(c)2006, Michael Gries, 01.01.2006
'Letzte Änderung SVDO: 2007-09-20
'Letzte Änderung HYC:  2011-01-11
Option Explicit

Const csMenüName As String = "&Musterbau"
Public Const csServerApplikation As String = "\\bber021a\did82006\"
Public Const csPathApplikation As String = "KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\"
'Public Const csServerApplikation As String = "\\bber002a\did82005\"
'Public Const csPathApplikation As String = "R&D\Fuel Pumps\Entwicklung\Applikation\"
'End Deklarationen

Function Check_User_Musterbau() As Boolean  'und Analyse
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add True, "Michael"
    cUser.Add True, "mgries"
    cUser.Add True, "Hypercom"     'Michael Gries
    cUser.Add True, "Stefanie"
    cUser.Add True, "Reuber"  '
    cUser.Add True, "jhennigsen"  'Jennifer Hennigsen
    cUser.Add True, "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add True, "mblasl"  'Michael Blasl
    cUser.Add True, "fstolle"  'Falk Stolle
    On Error GoTo Err
    Check_User_Musterbau = cUser(strUserName)
    Exit Function
    Check_User_Musterbau = False
End Function

Sub Menü_Musterbau()
If Check_User_Musterbau Then
    Dim CB As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_U As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_Upopup As CommandBarControl
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
    Dim i: i = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("?").Index
    Set CB = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
                (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=i)
        CB.Caption = csMenüName
    'Private Untermenüs erstellen
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "Hypercom Logo"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Insert_HypercomLogo"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 6376 'ABC Symbol
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "ASC-Datei(en) &Konvertieren...      Strg+Ums+Y"
            .TooltipText = "Strg+Umsch+Y"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Convert_ASC_Dateien"
            .FaceId = 300 '300 Tabelle ohne Excel Symbol, 142 mit
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "Prüfwerte &Zusammenführen...    Strg+Ums+Z"
            .TooltipText = "mind. zwei Blätter müssen markiert sein"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Concatenate_Sheets"
            .FaceId = 35 'Zeile mit grünem Pfeil
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "&Musterdaten formatieren            Strg+Ums+M"
            .TooltipText = "Strg+Umsch+M"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Format_Muster"
            .FaceId = 123 'Liniensymbol
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "Tag &Neu Auswählen"
            .TooltipText = "Formular"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Tag_Neu_Auswählen"
            .FaceId = 125
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "&Akustikmodul starten"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AkustikmodulLaden"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 68 'Lautsprechersymbol
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "&Prüfungsübersicht"
            .TooltipText = "für Musteraufträge"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Open_Prüfungsübersicht"
            .FaceId = 190 'Flußdiagramm Symbol
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "Arbeitsanweisung &Gries"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .FaceId = 2611 'Großes A mit rotem Unterstrich
            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
            .TooltipText = "\\bber021a\did82006\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\" _
                     & "XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\Arbeitsanweisung Gries.pdf"
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "&Prüfstandsbelegung"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .FaceId = 263 'Excel Symbol
            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
            .TooltipText = "\\bber021a\did82006\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\" _
                     & "Prüfstandsbelegung\Belegung_Prüfstände_02.xls"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_U = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_U
            .Caption = "&Optionen..."
            .TooltipText = "für jeden PC individuell einstellbar"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Options_Musterbau"
            .FaceId = 581 'Blitz mit Fenster
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    'Resourcen freigeben
    Set CB = Nothing
    Set CB_U = Nothing
    Set CB_Upopup = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Sub Open_Prüfungsübersicht()
    Const csDatei As String = "Prüfungsübersicht.xls"
    Application.Workbooks.Open csServerApplikation & csPathApplikation & csDatei
End Sub

Sub Options_Musterbau()
    Form_Musterbau.Show vbModeless
End Sub

Attribute VB_Name = "Menüs_VeriFone"
'(c)2011, Michael Gries, 2011-01-10
'Letzte Änderung:  2012-02-25
Option Explicit

Const csMenüName As String = "&VeriFone"
'End Deklarationen

Function Check_User_Hypercom() As Boolean  'und Analyse
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add True, "mgries"
    cUser.Add True, "MichaelG12"   'Michael Gries           2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "ReinholdP1"   'Reinhold Pfeffer        2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "NorbertK1"    'Norbert Köhler          2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "araschke"     'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
    cUser.Add True, "T_Anner1"     'Anne-Kathrin Raschke    2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "bporoffsche"  'Bernd Poroffscheck
    cUser.Add True, "BerndP1"      'Bernd Poroffscheck      2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "mmueller"     'Marco Müller
    cUser.Add True, "MarcoM2"      'Marco Müller            2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "gniemann"     'Georg Niemann           2011-02-16
    cUser.Add True, "fstolle"      'Falk Stolle             2010-12-06
    cUser.Add True, "FalkS1"       'Falk Stolle             2010-12-06
    cUser.Add True, "mblasl"       'Michael Blasl           2011-01-14
    cUser.Add True, "MichaelB18"   'Michael Blasl           2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "snuhn"        'Sascha Nuhn             2011-06-15
    cUser.Add True, "jhenningsen"  'Jennifer Hennigsen      2011-01-04
    cUser.Add True, "ndunst"       'Nathalie Dunst          2011-02-01
    cUser.Add True, "pkuhn"        'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add True, "PeterK5"      'Peter Kuhn              2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "hbernshause"  'Horst Bernshausen       2011-01-11
    cUser.Add True, "HorstB1"      'Horst Bernshausen       2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "pflorack"     'Peter Florack           2011-01-29
    cUser.Add True, "PeterF1"      'Peter Florack           2011-11-21
    cUser.Add True, "TDetras"      'Tom Detras              2011-03-08
    cUser.Add True, "RYesenski"    'Rai Yesenski            2011-03-08
    On Error GoTo Err
    Check_User_Hypercom = cUser(strUserName)
    On Error GoTo Err_Log
    'Makrosammlung_Gries.Append_Data_To_HYC_Logfile "Gries.xla 2011 Hypercom GmbH"
    Exit Function
    Check_User_Hypercom = False
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "ERROR: ", Err.Number, Err.Description
    Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
    Dim sText: sText = Err.Description & vbCr & csContact
    Dim sResult
    sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, "Menüs_VeriFone")
End Function

Sub Menü_VeriFone()
If Check_User_Hypercom Then
    Dim CB_App As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_UApp As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_Upopup As CommandBarControl
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
'    Caution: Scottsdale Excel version does nort have '?' in Standard Menue Bar
'    Dim i: i = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("?").Index
'    Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
'                (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=i
    Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
        CB_App.Caption = csMenüName
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Autofilter"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Set_AutofilterCognosType"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 370
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Share auf Laufwerk J:"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AutoPivotChart"
            .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
            .TooltipText = "Share auf Laufwerk J:"
            .TooltipText = "\\bhewvfile1\share"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 89 'großes J
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "AutoPivot&Chart"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "AutoPivotChart"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 6450 'Chart Symbol
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Save Cognos to Excel"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "FileFormat_Cognos_SaveAs_XLS"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 3 'Save Symbol
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Document properties update"
            .TooltipText = "ausgefüllt"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Hypercom"
            .FaceId = 144 'Ereignis Symbol Dokument
            .BeginGroup = False
        End With
    'Abteilungsspezifische Untermenüs erstellen
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Application"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Open Ladedatenbank (LDB) CSV-Files..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Open_CSV_Files_LDB"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Open Diagnose_DB (DDT) CSV-Files..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Open_CSV_Files_DDT"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    'Global Product Support
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Global Product Support"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Shipped Order Details - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SOD_GPS"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analysis..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: MORP - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_IRIS_Report.Mapping_MORP_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Product Management"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Commercial Configurator (AHT)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "GE2306_AHT_Commercial_Configurator_2010-V4.xls"
                .TooltipText = "L:\Company\Produkte\Artema_Hybrid\Commercial_Configurator\GE2306_AHT_Commercial_Configurator_2010-V4.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Shipped Order Details - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SOD"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Serial Number List - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_SNL"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-&Monat (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonth"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Status formatieren"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Format_Status"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 352 'rote Lampe
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    'Quality Management
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Quality"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Accounts"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 80 'großes A
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = "L:\QM\Hypercom Chart of Accounts 3-31-10.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "IRIS-Codes ("
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = ""
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "PPM-Performance (WN)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 95 'großes P
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "monatliche Trendbetrachtung WN"
                '.TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\PPM-Performance.xls"
                '.TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\"
                .TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\transfer_enh\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\PPM-Performance.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Warenrückläufer - Wincor Nixdorf (WN)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 102 'großes W
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "monatliche Trendbetrachtung WN"
                '.TooltipText = "X:\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\WR_Übersicht.xls"
                .TooltipText = "\\bhelxfile2\xfer\transfer_enh\Transfer_Thales-EZH\EPP_Wincor-Nixdorf\WR_Übersicht.xls"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Amdocs report - IRIS Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "AmdocsReports_IRIS_Pivot_WN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 7
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - QM - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_QM"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse KEBA..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code_KEBA"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse WN..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code_WN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: S/W Load Date (based on HSM_LIFELINE DB)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_SwLoadDate"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: 1st Shipped (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_1stShipped"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: HGN (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_HGN_Sub"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Item Revision (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_Rev"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Datecode (based on DIN EN 60062)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_Datecode"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: EMS Partner ID (based on Serial Number)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Add_Column_EMS"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Pivot Chart formatting..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Format_PivotChart"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 17   'Chart Symbol
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Fault Tree - Group ID Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_FaultTree"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Formel: HGN (8-stellig)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_HGN"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 26   'Formelsymbol "Wurzel"
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "&Sales Order Processing"
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Open Orders Snapshot - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - On Hand Quantity - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_OHQ"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "Service && &Repair"
            .FaceId = 97 'großes R      !!!! will not work here
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
           With CB_Upopup
               .Caption = "&Anleitung - Grt Oracle Repair Tool (GORT)"
               .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
               .FaceId = 80 'großes A
               .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
               .TooltipText = "Anleitung - Grt Oracle Repair Tool (GORT)"
               .TooltipText = "L:\KV\KVR\GORT\GORT_V2.doc"
               .BeginGroup = False
           End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "IRIS-Codes ("
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .FaceId = 82 'großes C
                .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
                .TooltipText = "official oganization site"
                .TooltipText = ""
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
           With CB_Upopup
               .Caption = "Übersicht &Wartungsstufen (Repair Level)"
               .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
               .FaceId = 102 'großes W
               .HyperlinkType = msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkOpen
               .TooltipText = "Übersicht Wartungsstufen (Repair Level)"
               .TooltipText = "L:\KV\KVR\_Übersicht Wartungsstufen\Repair Level - CrossReference.xls"
               .BeginGroup = False
           End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - Service Provider"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_SP"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Status Quo - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Fault Code - Pivot..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RFC"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - Repair Fault Code - Revenue..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Pivot_RFC_Revenue"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "&Cognos report - IRIS-Code Analyse..."
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_IRIS_Code"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 6
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair &Level - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_RepairLevel"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair Record &Type - Code Mapping"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Modul_Pivot.Mapping_RepairRecordType"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
                .BeginGroup = False
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Serial Number - Marking uniqueless"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessSerialNumbers"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Add: Repair Orders - Marking uniqueless"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "CognosReports_Add_MarkingUniquelessRepairOrders"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 249   'Fragezeichen mit Spaltensymbol"
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-&Monat (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonth"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
                .BeginGroup = True
            End With
        Set CB_Upopup = CB_UApp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
            With CB_Upopup
                .Caption = "Format: Jahr-Monat-&Tag (date type)"
                .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
                .OnAction = "Formel_YearMonthDay"
                .State = msoButtonUp
                .FaceId = 372   'Spalte mit Pfeil nach unten"
            End With
    'Standardmenü unten
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = "VeriFone &Logo"
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = "Insert_VeriFoneLogo"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .FaceId = 6376 'ABC Symbol
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        With CB_UApp
            .Caption = csPrivateMenuTitle & ".xla Version: " & Last_Modified
            .TooltipText = Last_Modified
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
            .OnAction = Null
            .FaceId = 0 'KEIN Symbol
            .Enabled = False
            .BeginGroup = True
        End With
    'Resourcen freigeben
    Set CB_App = Nothing
    Set CB_UApp = Nothing
    Set CB_Upopup = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Dokumenteigenschaften_Hypercom()
    Dim sComment As String: sComment = "Usage of 'Gries.xla' " & Last_Modified
    Call Modul_Pivot.Add_AuthorInfo(sComment)
End Sub

'''Function Mapping_User_to_Username() As String
'''    Mapping_User_to_Username = "" 'default
'''    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
'''    Dim cUser As New Collection
'''    'Quality
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "mgries"             'it's me
'''    cUser.Add "Anne-Kathrin Raschke", "araschke"    'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
'''    'Supply Chain
'''    cUser.Add "Bernd Poroffscheck", "bporoffsche"   'Improvement Engineer
'''    cUser.Add "Marco Müller", "mmueller"            '
'''    'Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "gniemann"           'Head of Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Falk Stolle", "fstolle"              'Project Leader
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Blasl", "mblasl"             'Manager
'''    cUser.Add "Jennifer Henningsen", "jhenningsen"  'Apprentice
'''    cUser.Add "Nathalie Dunst", "ndunst"            'vormals Schwemmlein
'''    'SOP
'''    cUser.Add "Peter Kuhn", "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
'''    'PM
'''    cUser.Add "Horst Bernshausen", "hbernshause"    'Product Manager
'''    cUser.Add "Peter Florack", "pflorack"           'Technical Key Account
'''    'GPS
'''    cUser.Add "Tom Detras", "TDetras"               'Head of GPS
'''    cUser.Add "Ralene Yesenski", "RYesenski"        'nice lady
'''    On Error Resume Next
'''    Mapping_User_to_Username = cUser(strUserName)
'''End Function

Function Mapping_User_to_Username() As String
    Mapping_User_to_Username = "" 'default
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "MichaelG12"         'it's me
    cUser.Add "Anne-Kathrin Raschke", "araschke"    'Wareneingang
    cUser.Add "Reinhold Pfeffer", "ReinholdP1"      'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    cUser.Add "Norbert Köhler", "NorbertK1"         'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    'Supply Chain
    cUser.Add "Bernd Poroffscheck", "bporoffsche"   'Improvement Engineer
    cUser.Add "Marco Müller", "mmueller"            '
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "gniemann"           'Head of Service&Repair
    cUser.Add "Falk Stolle", "fstolle"              'Project Leader
    cUser.Add "Michael Blasl", "mblasl"             'Manager
    cUser.Add "Peter Kuhn", "pkuhn"  'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add "Horst Bernshausen", "hbernshause"    'Product Manager
    cUser.Add "Peter Florack", "pflorack"           'Technical Key Account
    On Error Resume Next
    Mapping_User_to_Username = cUser(strUserName)
End Function

'''Function Mapping_User_to_Manager() As String
'''    Mapping_User_to_Manager = "" 'default
'''    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
'''    Dim cUser As New Collection
'''    'Quality
'''    cUser.Add "TK Cheung", "mgries"
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "araschke"       'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
'''    'Supply Chain
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "bporoffsche"    'Bernd Poroffscheck
'''    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "mmueller"       'Marco Müller
'''    'Service&Repair
'''    cUser.Add "Benno Rach", "gniemann"          'Georg Niemann
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "fstolle"        'Falk Stolle
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "mblasl"         'Michael Blasl
'''    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "jhenningsen"    'Jennifer Hennigsen
'''    'SOP
'''    cUser.Add "Benno Rach", "pkuhn"             'Peter Kuhn
'''    'PM
'''    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "hbernshause" 'Horst Bernshausen
'''    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "pflorack"    'Peter Florack
'''    'GPS
'''    cUser.Add "TK Cheung", "TDetras"            'Tom Detras
'''    cUser.Add "Tom Detras", "RYesenski"    'Rai Yesenski
'''    On Error Resume Next
'''    Mapping_User_to_Manager = cUser(strUserName)
'''End Function

Function Mapping_User_to_Manager() As String
    Mapping_User_to_Manager = "" 'default
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add "Don Perkins", "MichaelG12"
    cUser.Add "Michael Gries", "T_AnneR1"       'Anne-Kathrin Raschke
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "ReinholdP1"  'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    cUser.Add "Reinhold Pfeffer", "NorbertK1"   'Lokales Qualitätsmanagement
    'Supply Chain
    cUser.Add "Ralf Seger", "BerndP1"           'Bernd Poroffscheck
    cUser.Add "Ralf Seger", "MarcoM1"           'Marco Müller
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "FalkS1"         'Falk Stolle
    cUser.Add "Georg Niemann", "MichaelB18"     'Michael Blasl
    cUser.Add "Markus Hoevekamp", "pkuhn"       'Peter Kuhn
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "hbernshause" 'Horst Bernshausen
    cUser.Add "Norbert Albrecht", "pflorack"    'Peter Florack
    On Error Resume Next
    Mapping_User_to_Manager = cUser(strUserName)
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_ADO"
'(c)2011, Michael Gries, 2011-06-12
'Letzte Änderung:  2011-06-13

'SQL statements
'SELECT [DISTINCT] Auswahlliste [AS Spaltenalias]
'FROM Quelle [AS Tabellenalias]
'[WHERE Where-Klausel]
'[GROUP BY (Group-by-Attribut)+
'[HAVING Having-Klausel]]
'[ORDER BY (Sortierungsattribut [ASC|DESC])+];

Const csMSACCESS97 = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.oledb.4.0"

Sub ADO_Get_SN_Function_test()
    Dim s1stShipped As String
    s1stShipped = ADO_Get_SN("CNCCB-1026734688")  'EPP V6
    s1stShipped = ADO_Get_SN("TR    1024209030")  'EPP V5
End Sub

Sub ADO_Get_HGN_Function_test()
    Dim sLoadDate As String
    sLoadDate = ADO_Get_HGN("62343567")
    sLoadDate = ADO_Get_HGN("62360779")
End Sub

Sub ADO_Get_Rev_Function_test()
    Dim sItemRev As String
    sItemRev = ADO_Get_Rev("medCompact", "210315062367188") '=02
    sItemRev = ADO_Get_Rev("medCompact", "210315062815770") '=04
End Sub

Function ADO_Get_Rev(sFROM As String, sSN As String)
    ADO_Get_Rev = "#NV" 'Default
    Const csKeyWord = "data source="
    Const csFileOffline = "D:\SNL\SNL.mdb"
    Const csFileNetwork = "L:\QM\SNL\SNL.mdb"
    'Const csWHERE = """SERIAL #""" 'nach SQL teilweise möglich aber nicht MS ACCESS
    'Const csWHERE = """SERIAL NO""" 'nach SQL teilweise möglich aber nicht MS ACCESS
    Const csWHERE = "SerialNo" ' 'SERIAL #' von Cognos muss in MS ACCESS geändert werden
    Dim ADOC As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    Dim sFile As String
    If Modul_WSH.CheckDriveExists("L") Then
        sFile = csFileNetwork
        sFile = csFileOffline
    End If
    Dim sSource As String: sSource = csKeyWord & sFile
    ADOC.Open csMSACCESS97 & ";" & sSource & ";"
    DBS.Open sFROM, ADOC, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    Dim sQuery As String
    sQuery = "select * from " & sFROM & " where " & csWHERE & " like('" & sSN & "')"
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = sQuery
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ADOC
    Set DBS = cmd.Execute
    Do While Not DBS.EOF
            ADO_Get_Rev = DBS![Item Rev] ' letzten Eintrag übernehmen
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
Exit Function
    MsgBox "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" _
    & Chr(13) & Err.Description
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
    ADO_Get_Rev = "#ERR"
End Function

Function ADO_Get_HGN(sFROM As String, sHGN As String, bFirstOccurance As Boolean)
    ADO_Get_HGN = "#NV" 'Default
    'Const csSource = "data source=D:\LDB\LDB.mdb"
    Const csKeyWord = "data source="
    Const csFileOffline = "D:\LDB\LDB.mdb"
    Const csFileNetwork = "L:\QM\LDB\LDB.mdb"
    'Const csFROM = "LDB"
    Const csWHERE = "SerienNr"
    Dim ADOC As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    Dim sFile As String
    If Modul_WSH.CheckDriveExists("L") Then
        sFile = csFileNetwork
        sFile = csFileOffline
    End If
    Dim sSource As String: sSource = csKeyWord & sFile
    ADOC.Open csMSACCESS97 & ";" & sSource & ";"
    DBS.Open sFROM, ADOC, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    Dim sQuery As String
    sQuery = "select * from " & sFROM & " where " & csWHERE & " like('" & sHGN & "')"
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = sQuery
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ADOC
    Set DBS = cmd.Execute
    Do While Not DBS.EOF
        ADO_Get_HGN = DBS!LadeZeit  'Eintrag übernehmen
        DBS.MoveNext                'nächsten Eintrag auswählen
        If bFirstOccurance Then     'nur ersten Eintrag übernehmen
            Exit Do
        End If
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
Exit Function
    MsgBox "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" _
    & Chr(13) & Err.Description
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
    ADO_Get_HGN = "#NV"
End Function

Function ADO_Get_SN(sFROM As String, sSN As String)
    ADO_Get_SN = "#NV" 'Default
    'Const csSource = "data source=D:\SNL\SNL.mdb"
    Const csKeyWord = "data source="
    Const csFileOffline = "D:\SNL\SNL.mdb"
    Const csFileNetwork = "L:\QM\SNL\SNL.mdb"
    'Const csFROM = "EPP"
    'Const csWHERE = "SERIAL_NO"
    Const csWHERE = "SerialNo" ' 'SERIAL #' von Cognos muss in MS ACCESS geändert werden
    Dim ADOC As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    Dim sFile As String
    If Modul_WSH.CheckDriveExists("L") Then
        sFile = csFileNetwork
        sFile = csFileOffline
    End If
    Dim sSource As String: sSource = csKeyWord & sFile
    ADOC.Open csMSACCESS97 & ";" & sSource & ";"
    DBS.Open sFROM, ADOC, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    Dim sQuery As String
    sQuery = "select * from " & sFROM & " where " & csWHERE & " like('" & sSN & "')"
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = sQuery
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ADOC
    Set DBS = cmd.Execute
    Do While Not DBS.EOF
            ADO_Get_SN = DBS!DeliveryDate ' letzten Eintrag übernehmen
Exit Function
    MsgBox "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" _
    & Chr(13) & Err.Description
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
    ADO_Get_SN = "#ERR"
End Function

Sub ADO_Get_HGN_Test()
    Const csHGN = "62343567"
    Dim ADOC As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    ADOC.Open csMSACCESS97 & ";" & _
    "data source=D:\LDB\medCompact.mdb;"
    DBS.Open "LDB", ADOC, adOpenKeyset, _
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = "select * from LDB where HGN like('" & csHGN & "')"
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ADOC
    Set DBS = cmd.Execute
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    ActiveSheet.Name = "HGN"
    Do While Not DBS.EOF
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 0).Value = DBS!ID
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 1).Value = DBS!HGN
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 2).Value = DBS!LOAD_DATE
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 3).Value = DBS!ITEM_NUMBER
         ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).Select
    Set DBS = Nothing
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" _
    & Chr(13) & Err.Description
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
End Sub

Sub DatenübernahmeNachExcel()
    ' aus Bernd Held, Excel VBA in 21 Tagen
    ' unbedingt Verweis auf ActiveX Data Objects setzen
    ' Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
    Dim ADOC As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    On Error GoTo Fehlerbehandlung
    ADOC.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.oledb.4.0;" & _
    "data source=D:\LDB\medCompact.mdb;"
    DBS.Open "LDB", ADOC, adOpenKeyset, _
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandText = "Select * from LDB"
    cmd.ActiveConnection = ADOC
    Set DBS = cmd.Execute
    Do While Not DBS.EOF
         ActiveCell.Value = DBS!ID
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 1).Value = DBS!HGN
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 2).Value = DBS!LOAD_DATE
         ActiveCell.offset(0, 3).Value = DBS!ITEM_NUMBER
        ' If DBS!Bezahlt = True Then
        ' ActiveCell.offset(0, 9).value = "ja"
        ' Else
        ' ActiveCell.offset(0, 9).value = "Nein"
        ' End If
         ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).Select
    Set DBS = Nothing
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" _
    & Chr(13) & Err.Description
    Set ADOC = Nothing
    Set DBS = Nothing
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Akustik"
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
'(C) 2005, Michael Gries

Const csHomeUser As String = "Michael"
Const csFilename As String = "Akustikmodul.xls"
Const csHomeServer As String = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Michael\"
Const csHomePath As String = "Eigene Dateien\"
Const csOfficeServer As String = "\\bber021a\did82006\"
Const csOfficePath As String = "KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\Akustik\"

Public Const csMessageAkustik As String = "net send uidf9246 Akustikmodul"

Sub Akustikmodul()
    On Error GoTo Abbruch
    'Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("Applikation").Caption = "Test"
    Dim CB_App As CommandBarControl
    Dim CB_UApp As CommandBarControl
    Set CB_App = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls("Applikation")
    Set CB_UApp = CB_App.Controls.Add _
                (Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=2)
    With CB_UApp
        .Caption = "&Akustikmodul starten"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "AkustikmodulLaden"
        .State = msoButtonUp
        .FaceId = 68 'Lautsprechersymbol
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
    Exit Sub
    'Wenn Applikations Menü nicht erlaubt (aktiviert)
End Sub

Private Sub AkustikmodulLaden()

    Dim sServer As String: Dim sPath As String: Dim sFile As String
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    If strUserName = csHomeUser Then
        sServer = csHomeServer: sPath = csHomePath: sFile = csFilename
        sServer = csOfficeServer: sPath = csOfficePath: sFile = csFilename
    End If
    Dim iTaskID: iTaskID = Shell(csMessageAkustik): Debug.Print iTaskID
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=sServer & sPath & sFile 'Datei Öffnen
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Ankerdaten"
Option Explicit
'(c)2005, Michael Gries

Public iPolzahl As Integer

Sub DateiLaden_Anker()

' Konstanten
Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "Anker-Rohdaten (AF*.),AF*."
Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Rohdaten Anker"
Const strAF As String = "AF": Const strAL As String = "AL"
Const strAnkerdateiMerkmal As String = "&H8884" ' die ersten zwei Byte jeder Ankerdatei
Const strAnkerdateiEnde As String = "&HFFFF" ' die letzten zwei Byte jeder Ankerdatei

Dim WorkbookSaveAsName As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim lng As Long
Dim Mappen As Variant
Dim iMappen As Long
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sText As String '* 10000
Dim sInputLines(0 To 7) As String
Dim sTextArrayX() As String
Dim sAnkerdatenX() As String
Dim iAnzahlDatensätze As Integer

Dim lText As Long

Dim sOtherCharX As String
Dim sOtherCharXX As String

Dim sTmp As String
Dim sLeft As String
Dim sRight As String
Dim sDateiAnfangID As String
Dim sDateiEndeID As String
Dim strScrollAreaRange As String

Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

sOtherCharX = VBA.Chr(CByte(&H3)) & " "                     ' = '03 20' als Datensatztrenner
sOtherCharXX = VBA.Chr(CByte(&H7)) & " "                   ' = `07 20' als Einzelwerttrenner eines Ankerdatensatzes
sDateiAnfangID = VBA.Chr(CByte(&H88)) & VBA.Chr(CByte(&H84))    ' = '88 84' markiert Dateianfang
sDateiEndeID = VBA.Chr(CByte(&HFF)) & VBA.Chr(CByte(&HFF))      ' = 'FF FF' markiert Dateiende

iMappen = 0
Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, FilterIndex:=0, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)

If IsArray(Mappen) Then
    For iMappen = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
        'Ggf. Meldung bei OpenText Prozedur unterdrücken, falls Format nicht erkannt wird
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Workbooks.OpenText Mappen(iMappen), DataType:=xlDelimited
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Bestimmung Merkmale zum Auftrennen des Strings an definierten Stellen
'(Ermittlung z.B. mit Programm WINHEX oder ähnlichem Hex-Editor)
Range("A1:A6").Select 'Annahme: max. 6 Teilstrings

'durch &h0D (CR) können die Rohdaten auf mehrere Zellen in Spalte A verteilt sein.
'diese zunächst in einem Textarray zusammenfassen ...
i = 0
For Each rCell In Selection
    sInputLines(i) = rCell.Value
    i = i + 1
Next rCell
' ... und anschliesend zu einem Textstring zusammenführen
sText = Join(sInputLines(), "")
lText = Len(sText)
sLeft = VBA.Left(sText, 2): sRight = VBA.Right(sText, 2)
    Debug.Print lText; sText; vbCr; sLeft; vbCr; sRight
'prüfen anhand Dateimerkmalen, ob es sich um eine Ankerdatei handelt
If VBA.Left(sText, 2) = sDateiAnfangID _
And VBA.Right(sText, 2) = sDateiEndeID _
    'Zunächst DateiEnde Markierung abschneiden (2 Byte)
    sText = VBA.Left(sText, Len(sText) - 2)
    'Datensatz Umbruch vereinheitlichen
    sText = Replace(sText, VBA.Chr(CByte(&H2)), VBA.Chr(CByte(&H3)))
    sTextArrayX = Split(sText, sOtherCharX)
    For i = 1 To UBound(sTextArrayX) 'Anzahl Datensätze
        sTmp = sTextArrayX(i)
        sTmp = Replace(sTmp, VBA.Chr(CByte(&H4)), VBA.Chr(CByte(&H7)))
        sTmp = Replace(sTmp, VBA.Chr(CByte(&H5)), VBA.Chr(CByte(&H7)))
        sTmp = Replace(sTmp, VBA.Chr(CByte(&H6)), VBA.Chr(CByte(&H7)))
        'Anker Datensatz zerlegen in Einzelwerte
        sAnkerdatenX = Split(sTmp, sOtherCharXX)
        For j = 0 To UBound(sAnkerdatenX) 'Anzahl Ankerwerte
            sTmp = WorksheetFunction.Clean(sAnkerdatenX(j)) 'nicht Druckbare Zeichen entfernen
            sTmp = WorksheetFunction.Trim(sTmp) 'restliche Leerzeichen entfernen
            ' Debug.Print sTmp
            Cells(i + 1, j + 1) = sTmp
        Next j
    Next i
    'Datenkopf bearbeiten
    'Zelle A1=DateiAnfang Merkmal
    'Zelle A2=Anfangswert Datensatz i.d.R 1
    'Zelle A3=Kommentar beginnend mit Anzahl Datensätze (+1) und Ax-Nummer
    'Zelle A4=Zahl für x-teiligen Anker (Polzahl)
    'Registernamen in Zelle A1
    Cells(1, 1) = ActiveSheet.Name
    'Polzahl sichern und zelle löschen
    iPolzahl = Cells(4, 1).Value: Debug.Print iPolzahl & "-teiliger Anker"
    'Cells(2, 1).NumberFormat = "@""-teiliger Anker"""
    Cells(2, 1) = iPolzahl & "-teiliger Anker": Cells(4, 1) = ""
    'AF_ oder AL_ Nummer aus Text extrahieren
    sTmp = Cells(3, 1).Value
    lng = InStr(1, sTmp, ActiveSheet.Name)
    If lng Then
        sTmp = VBA.Right(sTmp, Len(sTmp) - Len(ActiveSheet.Name))
        Cells(3, 1) = VBA.Right(sTmp, Len(sTmp) - InStr(1, sTmp, " "))
        Debug.Print Cells(3, 1)
    End If
    MsgBox "Keine Ankerdatei Merkmale vorhanden !!!" & vbCr & vbCr & sText
End If

'Ankerdaten formatieren
Call Ankerdatei_Formatieren

' Dokument Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook ' or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = "Ankerdaten Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "Siemens VDO"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Bernd Wehrum"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "created by macro (Gries)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = "created by macro (Gries)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Motoren"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = "None"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = "Anker, Rotor"
End With

' Arbeitsmappe speichern
' vorher Dateiname ermitteln; -4 heißt Endung abschneiden; hier jedoch Datei ohne Endung
WorkbookSaveAsName = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4 + 4) & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=WorkbookSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlNormal

' Diese Eigenschaften können erst nach Wandlung (d.h. Speichern)
' von Textdatei in Exceldatei erstellt werden.
'With ActiveWorkbook
'    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Makro Ansprechpartner", _
'     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Gries"
'    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Macro Version", _
'     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeNumber, Value:=2
'    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Abteilung", _
'     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="FS RD BBE D"
'End With
'With ActiveSheet
'    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Ansprechpartner", Value:="M. Gries"
'    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Telefon", Value:="-770"
'End With

' erneutes Speichern
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=WorkbookSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlNormal

With Application
    .DisplayStatusBar = True
    .StatusBar = "Daten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & WorkbookSaveAsName & " gesichert"
End With
l = Timer
Do While Timer < l + 5
Application.StatusBar = False

'alle Mappen bearbeiten
    Next iMappen
    MsgBox "Es wurde keine Datei ausgewählt! "
    Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Ankerdatei_Formatieren()

Dim i As Integer

'Spalten  formatieren
With Columns("B:N")
    .NumberFormat = "0"
    .ColumnWidth = 8
End With
'Gesamtwiderstandsspalte fett
Columns(iPolzahl + 2).Font.Bold = True

'Kopfzeile hinzufügen
With Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(5, iPolzahl + 2))
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
End With
Cells(5, 1) = "Part": Cells(5, iPolzahl + 2) = "Rges"
For i = 1 To iPolzahl
    Cells(5, i + 1) = "R" & i
Next i

Selection.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
With Selection.Borders
    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With

' Fenster Einstellungen
With ActiveWindow
    .SplitRow = 5
    .SplitColumn = 0
    .FreezePanes = True
    .Zoom = 100
End With

With ActiveSheet.Outline
    .AutomaticStyles = False
    .SummaryRow = xlAbove
    .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
    .ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
End With

'strScrollAreaRange = Selection.Address
'ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = strScrollAreaRange
''ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 'hier identisch mit UsedRange
'With Application
'    .CutCopyMode = False 'keine Zellmarkierung
'    .ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
'End With

End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_API_functions"
Option Explicit

' Datentypen
       dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
       dwMajorVersion As Long
       dwMinorVersion As Long
       dwBuildNumber As Long
       dwPlatformId As Long
       szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Service Pack
End Type

Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" _
        (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetVersionEx1 Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias _
        "GetVersionExA" (ByRef lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function ShellAbout Lib "shell32.dll" _
        Alias "ShellAboutA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal szApp As String, _
            ByVal szOtherStuff As String, ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _
        Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SystemBeep Lib "kernel32.dll" _
        Alias "Beep" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenDeviceManager Lib "devmgr.dll" _
        Alias "DeviceManager_ExecuteA" (ByVal hWndParent As Long, _
            ByVal hInst As Long, ByVal lpMachineName As String, _
            ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Boolean
Private Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" _
        Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

' Geräte Manager von Command-Box aus starten:
' Rundll32.exe devmgr.dll DeviceManager_ExecuteA /DeviceID root\system\0000
' Rundll32.exe devmgr.dll DeviceManager_RunDLL /DeviceID root\system\0000
'End Deklarationen

Sub OCX_Install()
    Shell "regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\mscomct2.ocx" '(DllRegisterServer)
End Sub

Public Function GetOSVersion() As Integer
    If GetVersionEx1(OsVersInfo) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Fehler im API-Aufruf: GetVersionEx1"
        GetOSVersion = OsVersInfo.dwPlatformId
    End If
End Function

Sub Test_OSVersion()
    Debug.Print GetOSVersion
End Sub

Sub ApplikationGeräteManager()
'    Const sDeviceID As String = "/DeviceID"
'    Const sPath As String = "root\system\0000"
    Const lpMachineName As String = "GA"
    Const nCmdShow As Integer = 1
    Dim bResult As Boolean
    bResult = OpenDeviceManager(1, 1, lpMachineName, nCmdShow)
    Debug.Print bResult
End Sub
Sub Show_Info()
    Dim hwnd As Long
    Const hIcon As Long = 5 'Exclamation Mark
    Const szApp As String = "Akustikmodul"
    Const szOtherStuffLine1 As String = "Michael Gries, SV P FS RD BBE D"
    Const szOtherStuffLine2 As String = ""

    ShellAbout hwnd, szApp, "     " & szOtherStuffLine1 _
                 & vbCrLf & "     " & szOtherStuffLine2, hIcon
End Sub

Private Sub Get_LoginName()
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    MsgBox "Windows login name: " & strUserName & " (" & Application.UserName & ")"
End Sub

Function GetUserLoginName() As String
    Dim strTemp As String, strUserName As String
    'Create buffers
    strTemp = VBA.String(100, VBA.Chr$(0))
    strUserName = VBA.String(100, VBA.Chr$(0))
    'API function
    GetUserName strUserName, 100
    'strip the rest of the buffer
    strUserName = VBA.Left$(strUserName, InStr(strUserName, VBA.Chr$(0)) - 1)
        Debug.Print strUserName
    GetUserLoginName = strUserName
End Function

Function GetEnvironUsername()
    'den aktuellen Benutzer ermitteln (nur: NT, 2000, Xp)
    Dim sUsername As String
    sUsername = Environ("UserName")
    'Debug.Print sUsername
    'MsgBox "Benutzer: " & sUserName
    GetEnvironUsername = sUsername
End Function

Function GetEnvironComputername() As String
    GetEnvironComputername = VBA.Interaction.Environ("Computername")
End Function

Function GetEnvironUserprofile() As String
    GetEnvironUserprofile = VBA.Interaction.Environ("Userprofile")
End Function

Function AddNetHoodLink(sfolder As String)
    Dim sUserPath As String
    sUserPath = GetEnvironUserprofile
    Debug.Print sUserPath
End Function

Sub LinkTest()
    AddNetHoodLink ("Test")
End Sub

Function SystemBeep_OK()
    Const clKammerton_A As Long = 440 'Hz
    Dim dwFreq1 As Long: Dim dwFreq2 As Long
    dwFreq1 = clKammerton_A * 3
    dwFreq2 = clKammerton_A * 2
    'Doppelton kurz
    SystemBeep dwFreq1, 200
        SystemBeep 20000, 100 'nicht hörbar als Pause
    SystemBeep dwFreq2, 200
End Function

Sub SoundStart()
   Dim iCounter As Integer
   Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
   For iCounter = 1 To 10
      Call sndPlaySound32(Range("A1").Value, 1)
      Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
   Next iCounter
End Sub

Public Function ScreenResolution()
    Const SM_CXSCREEN = 0
    Const SM_CYSCREEN = 1
    ScreenResolution = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) & _
        "x" & GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
    Debug.Print "Bildschirmauflösung: "; ScreenResolution
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Diagramm"
'(c) 2006, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2006-01-14
'2006-01-17: Diagramm Q=f(U)
'2006-02-05: Diagramm Q=f(n)
'2006-12-17: Diagramm Q=f(p)
'2007-08-06: Histogramm-Daten
'2007-08-18: Histogramm-Diagramm
'Letzte Änderung: 2006-11-05
Option Explicit

Dim clsDiagramm As New Klasse_Diagramm 'Name des Klassenmoduls

Const DiaLeft As Integer = 0
Const DiaTop As Integer = 0
Const DiaWidth As Integer = 640 / 2 'geeignet für Display-Auflösung 1024x768
Const DiaHeight As Integer = 420 / 2

Public iY1AxesMaximumScale As Integer
Public iY2AxesMaximumScale As Integer

Dim intScaleDiaWidth As Integer, intScaleDiaHeight As Integer
'übernimmt die Konstanten DiaWidth/DiaHeight
'End Deklarationen

Function Get_Pumptype_Slope(sType As String) As Double
    'liefert referenzierte Steigungen verschiedener Pumpen
    'für das Q=f(n) Diagramm
    'zur Bestimung der Pumpenstufenqualität
    'Testdatei s. "!REF_Kennliniensteigung f(n).xls"
    Dim colSlope As New Collection
    colSlope.Add 0.047, "4.2"       'C-Muster   (Basis: 17L6)
    colSlope.Add 0.028, "4.42"      'Serie      (Basis: 1001K7)
    colSlope.Add 0.042, "4.6"       'Serie
    colSlope.Add 0.054, "4.6eta"    'C-Muster   (Basis: 1110L7)
    colSlope.Add 0.057, "5.6"       't.b.d.
    colSlope.Add 0.057, "5.7"       't.b.d.
    colSlope.Add 0.071, "6.6"       'C-Muster   (Basis: 897K7)
    colSlope.Add 0.086, "8.0"       't.b.d.
    colSlope.Add 0.029, "8.6"       'C-Muster   (Basis: 606K6)
    colSlope.Add 0.016, "11.0"      'C-Muster   (Basis: 528K7)
    Get_Pumptype_Slope = colSlope(sType)
    Debug.Print "Gradient: "; colSlope(sType)
End Function

Sub Insert_Musterkopfzeile()
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A") + 1
        Dim lNoOfRows As Long: lNoOfRows = Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
        Dim iNoOfCols As Long: iNoOfCols = Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
        Dim sMuster1 As String: Dim sMuster2 As String
        Dim i As Long: i = lStartRow
            sMuster1 = Cells(i, 1): sMuster2 = Cells(i + 1, 1)
            'Rows(i + 1).Select 'nur für Testzwecke
            If sMuster1 <> sMuster2 And _
               sMuster1 <> "Muster" And _
               sMuster2 <> "Muster" _
                 Rows(i + 1).Insert xlShiftUp
                 Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = "Muster"
                 Range(Cells(i + 1, 1), Cells(i + 1, iNoOfCols)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'hellgrau
                 i = i + 1
            End If
        i = i + 1
        Loop Until sMuster2 = ""
    End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub Histo_Diagramm()
Attribute Histo_Diagramm.VB_Description = "H"
Attribute Histo_Diagramm.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "H\n14"
    'Erstellung: 2007-08-06
    'Letzte Änderung:2007-08-06
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
       If Not Diagramm_Histo Then GoTo Diagramm_Err
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Diagramm Fehler in Prozedur 'Diagramm_Histo'"
End Sub

Sub Expand_Chart_Kontext()
    Const csMenüName As String = "SVDO Diagramm"
    Dim CB As CommandBarControl
    'On Error Resume Next
    Application.CommandBars("Chart") _
    Set CB = Application.CommandBars("Chart").Controls.Add _
    With CB
        .Caption = csMenüName
        .TooltipText = "Achsen mittels UMS oder STRG ändern"
        .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
        .OnAction = "Convert_ASC_Dateien"
        .FaceId = 300 '300 Tabelle ohne Excel Symbol, 142 mit
        .BeginGroup = True
    End With
End Sub

Sub InitializeChart()
    Set clsDiagramm.SVDO_Diagramm = _
End Sub

Sub Q_n_Diagramm()
Attribute Q_n_Diagramm.VB_Description = "N"
Attribute Q_n_Diagramm.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "N\n14"
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
       If Not Diagramm_XY_n Then GoTo Diagramm_Err
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Diagramm Fehler"
End Sub

Sub QI_U_Diagramm()
Attribute QI_U_Diagramm.VB_Description = "U"
Attribute QI_U_Diagramm.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "U\n14"
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
       If Not Diagramm_XY_U Then GoTo Diagramm_Err
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Diagramm Fehler"
End Sub

Sub QI_p_Diagramm()
Attribute QI_p_Diagramm.VB_Description = "Diagramm Darstellung über Druck p"
Attribute QI_p_Diagramm.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "P\n14"
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
       If Not Diagramm_XY_p Then GoTo Diagramm_Err
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Diagramm Fehler"
End Sub

Function Diagramm_Histo() As Boolean
    Const csHistogrammbereich As String = "M3:Q14"
    Const csStartDataRange As String = "N3"
    Dim sStartDiagramm As String
    Dim bStatistik As Boolean
    If Modul_Prüfstand.Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Funktion (n)", "Mittelwert (1)", "Zähler (2)") Then
        bStatistik = True
        sStartDiagramm = "M2"
        ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False 'Autofilter zurücksetzen
        Call Insert_Statistik
        bStatistik = True
    End If
    Diagramm_Histo = True
    Const sDiagrammName As String = "Histo"
    Const sDiagrammTitle As String = "Verteilung"
    Const x_Header As String = "Klasse"
    Const y_Header As String = "Verteilung"
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Activate
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Delete 'falls vorhanden
    Dim XY_Chart As ChartObject
    Dim sChartTitle As String
    Dim sPumpentyp As String: sPumpentyp = Range("B" & Find_Row("Typ:", "A:A")).Value
    Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = Find_Row("Funktion (n)", "A:A") + 1
    Dim lStopRow As Long: lStopRow = 14
    Dim sDatenbereich As String: sDatenbereich = Range(csStartDataRange).CurrentRegion.Address
    'Default Diagrammgröße einstellen
    intScaleDiaWidth = DiaWidth: intScaleDiaHeight = DiaHeight
    'Skalierungswerte anhand des Maxiamalwertes der MAXIMUM-Zeile ermitteln
    iY1AxesMaximumScale = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Range("F4"), 0) 'Ganzzahl
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set XY_Chart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(DiaLeft, DiaTop, DiaWidth, DiaHeight)
    XY_Chart.Name = sDiagrammName
    sChartTitle = sDiagrammTitle
    Dim xCol As String: xCol = Find_Column(x_Header, sDatenbereich)
    Dim S1Col As String: S1Col = Find_Column(y_Header, sDatenbereich)
    Dim xHeaderRange As String:  xHeaderRange = Find_Cell(x_Header, sDatenbereich)
    Dim S1HeaderRange As String: S1HeaderRange = Find_Cell(y_Header, sDatenbereich)
    Dim xValueRange As String:   xValueRange = xCol & lStartRow & ":" & xCol & lStopRow
    Dim S1ValueRange As String:  S1ValueRange = S1Col & lStartRow & ":" & S1Col & lStopRow 'Series 1
    Set clsDiagramm.SVDO_Diagramm = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Chart
        'Diagramm anordnen
        With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName)
            .Left = Range(sStartDiagramm).Left
            .Top = Range(sStartDiagramm).Top
        End With
    With ActiveChart
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
        .ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellrosa wie MINITAB Tool
        'Textobjekt 1 (Bemerkung)
        With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 1, 0, 0)
             .Name = "Bemerkung"          'Hinweis zur Lage des Sensors
             .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Pumpentyp: " & sPumpentyp
             .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
        End With
        With Selection
             .AutoScaleFont = False
             .Font.Size = 10
             .Font.Bold = False
        End With
        'Textobjekt 2 (Hinweis)
        With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 90, 10, 200, 0)
             .Name = "Hinweis"
             .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
                "ACHTUNG: Diagrammwerte noch nicht geprüft"
             .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
        End With
        With Selection
             .AutoScaleFont = False
             .Font.Size = 8
             .Font.Bold = False
             .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'rot
        End With
        '1. Datenreihe (+/-5 Sigmar-Werte)
        '.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 'erste Datenreihe ist automatisch vorhanden
        With .SeriesCollection(1)
            .AxisGroup = 1 'muss auf Primärachse
            .Name = Range(S1HeaderRange)
            .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
            .Values = Range(S1ValueRange)
            .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 16
            .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 16
            .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
            .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
            .Smooth = False
            .MarkerSize = 2
            .Shadow = False
            With .Border
                .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S1HeaderRange))
                .Weight = xlMedium
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
        End With
        'typische Darstellung für Histogramme:
        ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).GapWidth = 0
        'd.h. kein Abstand zwischen den Säulen
        'Titel kann erst hier aktiviert werden
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartTitle.Text = sChartTitle
    End With 'ActiveChart
    On Error Resume Next 'Fehler unterdrücken wenn z.B. keine Gridlines aktiv
    With ActiveChart
        With .ChartArea
            'Keine Änderungen
        End With
        With .ChartTitle
            .AutoScaleFont = False
            .Font.Size = 12
            .Font.Bold = True
            .Left = 10
            .Top = 4
        End With
        With .Legend
            .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
            .AutoScaleFont = False
            .Font.Size = 8
            .Left = 5
            .Top = DiaHeight - 0
            '.Width = DiaWidth - 0
        End With
        .HasLegend = True
        With .PlotArea
            .Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'i.d.R Weiß
            .Left = 20  'Platz lassen für Y-Achsenbezeichnung
            .Top = 25   'Platz lassen für Diagrammtitel (fett)
            .Height = 400 - 120 - 10 - 10
            .Width = DiaWidth - 40
        End With
        With .Axes(xlCategory)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
                .Characters.Text = x_Header
                .AutoScaleFont = False
                .Size = 10
            End With
            .HasMajorGridlines = True
            .HasMinorGridlines = True
            .CrossesAt = 0
            .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
            .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
            .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Druck
            .TickLabelSpacing = 1
            .TickMarkSpacing = 1
    '        .MajorUnit = 1
    '        .MinorUnit = 0.5
            .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
            .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
            .AxisBetweenCategories = True
            .ReversePlotOrder = False
            With .MajorGridlines.Border
                .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
                .Weight = xlHairline
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
            With .MinorGridlines.Border
                .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
                .Weight = xlHairline
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
        End With
        'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
        With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
            .HasTitle = True
            With .AxisTitle
                .Characters.Text = "Anzahl"
                .AutoScaleFont = False
                .Size = 10
            End With
            .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
            .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
            .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
            .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
            .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
    '        .MajorUnit = 20
    '        .MinorUnit = 10
            .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
            .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
            With .MajorGridlines.Border
                .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
                .Weight = xlHairline
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
            With .MinorGridlines.Border
                .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
                .Weight = xlHairline
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
        End With
    End With 'ActiveChart
    'Diagramm_Formatieren 'Minitab ähnliche Darstellung
    ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName).Placement = xlFreeFloating 'd.h. unabhängig vom Autofilter
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function

Function Diagramm_XY_p() As Boolean
Const sDiagrammName As String = "QI_fp"
Const sDiagrammTitle As String = "Q,I = f(p)"
'Const iMinRPMskalierung As Integer = 1000 'Umdr./min
'Const iMinFlowkalierung As Integer = 100 'lph

Const p_Header As String = "p_b(bar)"
Const Q_Header As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
Const I_Header As String = "I(A)"

    Diagramm_XY_p = True 'default
'    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Delete 'default (alle Diagramme löschen); an dieser
'                    'Stelle wichtig, da Benutzer ggf. ein Chart selektiert hat
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Activate
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Delete 'falls vorhanden

Dim XY_Chart As ChartObject
Dim sChartTitle As String
Dim sPumpentyp As String: sPumpentyp = Range("B" & Find_Row("Typ:", "A:A")).Value

Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A") + 1
Dim lStopRow As Long: lStopRow = ActiveCell(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count: lStopRow = (lStopRow - 1) + (lStartRow - 1)
Dim sDatenbereich As String: sDatenbereich = Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Address
Dim sStartDiagramm As String:
sStartDiagramm = Cells(lStartRow + 6, 3 + Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count).Address

'Default Diagrammgröße einstellen
intScaleDiaWidth = DiaWidth: intScaleDiaHeight = DiaHeight

'Skalierungswerte anhand des Maxiamalwertes der MAXIMUM-Zeile ermitteln
iY1AxesMaximumScale = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Range("F4"), 0) 'Ganzzahl

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set XY_Chart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(DiaLeft, DiaTop, DiaWidth, DiaHeight)
XY_Chart.Name = sDiagrammName
sChartTitle = sDiagrammTitle

Dim xCol As String: xCol = Find_Column(p_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1Col As String: S1Col = Find_Column(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S2Col As String: S2Col = Find_Column(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xHeaderRange As String:  xHeaderRange = Find_Cell(p_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1HeaderRange As String: S1HeaderRange = Find_Cell(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S2HeaderRange As String: S2HeaderRange = Find_Cell(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xValueRange As String:   xValueRange = xCol & lStartRow & ":" & xCol & lStopRow
Dim S1ValueRange As String:  S1ValueRange = S1Col & lStartRow & ":" & S1Col & lStopRow 'Series 1
Dim S2ValueRange As String:  S2ValueRange = S2Col & lStartRow & ":" & S2Col & lStopRow 'Series 2

Set clsDiagramm.SVDO_Diagramm = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Chart

    'Diagramm anordnen
    With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName)
        .Left = Range(sStartDiagramm).Left
        .Top = Range(sStartDiagramm).Top
    End With

With ActiveChart
    .ChartType = xlXYScatter
    .ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellrosa wie MINITAB Tool
    'Textobjekt 1 (Bemerkung)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 1, 0, 0)
         .Name = "Bemerkung"          'Hinweis zur Lage des Sensors
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Pumpentyp: " & sPumpentyp
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 10
         .Font.Bold = False
    End With
    'Textobjekt 2 (Hinweis)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 35, 3, 200, 0)
         .Name = "Hinweis"
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
            "ACHTUNG: Diagrammwerte noch nicht geprüft"
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 8
         .Font.Bold = False
         .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'rot
    End With
    '1. Datenreihe (Durchfluß Q)
    With .SeriesCollection(1)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'muss auf Primärachse
        .Name = Range(S1HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S1ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S1HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With

    '2. Datenreihe (Strom I)
    With .SeriesCollection(2)
        .AxisGroup = 2 'sollte immer auf Sekundärachse
        .Name = Range(S2HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S2ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3 'red
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 3
        .MarkerStyle = xlDot    'alternativ Punktdarstellung
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S2HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Titel kann erst hier aktiviert werden
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = sChartTitle

End With 'ActiveChart

On Error Resume Next 'Fehler unterdrücken wenn z.B. keine Gridlines aktiv
With ActiveChart
    With .ChartArea
        'Keine Änderungen
    End With
    With .ChartTitle
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'i.d.R Weiß
        .Left = 20  'Platz lassen für Y-Achsenbezeichnung
        .Top = 25   'Platz lassen für Diagrammtitel (fett)
        .Height = 400 - 120 - 10 - 10
        .Width = 600 - 120 'Rand lassen
    End With
    With .Legend
        .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 8
        .Left = 0
        .Top = DiaHeight - 10
        .Width = DiaWidth - 2
    End With
    .HasLegend = True
    With .Axes(xlCategory)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "p [bar]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
            .Size = 10
        End With
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = True
        .CrossesAt = 0
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Druck
        .TickLabelSpacing = 1
        .TickMarkSpacing = 1
'        .MajorUnit = 1
'        .MinorUnit = 0.5
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        .AxisBetweenCategories = True
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "Q [l/h]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
            .Size = 10
        End With
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y2-Achse (Secondary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "I [A]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
            .Size = 10
        End With
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Strom
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
End With 'ActiveChart

'Diagramm_Formatieren 'Minitab ähnliche Darstellung

ActiveSheet.Shapes("QI_fp").Placement = xlFreeFloating 'd.h. unabhängig vom Autofilter
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

'zum automatischen Aktualisieren von Array-Datenreihen ggf. folgende Prozedur mittels
'VBE in entsprechendes Tabellenblatt eintragen:
    'Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
    '    Application.Run "'Gries.xla'!Modul_Diagramm.Q_n_Diagramm"
    'End Sub
End Function

Function Diagramm_XY_n() As Boolean
Const sDiagrammName As String = "QI_fn"
Const sDiagrammTitle As String = "Q,I = f(n)"
Const iMinRpmSkalierung As Integer = 1000 'Umdr./min
Const iMinFlowSkalierung As Integer = 100 'lph

Const n_Header As String = "n(1/min)"
Const Q_Header As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
Const I_Header As String = "I(A)"

    Diagramm_XY_n = True 'default
'    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Delete 'default (alle Diagramme löschen); an dieser
'                    'Stelle wichtig, da Benutzer ggf. ein Chart selektiert hat
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Activate
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Delete 'falls vorhanden
    On Error GoTo 0

Dim XY_Chart As ChartObject
Dim sChartTitle As String
Dim sPumpentyp As String: sPumpentyp = Range("B" & Find_Row("Typ:", "A:A")).Value

Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A") + 1
Dim lStopRow As Long: lStopRow = ActiveCell(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count: lStopRow = (lStopRow - 1) + (lStartRow - 1)
Dim sDatenbereich As String: sDatenbereich = Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Address
Dim sStartDiagramm As String:
sStartDiagramm = Cells(lStartRow + 3, 2 + Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count).Address

'Default Diagrammgröße einstellen
intScaleDiaWidth = DiaWidth: intScaleDiaHeight = DiaHeight

'Skalierungswerte anhand des Maxiamalwertes der MAXIMUM-Zeile ermitteln
iY1AxesMaximumScale = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Range("F4"), 0) 'Ganzzahl

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim bStatistik As Boolean
If Modul_Prüfstand.Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Funktion (n)", "Mittelwert (1)", "Zähler (2)") Then
    bStatistik = True
    sStartDiagramm = "N2"
End If

Set XY_Chart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(DiaLeft, DiaTop, DiaWidth, DiaHeight)
XY_Chart.Name = sDiagrammName
sChartTitle = sDiagrammTitle

Dim xCol As String: xCol = Find_Column(n_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1Col As String: S1Col = Find_Column(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S6Col As String: S6Col = Find_Column(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xHeaderRange As String:  xHeaderRange = Find_Cell(n_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1HeaderRange As String: S1HeaderRange = Find_Cell(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S6HeaderRange As String: S6HeaderRange = Find_Cell(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xValueRange As String:   xValueRange = xCol & lStartRow & ":" & xCol & lStopRow
Dim S1ValueRange As String:  S1ValueRange = S1Col & lStartRow & ":" & S1Col & lStopRow 'Series 1  (Q)
Dim S6ValueRange As String:  S6ValueRange = S6Col & lStartRow & ":" & S6Col & lStopRow 'Series 6  (I)

Set clsDiagramm.SVDO_Diagramm = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Chart

'Diagramm anordnen
With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName)
    .Left = Range(sStartDiagramm).Left
    .Top = Range(sStartDiagramm).Top
End With

'Datenreihen erstellen
With ActiveChart
    .ChartType = xlXYScatter
    .ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellrosa wie MINITAB Tool
    'Textobjekt 1 (Bemerkung)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 1, 100, 20)
         .Name = "Bemerkung"          'Hinweis zur Lage des Sensors
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Pumpentyp: " & sPumpentyp
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 10
         .Font.Bold = False
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Textobjekt 2 (Hinweis)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 3, 3, 200, 20)
         .Name = "Hinweis"
         If bStatistik Then
            .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
               "ACHTUNG: wenn blaue Referenzlinie senkrecht = Pumpentyp unbekannt"
            .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
               "ACHTUNG: für Drehzahlgrenzendarstellung Statistikblock hinzufügen"
         End If
         .Width = 300
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 8
         .Font.Bold = False
         .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'rot
    End With
    Dim iMarkerColor As Integer
    iMarkerColor = Get_SVDO_Colors("n(1/min)")

    '1. Datenreihe (Durchfluß Q)
    With .SeriesCollection(1)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'muss auf Primärachse
        .Name = Range(S1HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S1ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        '.MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S1HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .LineStyle = xlNone
        End With
    End With

If bStatistik Then
    Dim iYaxisAutoOldMin As Double
    Dim iYaxisAutoOldMax As Double
    iYaxisAutoOldMin = .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MinimumScale
    iYaxisAutoOldMax = .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MaximumScale
    Dim nLower As Double, nMean As Double, nUpper As Double
    Dim ylower As Double, yMean As Double, yUpper As Double
    nMean = Range("D4")
    yMean = Range("I4")
    Dim dSlope As Double, db As Double
    dSlope = 1000# 'keine Steigung zu Indikation dass kein Typ bekannt (default)
    'Achtung: ungleich 0, da sonst Laufzeitfehler bei Division
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "s") Then   'Sonderfall: Steigungsangabe in Typ
        On Error Resume Next
        dSlope = VBA.CCur(VBA.Mid(sPumpentyp, 2)) / 1000
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.2") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.2")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.42") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.42")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.6")
    End If
    'hier: kritische Programmierung
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "eta") Then     'ggf überschreibt 4.6 standard
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.6eta")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "5.7") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("5.7")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "6.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("6.6")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "8.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("8.6")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "11") Or _
        VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "11.0") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("11.0")
    End If

    'y = ax + b wobei a = sSlope = bekannt
    'Berechnung von b (Achsenabschnitt)
    'b = y - ax
    db = yMean - (dSlope * nMean)
    'Berecnung von Unter- und Obergrenze mittels x-Wert
    nLower = 1000
    nUpper = 8000
    ylower = (dSlope * nLower) + db
    yUpper = (dSlope * nUpper) + db
    'Berecnung von Unter- und Obergrenze mittels y-Wert
        'y = ax + b wobei a=sSlope und b=db bekannt
        'Berechnung von x (Drehzahlgrenzen)
        'x = (y - b) / a
    ylower = iYaxisAutoOldMin
    yUpper = iYaxisAutoOldMax
    nLower = (ylower - db) / dSlope
    nUpper = (yUpper - db) / dSlope
    'Spezielle Zellen benennen
    Dim sASname As String: sASname = ActiveSheet.Name
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Steigung", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R1C5"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Achsenabschnitt", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R1C6"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="REF_n_neg", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R15C3"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="REF_n_pos", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R15C5"
    Range("D1:F2").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    Range("I1:I2").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    Range("D1").Formula = "=(I1-F1)/E1" 'untere Drehzahlgrenze
    Range("D2").Formula = "=(I2-F2)/E2" 'obere Drehzahlgrenze
    Range("F1").Formula = "=I4-(E1*D4)" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt
    'Range("E1").Formula = "=I4-(Steigung*D4)" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt
    '' Zellennamen erst ab XL2007 da, dann pro Sheet unterscheidbar
    Range("F2").Formula = "=F1" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt kopieren
    Range("E1").Value = dSlope   'Wert für Steigung
    Range("E2").Formula = "=E1"  'Wert für Steigung kopieren
    Range("I1").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("I2").Formula = "=I7+10"
    'Formeln für automatische Diagrammaktualisierung in Tabelle eintragen
    'Range("C16:H17").Font.ColorIndex = Range("C16").Font.Background
    'und Daten unsichtbar machen
    Range("C15:H17").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    'On Error GoTo 0
    Range("D16").Formula = "=D4"
    Range("D17").Formula = "=D16"
    Range("G16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("G17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    Range("C15").Value = 5  'Prozentwert
    'Range("C16").Formula = "=D4*0.95"
    Range("C16").Formula = "=D4*(1-C15/100)"
    Range("C17").Formula = "=C16"
    Range("F16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("F17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    Range("E15").Value = 5  'Prozentwert
    'Range("E16").Formula = "=D4*1.05"
    Range("E16").Formula = "=D4*(1+E15/100)"
    Range("E17").Formula = "=E16"
    Range("H16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("H17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    '2. Datenreihe (Trendline vom Mittelwert)
    With .SeriesCollection(2)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Q (Trend)"
'        .XValues = Array(nLower, nMean, nUpper)
'        .Values = Array(ylower, yMean, yUpper)
        .XValues = Range("D1:D2")
        .Values = Range("I1:I2")
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
'        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
'        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 5 'Blau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
End If

If bStatistik Then
    '3. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl)
    With .SeriesCollection(3)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean, nMean)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
'       .XValues = Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(2, 4)) 'liefert nur Einzelwerte
        .XValues = Range("D16:D17")
        .Values = Range("G16:G17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDash
        End With
    End With
    '4. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl -5%)
    With .SeriesCollection(4)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n-5%"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean * 0.95, nMean * 0.95)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
        .XValues = Range("C16:C17")
        .Values = Range("F16:F17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDot
        End With
    End With
    '5. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl +5%)
    With .SeriesCollection(5)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n+5%"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean * 1.05, nMean * 1.05)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
        .XValues = Range("E16:E17")
        .Values = Range("H16:H17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDot
        End With
    End With
    '6. Datenreihe (Strom I)
    '2007-09-05 hinzu
    With .SeriesCollection(6)
        .AxisGroup = 2 'muss auf Sekundärachse
        .Name = Range(S6HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S6ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors("I(A)")
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors("I(A)")
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        '.MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S6HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .LineStyle = xlNone
        End With
    End With
    'Reihenfolge für Legende festlegen
    With .ChartGroups(1)
    'ACHTUNG: PlotOrder ändert SeriesCollection Reihenfolge
        'Q_b        Ref_n-5%
        'Q_Trend    Ref_n
        'Ref_n      Ref_n+5%
        'Ref_n-5%   Q_b
        'Ref_n+5%   Q_Trend
        On Error Resume Next 'xl2007
        .SeriesCollection(2).PlotOrder = 5
        .SeriesCollection(1).PlotOrder = 4
        .SeriesCollection(1).PlotOrder = 2
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
End If

    ' Achsen formatieren
    With .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "n [1/min]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        Dim iMinCatScale As Integer: iMinCatScale = .MinimumScale - 100  'offset
        Dim iMaxCatScale As Integer: iMaxCatScale = .MaximumScale
        'Variablen hier einfacher zu debuggen
        If (iMaxCatScale - iMinCatScale) < iMinRpmSkalierung Then
            'Skalierung auf Mindesbreite einstellen
            iMaxCatScale = iMinCatScale + iMinRpmSkalierung
            .MinimumScale = iMinCatScale
            .MaximumScale = iMaxCatScale
            .MinorUnit = 100
            .MajorUnit = 200
        End If
'        With .TickLabels
'            .Alignment = xlCenter
'            .Offset = 100
'            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
'            .Orientation = xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic
'        End With
    End With
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "Q [l/h]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
'           .Size = 10
            .Font.Size = 10 'xl2007
        End With
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = False  'Keine Hilfslinien
        '.MinimumScale = 0
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MaximumScale = iY1AxesMaximumScale
'        .MajorUnit = iY1AxesMaximumScale / 10
        'Max-Skalierung der Y1-Achse sichern für Übernahme Y2-Achse
        iY2AxesMaximumScale = .MaximumScale 'Wert für 2. Achse sichern
        Debug.Print iY2AxesMaximumScale
        Dim iMinScale As Integer: iMinScale = .MinimumScale
        Dim iMaxScale As Integer: iMaxScale = .MaximumScale
        'Variablen hier einfacher zu debuggen
        'iMinScale = (iMinScale / 10) * 10 'Runden auf Zehner
        iMinScale = iMinScale / 10: iMinScale = iMinScale * 10 'Runden auf Zehner
        iMinScale = iMinScale - 20 'offset
        If (iMaxScale - iMinScale) < iMinFlowSkalierung Then
            'Skalierung auf Mindesbreite einstellen
            iMaxScale = iMinScale + iMinFlowSkalierung
            .MinimumScale = iMinScale
            .MaximumScale = iMaxScale
            .MinorUnit = 10
            .MajorUnit = 20
        End If
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y1-Achse
    End With
If bStatistik Then
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "I [A]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
'           .Size = 10
            .Font.Size = 10 'xl2007
        End With
        '.MinimumScale = 0
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        iY2AxesMaximumScale = .MaximumScale 'Wert für 2. Achse sichern
        Debug.Print iY2AxesMaximumScale
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False   ' festes Format
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0"    'Zahlendarstellung Y2-Achse
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10          'SVDO Größe
    End With
End If 'bStatistik
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = sChartTitle
End With 'ActiveChart
'On Error Resume Next 'Fehler unterdrücken wenn z.B. keine Gridlines aktiv
With ActiveChart
    With .ChartArea
        'Keine Änderungen
    End With
    With .ChartTitle
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'i.d.R Weiß
        .Left = 20  'Platz lassen für Y-Achsenbezeichnung
        .Top = 25   'Platz lassen für Diagrammtitel (fett)
        .Height = 400 - 120 - 10 - 10
'        .Width = 600 - 300 'Rand lassen
        .Width = 600 - 320 'Rand größer wegen Stromachse hinzu
    End With
    With .Axes(xlCategory)
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = True
        .CrossesAt = 0
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Spannung
'        .TickLabelSpacing = 1
'        .TickMarkSpacing = 1
'        .MajorUnit = 1
'        .MinorUnit = 0.5
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
'        .AxisBetweenCategories = True
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        If .MinimumScale < 0 Then
            .MinimumScale = 0
        End If
    End With
    'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
'        With .MinorGridlines.Border
'            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
'            .Weight = xlHairline
'            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
'        End With
        If .MinimumScale < 0 Then
            .MinimumScale = 0
        End If
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    With .Legend
        .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 8
        .Left = 10
        .Top = DiaHeight - 30
        .Width = DiaWidth - 25
'        If XLVER = 12 Then
'            .Format.Fill.BackColor.SchemeColor = 2  'xl2007
'            .Format.Line.BackColor.SchemeColor = 3  'xl2007
'        End If
    End With
    .HasLegend = True
End With 'ActiveChart

ActiveSheet.Shapes("QI_fn").Placement = xlFreeFloating 'd.h. unabhängig vom Autofilter
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function

Function Diagramm_XY_U() As Boolean
Const sDiagrammName As String = "QI_fU"
Const sDiagrammTitle As String = "Q,I,p = f(U)"
    Diagramm_XY_U = True 'default
'    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Delete 'default (alle Diagramme löschen); an dieser
'                    'Stelle wichtig, da Benutzer ggf. ein Chart selektiert hat
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Activate
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Delete 'falls vorhanden

Dim XY_Chart As ChartObject
Dim sChartTitle As String
Dim sPumpentyp As String: sPumpentyp = Range("B" & Find_Row("Typ:", "A:A")).Value

Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A") + 1
Dim lStopRow As Long: lStopRow = ActiveCell(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count: lStopRow = (lStopRow - 1) + (lStartRow - 1)
Dim sDatenbereich As String: sDatenbereich = Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Address
Dim sStartDiagramm As String:
sStartDiagramm = Cells(lStartRow, 1 + Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count).Address

'Default Diagrammgröße einstellen
intScaleDiaWidth = DiaWidth: intScaleDiaHeight = DiaHeight

'Skalierungswerte anhand des Maxiamalwertes der MAXIMUM-Zeile ermitteln
iY1AxesMaximumScale = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Range("F4"), 0) 'Ganzzahl

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set XY_Chart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(DiaLeft, DiaTop, DiaWidth, DiaHeight)
XY_Chart.Name = sDiagrammName
sChartTitle = sDiagrammTitle

Dim xCol As String: xCol = Find_Column("U(V)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S1Col As String: S1Col = Find_Column("Q_b(l/h)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S2Col As String: S2Col = Find_Column("I(A)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S3Col As String: S3Col = Find_Column("p_b(bar)", sDatenbereich)

Dim xHeaderRange As String:  xHeaderRange = Find_Cell("U(V)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S1HeaderRange As String: S1HeaderRange = Find_Cell("Q_b(l/h)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S2HeaderRange As String: S2HeaderRange = Find_Cell("I(A)", sDatenbereich)
Dim S3HeaderRange As String: S3HeaderRange = Find_Cell("p_b(bar)", sDatenbereich)

Dim xValueRange As String:   xValueRange = xCol & lStartRow & ":" & xCol & lStopRow
Dim S1ValueRange As String:  S1ValueRange = S1Col & lStartRow & ":" & S1Col & lStopRow 'Series 1
Dim S2ValueRange As String:  S2ValueRange = S2Col & lStartRow & ":" & S2Col & lStopRow 'Series 2
Dim S3ValueRange As String:  S3ValueRange = S3Col & lStartRow & ":" & S3Col & lStopRow 'Series 3


'Diagramm anordnen
With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName)
    .Left = Range(sStartDiagramm).Left
    .Top = Range(sStartDiagramm).Top
End With

'Datenreihen erstellen
With ActiveChart
    .ChartType = xlXYScatter
    .ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellrosa wie MINITAB Tool
    'Textobjekt 1 (Bemerkung)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 1, 0, 0)
         .Name = "Bemerkung"          'Hinweis zur Lage des Sensors
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Pumpentyp: " & sPumpentyp
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 10
         .Font.Bold = False
    End With
    'Textobjekt 2 (Hinweis)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 15, 3, 200, 0)
         .Name = "Hinweis"
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
            "ACHTUNG: Diagrammwerte noch nicht geprüft"
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 8
         .Font.Bold = False
         .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'rot
    End With

    '1. Datenreihe (Durchfluß Q)
    With .SeriesCollection(1)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'muss auf Primärachse
        .Name = Range(S1HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S1ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S1HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With

    '2. Datenreihe (Strom I)
    With .SeriesCollection(2)
        .AxisGroup = 2 'sollte immer auf Sekundärachse
        .Name = Range(S2HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S2ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 3 'red
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 3
        .MarkerStyle = xlDot    'alternativ Punktdarstellung
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S2HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    '3. Datenreihe (Druck p)
    With .SeriesCollection(3)
        .AxisGroup = 2 'sollte auf Stromachse
        .Name = Range(S3HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S3ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 16
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S3HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    ' Achsen formatieren
    With .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "U [V]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .MinimumScale = 5
        .MaximumScale = 15
        '.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .HasMajorGridlines = False 'keine vertikalen Haupt-Linien
        .HasMinorGridlines = False
        With .TickLabels
            .Alignment = xlCenter
            .offset = 100
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .Orientation = xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic
        End With
    End With
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "Q [l/h]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = False  'Keine Hilfslinien
        .MinimumScale = 0
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
'        .MaximumScale = iY1AxesMaximumScale
'        .MajorUnit = iY1AxesMaximumScale / 10
        'Max-Skalierung der Y1-Achse sichern für Übernahme Y2-Achse
        iY2AxesMaximumScale = .MaximumScale 'Wert für 2. Achse sichern
        Debug.Print iY2AxesMaximumScale
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y1-Achse
    End With
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "I [A],  p [bar]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y2-Achse
    End With
    With .Axes(xlCategory)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "U [V]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = True
        .CrossesAt = 0
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Spannung
        .TickLabelSpacing = 1
        .TickMarkSpacing = 1
'        .MajorUnit = 1
'        .MinorUnit = 0.5
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        .AxisBetweenCategories = True
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "Q [l/h]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y2-Achse (Secondary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "I [A], p [bar]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0" 'Strom
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With

    .HasTitle = True
    With .ChartTitle
        .Text = sChartTitle
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
End With 'ActiveChart

With ActiveChart
    With .Legend
        .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 8
        .Left = 1
        .Top = DiaHeight - 10
        .Width = DiaWidth - 2
    End With
    .HasLegend = True
End With

ActiveSheet.Shapes("QI_fU").Placement = xlFreeFloating 'd.h. unabhängig vom Autofilter
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function

Sub Diagramm_Formatieren()
'Diagramm in einer Minitab(Default) ähnlichen Darstellungsform
'Letzte Änderung: 2006-12-18

'On Error Resume Next 'Fehler unterdrücken wenn z.B. keine Gridlines aktiv
Const DiaWidth As Integer = 400
Const DiaHeight As Integer = 300

With ActiveChart
    With .ChartArea
        'Keine Änderungen
    End With
    With .ChartTitle
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'i.d.R Weiß
        .Left = 20  'Platz lassen für Y-Achsenbezeichnung
        .Top = 25   'Platz lassen für Diagrammtitel (fett)
        .Height = DiaHeight - 120 - 10 - 10
        .Width = DiaWidth - 120 'Rand lassen
    End With
    With .Axes(xlCategory)
        .HasMajorGridlines = True 'einschalten
        .HasMinorGridlines = False 'aus
        .CrossesAt = 0
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Spannung
        .TickLabelSpacing = 1
        .TickMarkSpacing = 1
        .MajorUnit = 1
        .MinorUnit = 0.5
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        .AxisBetweenCategories = True
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MajorUnit = 20
        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    'Y2-Achse (Secondary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        '.MaximumScale = iY2AxesMaximumScale 'Wert der Y1-Achse übernehmen
        .Crosses = xlAutomatic
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .MajorUnit = 2
        .MinorUnit = 1
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabelPosition = xlNextToAxis 'e.g. xLNone
        '.TickLabelPosition = xlNone 'e.g. xLNone
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .HasDisplayUnitLabel = True
        With .Border
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
    With .Legend
        .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 8
        .Left = 1
        .Top = DiaHeight - 1
        .Width = DiaWidth - 2
    End With
    .HasLegend = True
End With 'ActiveChart

End Sub

Function Get_SVDO_Colors(sEinheit) As Integer
    'Vereinheitlicht die Farben der Diagramme bei SVDO
    'Integerwert für COLORINDEX Eigenschaft
    'Liste der Farbwerte s. Makro: Farbtabelle
    Dim colColor As New Collection
    colColor.Add 1, "U(V)"      'schwarz
    colColor.Add 3, "I(A)"      'rot
    colColor.Add 10, "n(1/min)"  'grün
    colColor.Add 8, "p_a(bar)"  'türkis
    colColor.Add 7, "Q_a(l/h)"  'violett
    colColor.Add 9, "Eta(%)"    'braun
    colColor.Add 8, "p_b(bar)"  'türkis
    colColor.Add 5, "Q_b(l/h)"  'blau
    Get_SVDO_Colors = colColor(sEinheit)
    Debug.Print "Colorindex: "; colColor(sEinheit)
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_ENH"
'(c) 2009, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2009-11-27 (Hypercom)
'Letzte Änderung: 2010-05-14
'Pivot-Tabellen Lage
Public Const sTablePRFDestinationAddress = "R10C1"
Public Const sTableFT2DestinationAddress = "R35C1"

Sub DateiLaden_ENH()

' Konstanten
Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "ENH-Rohdaten (*.xls),*.xls"
Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Qualitätszahlen ENH"
Const strSQAdateiMerkmal As String = "QSYS-Report"

Dim WorkbookSaveAsName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim Mappen As Variant
Dim str As String
Dim strScrollAreaRange As String
Dim auflistung As New VBA.Collection

 l = 0
 Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)

 If IsArray(Mappen) Then
    For l = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
       Workbooks.Open Mappen(l)
    Next l
    'MsgBox "Es wurde keine Datei ausgewählt! "
    Exit Sub
 End If
' Datei Kopfzeilen vorbereiten
''auflistung.Add "Wname", "planid"
''auflistung.Add "Teilnummer", "partnb"
''auflistung.Add "Name", "id"

Sheets(1).Name = "Data" 'umbenennen

'With Selection
'    .Find(What:=strSQAdateiMerkmal).Activate
'    Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0)).EntireRow.Insert
'End With
'For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
''    Cells(1, i).Value = auflistung(i) 'collection typ beginnt bei 1
''Next i
'Zellnamen festlegen
''For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
''    Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(1, i)).Select
''    On Error Resume Next 'Name-Definitionen dürfen z.B. keine Leerzzeichen enthalten
''    ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=auflistung(i), RefersToR1C1:=Selection
''Next i

' Zeilen  formatieren
Range("A2:I5").MergeCells = False 'sind in Originaldaten als verbundene Zelle
Range("Filter!A2:D5").MergeCells = False 'sind in Originaldaten als verbundene Zelle
'Range("Filter!A6:D6").Select 'als Kopfzeile markieren - nur für Optik
'Sheets.Add before:=Sheets(1)
'Sheets("Tabelle1").Name = "Data2"
Sheets("Data").AutoFilterMode = False 'wird später definiert gesetzt

'Range("Image!A2:P5").MergeCells = False 'sind in Originaldaten als verbundene Zelle
''Range("A1:I1").Delete Shift:=xlUp

' Spalten  formatieren
Range("D:F").NumberFormat = "0"
Range("G:H").NumberFormat = "0.0"
Range("D:H").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
''Range("1:2").Font.Bold = True    'die ersten beiden Kopfzeilen fett darstellen
''Range("1:1").Font.ColorIndex = 5 'eingefügte Zeile blau darstellen
''Range("K:K").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Exceed Werte rot färben

' Gruppierungen festlegen

' Fenster Einstellungen
With ActiveWindow
    .SplitRow = 6
'    .SplitColumn = 2
    .FreezePanes = True
    .Zoom = 100
End With

'With ActiveSheet.Outline
'    .AutomaticStyles = False
'    .SummaryRow = xlAbove
'    .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
'    .ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
'End With
'Kopfzeilen einstellen
'Rows(1).RowHeight = Rows(2).RowHeight
With Rows(6)
    .RowHeight = 25 'px fester Wert wegen Autofilter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
    .Font.Bold = True
    .OutlineLevel = 1
End With
'erst an Ende der Zeilen-/Spaltenformatierung
Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 8 'wegen Überschrift
'Dokumentbereich einschränken
'''With Selection.Borders
'''    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
'''End With
''strScrollAreaRange = Selection.Address
''ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = strScrollAreaRange
'ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 'hier identisch mit UsedRange

With Application
    .CutCopyMode = False 'keine Zellmarkierung
    .ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
End With

' Dokument Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook ' or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = "ENH Qualitätsdaten Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "Hypercom GmbH"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Michael Gries"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "created by VBA (Gries.xla)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = "created by VBA (Gries.xla)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Quality"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = "ENH"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = "Products"
End With

With ActiveWorkbook
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Makro Ansprechpartner", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Gries"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Macro Version", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeNumber, Value:=2
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Abteilung", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Quality"
End With

With ActiveSheet
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Ansprechpartner", Value:="M. Gries"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Telefon", Value:="+49 6621 84 691"
End With


'Arbeitsmappe speichern
'WorkbookSaveAsName = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".xls"
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=WorkbookSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlNormal

ActiveWorkbook.AddToFavorites ' Verknüpfung zum Favoritenordner

With Application
    .DisplayStatusBar = True
    .StatusBar = "Daten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & WorkbookSaveAsName & " gesichert"
End With
l = Timer
Do While Timer < l + 2
Application.StatusBar = False


'Pivot Tabellen hinzufügen
PivotPRF ("Data!R6C1:R1000C11")
PivotProdukte ("Data!R6C1:R1000C11")
'Pivotblatt umbenennen und verschieben
Sheets("Data").Tab.ColorIndex = 36
Sheets("Image").Name = "Pivot"
Sheets("Pivot").Tab.ColorIndex = 34

Dim CodeModuleSheet
CodeModuleSheet = ActiveSheet.Name



End Sub

'2010-05-14, 2010-05-11, 2009-11-28
Sub CheckFilter()
    Const csCriteria = "Offset"
    Const csPRF = "PRF (ICT/ FPT / BST)"
    Const csASS = "Endmontage"
    Const csFT2 = "Produkte & Systeme"
    Dim ProductGroup  As New Collection
    ProductGroup.Add "ACR", "ACR"
    ProductGroup.Add "AHT", "AHT"
    ProductGroup.Add "APH", "APH"
    ProductGroup.Add "APU", "APU"
    ProductGroup.Add "EPP_V5", "EPP_V5"
    ProductGroup.Add "EPP_V6", "EPP_V6"
    ProductGroup.Add "medHybrid", "medHybrid"
    Const csToleranz = "Toleranz"
    Const csJahr = "Jahr"
    Const csOffset = "offset Start"
    Const csCWstart = "Kalenderwoche Start [KW]"

    Dim year
    Dim offset
    Dim week
    Dim sWeek
    Range("A7").Value = csToleranz
    Range("A8").Value = csJahr
    Range("A9").Value = csOffset
    Range("A10").Value = csCWstart
    With Selection
        year = ActiveCell.offset(-1, 2)
        offset = ActiveCell.offset(0, 2)
        week = ActiveCell.offset(1, 2)
    End With
    Debug.Print "year: "; year; " offset: "; offset; " week: "; week
    Range("A6:D6").Select 'als Kopfzeile markieren - nur für Optik
    Dim iRowLastUsed As Integer
    'iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    'ActiveSheet.Rows(iRowLastUsed + 1).Select
    Dim iActiveRow As Integer
    Dim CW
    'Dim ProductGroup As String
    'ProductGroup = "ACR"
    For Each e In ProductGroup
        iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        For i = 0 To offset
            iActiveRow = iRowLastUsed + 1 + i * 3
            Cells(iActiveRow, 1).Select
            CW = week + i
            If (CW < 10) Then
                sWeek = year & "-0" & CW
                sWeek = year & "-" & CW
            End If
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 0) = sWeek
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 1) = 8600000000#
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 2) = "BGR Dummy"
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 3) = e
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 4) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 5) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 6) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 7) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 8) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 9) = 0.9
            ActiveCell.offset(0, 10) = csPRF
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 0) = sWeek
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 1) = 8700000000#
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 2) = "BGR Assembly"
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 3) = e
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 4) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 5) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 6) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 7) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 8) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 9) = 0.9
            ActiveCell.offset(1, 10) = csASS
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 0) = sWeek
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 1) = 8700000000#
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 2) = "OSR Dummy"
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 3) = e
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 4) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 5) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 6) = 0
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 7) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 8) = 100
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 9) = 0.9
            ActiveCell.offset(2, 10) = csFT2
            'Zeilen formatieren
            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
                SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
            Rows(iActiveRow + 1).Select
            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
                SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
            Rows(iActiveRow + 2).Select
            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
                SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
            Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Next i
    Next e
End Sub

Function AddStatistik()
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 5) = "PRF target"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 6) = "PRF yield"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 7) = "PRF 15w average"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 8) = "PRF diagram"
        ActiveCell.offset(17, 6) = 0.88
    For i = 0 To 15
        Dim j
        j = i + 2 + 10
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 5) = 0.97
            Dim sTerm1 As String: Dim sTerm2 As String: Dim sTerm3 As String
            sTerm1 = "IF(B" & j & "=0,0,(B" & j & "-C" & j & ")/B" & j & ")"
            sTerm2 = "1"
            sTerm3 = "1"
            Dim sFormel As String
            sFormel = "=" & sTerm1 & "*" & sTerm2 & "*" & sTerm3
            ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 6).Formula = sFormel
        sFormel = "=G27"
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 7).Formula = sFormel
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 8).Formula = "=G" & j
    Next i
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 5) = "FT2 target"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 6) = "FT2 yield"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 7) = "FT2 15w average"
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 8) = "FT2 diagram"
        ActiveCell.offset(17, 6) = 0.88
    For i = 0 To 15
        j = i + 2 + 35
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 5) = 0.97
            sTerm1 = "IF(B" & j & "=0,0,(B" & j & "-C" & j & ")/B" & j & ")"
            sTerm2 = "1"
            sTerm3 = "1"
            sFormel = "=" & sTerm1 & "*" & sTerm2 & "*" & sTerm3
            ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 6).Formula = sFormel
        sFormel = "=G52"
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 7).Formula = sFormel
        ActiveCell.offset(i + 2, 8).Formula = "=G" & j
    Next i
    'Spalten formatieren
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
        SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
        SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Range("F:I").NumberFormat = "0.00"
    Range("A3:C3").Select 'als Kopfzeile markieren - nur für Optik
End Function

Sub AddStatistikCode()
   Dim CodeModuleBook As String
   'CodeModuleBook = "Trend_KW03-17_HYC.xls"
   CodeModuleBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
   Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
   Dim LineNum As Long
   Set VBCodeMod = Workbooks(CodeModuleBook).VBProject. _

   With VBCodeMod
       LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
       .InsertLines LineNum, _
"Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    UpdateStatistik" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"End Sub" & VBA.Chr(13)
   End With
   With VBCodeMod
       LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
       .InsertLines LineNum, _
"Sub UpdateStatistik()" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    Range(Cells(12, 7), Cells(26, 7)).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    For Each e In Selection" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        e.Activate" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        If (e.Value = 0) Then" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            ActiveCell.offset(0, 2) = Null" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            Else" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            ActiveCell.offset(0, 2) = e.Value" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        End If" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    Next e" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    Range(Cells(37, 7), Cells(51, 7)).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    For Each e In Selection" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        e.Activate" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        If (e.Value = 0) Then" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            ActiveCell.offset(0, 2) = Null" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            Else" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"            ActiveCell.offset(0, 2) = e.Value" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"        End If" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    Next e" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(3, 4)).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"End Sub" & VBA.Chr(13)
   End With

End Sub

Sub AddZeilenCode()
   Dim CodeModuleBook As String
   CodeModuleBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
   Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
   Dim LineNum As Long
   Set VBCodeMod = Workbooks(CodeModuleBook).VBProject. _

   With VBCodeMod
       LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
       .InsertLines LineNum, _
"Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal TargetRow As Range)" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"   Application.EnableEvents = False" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"   Rows(TargetRow.row).Select" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"   TargetRow.Activate" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"   Application.EnableEvents = True" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"End Sub"
   End With
End Sub

Function PivotPRF(sSourceData)
'aus Macro-Aufzeichnung abgeleitet
    'Const sSourceData = "Test!R6C1:R85C9"
    Const csSheet = "Image"
    Dim sTablePRFDestination As String
    sTablePRFDestination = csSheet & "!" & sTablePRFDestinationAddress
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
        SourceData:=sSourceData).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:=sTablePRFDestination, _
        TableName:="PivotTablePRF", _
    Cells(3, 1).Select
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("Produktgruppe")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("QTor")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 2
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("KW")
        .Orientation = xlRowField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("Produziert"), "Summe von Produziert", xlSum
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("Fehlerhaft"), "Summe von Fehlerhaft", xlSum
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("Ausschuss"), "Summe von Ausschuss", xlSum
    'nächste Anweisung muss kann erst nach AddDataField kommen
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").DataPivotField
        .Orientation = xlColumnField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    'auf spezielle Page (QTor) einstellen
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTablePRF").PivotFields("QTor").CurrentPage = _
        "PRF (ICT/ FPT / BST)"
       '"Produkte & Systeme"
End Function

Function PivotProdukte(sSourceData)
'aus Macro-Aufzeichnung abgeleitet
    'Const sSourceData = "Test!R6C1:R85C9"
    Const csSheet = "Image"
    Dim sTableFT2Destination As String
    sTableFT2Destination = csSheet & "!" & sTableFT2DestinationAddress
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
        SourceData:=sSourceData).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:=sTableFT2Destination, _
        TableName:="PivotTableProdukte", _
    'Cells(3, 1).Select
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("Produktgruppe")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("QTor")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 2
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("KW")
        .Orientation = xlRowField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("Produziert"), "Summe von Produziert", xlSum
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("Fehlerhaft"), "Summe von Fehlerhaft", xlSum
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("Ausschuss"), "Summe von Ausschuss", xlSum
    'nächste Anweisung muss kann erst nach AddDataField kommen
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").DataPivotField
        .Orientation = xlColumnField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    'auf spezielle Page (QTor) einstellen
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableProdukte").PivotFields("QTor").CurrentPage = _
        "Produkte & Systeme"
       '"PRF (ICT/ FPT / BST)"
    'Pivot Tabelle formatieren
    With Columns("B:D")
        .ColumnWidth = 20
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .WrapText = False
    End With
End Function

Sub AddDiagramPRF()
    Const DiagramRange = "I11:I27"
    Const ChartName = "ChartPRF"
    ActiveChart.Name = ChartName
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Pivot").Range(DiagramRange), _
    ActiveChart.Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Pivot"
End Sub

Sub AddDiagramFT2()
    Const DiagramRange = "I36:I51"
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Pivot").Range(DiagramRange), _
    ActiveChart.Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Pivot"
End Sub

Function Diagramm_XY_ENH()
Const sDiagrammName As String = "ENH"
Const sDiagrammTitle As String = "Yield = f(t)"
Const iMinRpmSkalierung As Integer = 1000 'Umdr./min
Const iMinFlowSkalierung As Integer = 100 'lph

Const n_Header As String = "n(1/min)"
Const Q_Header As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
Const I_Header As String = "I(A)"

    Diagramm_XY_ENH = True 'default
'    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Delete 'default (alle Diagramme löschen); an dieser
'                    'Stelle wichtig, da Benutzer ggf. ein Chart selektiert hat
    ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Activate
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Delete 'falls vorhanden
    On Error GoTo 0

Dim XY_Chart As ChartObject
Dim sChartTitle As String
Dim sPumpentyp As String: sPumpentyp = "Typ"

Dim lStartRow As Long: lStartRow = 12
Dim lStopRow As Long: lStopRow = ActiveCell(lStartRow, 6).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count: lStopRow = (lStopRow - 1) + (lStartRow - 1)
Dim sDatenbereich As String: sDatenbereich = Cells(lStartRow, 6).CurrentRegion.Address
Dim sStartDiagramm As String:
sStartDiagramm = Cells(lStartRow + 3, 2 + Cells(lStartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count).Address

'Default Diagrammgröße einstellen
intScaleDiaWidth = DiaWidth: intScaleDiaHeight = DiaHeight

'Skalierungswerte anhand des Maxiamalwertes der MAXIMUM-Zeile ermitteln
iY1AxesMaximumScale = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Range("F4"), 0) 'Ganzzahl

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim bStatistik As Boolean
If Modul_Prüfstand.Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Funktion (n)", "Mittelwert (1)", "Zähler (2)") Then
    bStatistik = True
    sStartDiagramm = "N2"
End If

Set XY_Chart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(DiaLeft, DiaTop, DiaWidth, DiaHeight)
XY_Chart.Name = sDiagrammName
sChartTitle = sDiagrammTitle

Dim xCol As String: xCol = Find_Column(n_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1Col As String: S1Col = Find_Column(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S6Col As String: S6Col = Find_Column(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xHeaderRange As String:  xHeaderRange = Find_Cell(n_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S1HeaderRange As String: S1HeaderRange = Find_Cell(Q_Header, sDatenbereich)
Dim S6HeaderRange As String: S6HeaderRange = Find_Cell(I_Header, sDatenbereich)

Dim xValueRange As String:   xValueRange = xCol & lStartRow & ":" & xCol & lStopRow
Dim S1ValueRange As String:  S1ValueRange = S1Col & lStartRow & ":" & S1Col & lStopRow 'Series 1  (Q)
Dim S6ValueRange As String:  S6ValueRange = S6Col & lStartRow & ":" & S6Col & lStopRow 'Series 6  (I)

'Set clsDiagramm.SVDO_Diagramm = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(sDiagrammName).Chart

'Diagramm anordnen
With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sDiagrammName)
    .Left = Range(sStartDiagramm).Left
    .Top = Range(sStartDiagramm).Top
End With

'Datenreihen erstellen
With ActiveChart
    .ChartType = xlXYScatter
    .ChartArea.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellrosa wie MINITAB Tool
    'Textobjekt 1 (Bemerkung)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 1, 100, 20)
         .Name = "Bemerkung"          'Hinweis zur Lage des Sensors
         .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Pumpentyp: " & sPumpentyp
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 10
         .Font.Bold = False
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Textobjekt 2 (Hinweis)
    With .Shapes.AddLabel(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 3, 3, 200, 20)
         .Name = "Hinweis"
         If bStatistik Then
            .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
               "ACHTUNG: wenn blaue Referenzlinie senkrecht = Pumpentyp unbekannt"
            .TextFrame.Characters.Text = _
               "ACHTUNG: für Drehzahlgrenzendarstellung Statistikblock hinzufügen"
         End If
         .Width = 300
         .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 'weiß
    End With
    With Selection
         .AutoScaleFont = False
         .Font.Size = 8
         .Font.Bold = False
         .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'rot
    End With
    Dim iMarkerColor As Integer
    iMarkerColor = Get_SVDO_Colors("n(1/min)")

    '1. Datenreihe (Durchfluß Q)
    With .SeriesCollection(1)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'muss auf Primärachse
        .Name = Range(S1HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S1ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        '.MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S1HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .LineStyle = xlNone
        End With
    End With

If bStatistik Then
    Dim iYaxisAutoOldMin As Double
    Dim iYaxisAutoOldMax As Double
    iYaxisAutoOldMin = .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MinimumScale
    iYaxisAutoOldMax = .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).MaximumScale
    Dim nLower As Double, nMean As Double, nUpper As Double
    Dim ylower As Double, yMean As Double, yUpper As Double
    nMean = Range("D4")
    yMean = Range("I4")
    Dim dSlope As Double, db As Double
    dSlope = 1000# 'keine Steigung zu Indikation dass kein Typ bekannt (default)
    'Achtung: ungleich 0, da sonst Laufzeitfehler bei Division
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "s") Then   'Sonderfall: Steigungsangabe in Typ
        On Error Resume Next
        dSlope = VBA.CCur(VBA.Mid(sPumpentyp, 2)) / 1000
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.2") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.2")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.42") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.42")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "4.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.6")
    End If
    'hier: kritische Programmierung
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "eta") Then     'ggf überschreibt 4.6 standard
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("4.6eta")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "5.7") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("5.7")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "6.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("6.6")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "8.6") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("8.6")
    End If
    If VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "11") Or _
        VBA.InStr(1, sPumpentyp, "11.0") Then
        dSlope = Get_Pumptype_Slope("11.0")
    End If

    'y = ax + b wobei a = sSlope = bekannt
    'Berechnung von b (Achsenabschnitt)
    'b = y - ax
    db = yMean - (dSlope * nMean)
    'Berecnung von Unter- und Obergrenze mittels x-Wert
    nLower = 1000
    nUpper = 8000
    ylower = (dSlope * nLower) + db
    yUpper = (dSlope * nUpper) + db
    'Berecnung von Unter- und Obergrenze mittels y-Wert
        'y = ax + b wobei a=sSlope und b=db bekannt
        'Berechnung von x (Drehzahlgrenzen)
        'x = (y - b) / a
    ylower = iYaxisAutoOldMin
    yUpper = iYaxisAutoOldMax
    nLower = (ylower - db) / dSlope
    nUpper = (yUpper - db) / dSlope
    'Spezielle Zellen benennen
    Dim sASname As String: sASname = ActiveSheet.Name
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Steigung", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R1C5"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Achsenabschnitt", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R1C6"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="REF_n_neg", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R15C3"
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="REF_n_pos", _
        RefersToR1C1:="='" & sASname & "'!R15C5"
    Range("D1:F2").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    Range("I1:I2").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    Range("D1").Formula = "=(I1-F1)/E1" 'untere Drehzahlgrenze
    Range("D2").Formula = "=(I2-F2)/E2" 'obere Drehzahlgrenze
    Range("F1").Formula = "=I4-(E1*D4)" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt
    'Range("E1").Formula = "=I4-(Steigung*D4)" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt
    '' Zellennamen erst ab XL2007 da, dann pro Sheet unterscheidbar
    Range("F2").Formula = "=F1" 'Formel für Achsenabschnitt kopieren
    Range("E1").Value = dSlope   'Wert für Steigung
    Range("E2").Formula = "=E1"  'Wert für Steigung kopieren
    Range("I1").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("I2").Formula = "=I7+10"
    'Formeln für automatische Diagrammaktualisierung in Tabelle eintragen
    'Range("C16:H17").Font.ColorIndex = Range("C16").Font.Background
    'und Daten unsichtbar machen
    Range("C15:H17").Font.ColorIndex = 2 'weiss
    'On Error GoTo 0
    Range("D16").Formula = "=D4"
    Range("D17").Formula = "=D16"
    Range("G16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("G17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    Range("C15").Value = 5  'Prozentwert
    'Range("C16").Formula = "=D4*0.95"
    Range("C16").Formula = "=D4*(1-C15/100)"
    Range("C17").Formula = "=C16"
    Range("F16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("F17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    Range("E15").Value = 5  'Prozentwert
    'Range("E16").Formula = "=D4*1.05"
    Range("E16").Formula = "=D4*(1+E15/100)"
    Range("E17").Formula = "=E16"
    Range("H16").Formula = "=I6-10"
    Range("H17").Formula = "=I7+10"
    '2. Datenreihe (Trendline vom Mittelwert)
    With .SeriesCollection(2)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Q (Trend)"
'        .XValues = Array(nLower, nMean, nUpper)
'        .Values = Array(ylower, yMean, yUpper)
        .XValues = Range("D1:D2")
        .Values = Range("I1:I2")
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = iMarkerColor
'        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
'        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 5 'Blau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
    End With
End If

If bStatistik Then
    '3. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl)
    With .SeriesCollection(3)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean, nMean)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
'       .XValues = Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(2, 4)) 'liefert nur Einzelwerte
        .XValues = Range("D16:D17")
        .Values = Range("G16:G17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDash
        End With
    End With
    '4. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl -5%)
    With .SeriesCollection(4)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n-5%"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean * 0.95, nMean * 0.95)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
        .XValues = Range("C16:C17")
        .Values = Range("F16:F17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDot
        End With
    End With
    '5. Datenreihe (Referenzdrehzahl +5%)
    With .SeriesCollection(5)
        .AxisGroup = 1 'auf Primärachse
        .Name = "Ref n+5%"
'        .XValues = Array(nMean * 1.05, nMean * 1.05)
'        .Values = Array(iYaxisAutoOldMin, iYaxisAutoOldMax)
        .XValues = Range("E16:E17")
        .Values = Range("H16:H17")
        .MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = 9 'Braun
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlDot
        End With
    End With
    '6. Datenreihe (Strom I)
    '2007-09-05 hinzu
    With .SeriesCollection(6)
        .AxisGroup = 2 'muss auf Sekundärachse
        .Name = Range(S6HeaderRange)
        .XValues = Range(xValueRange)
        .Values = Range(S6ValueRange)
        .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors("I(A)")
        .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors("I(A)")
        .MarkerStyle = xlSquare
        .MarkerStyle = xlCircle
        '.MarkerStyle = xlNone   'Punktdarstellung ausschalten
        .Smooth = False
        .MarkerSize = 4
        .MarkerSize = 3
        '.MarkerSize = 2
        .Shadow = False
        With .Border
            .ColorIndex = Get_SVDO_Colors(Range(S6HeaderRange))
            .Weight = xlMedium
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .LineStyle = xlNone
        End With
    End With
    'Reihenfolge für Legende festlegen
    With .ChartGroups(1)
    'ACHTUNG: PlotOrder ändert SeriesCollection Reihenfolge
        'Q_b        Ref_n-5%
        'Q_Trend    Ref_n
        'Ref_n      Ref_n+5%
        'Ref_n-5%   Q_b
        'Ref_n+5%   Q_Trend
        On Error Resume Next 'xl2007
        .SeriesCollection(2).PlotOrder = 5
        .SeriesCollection(1).PlotOrder = 4
        .SeriesCollection(1).PlotOrder = 2
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
End If

    ' Achsen formatieren
    With .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "n [1/min]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
        End With
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        Dim iMinCatScale As Integer: iMinCatScale = .MinimumScale - 100  'offset
        Dim iMaxCatScale As Integer: iMaxCatScale = .MaximumScale
        'Variablen hier einfacher zu debuggen
        If (iMaxCatScale - iMinCatScale) < iMinRpmSkalierung Then
            'Skalierung auf Mindesbreite einstellen
            iMaxCatScale = iMinCatScale + iMinRpmSkalierung
            .MinimumScale = iMinCatScale
            .MaximumScale = iMaxCatScale
            .MinorUnit = 100
            .MajorUnit = 200
        End If
'        With .TickLabels
'            .Alignment = xlCenter
'            .Offset = 100
'            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
'            .Orientation = xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic
'        End With
    End With
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "Q [l/h]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
'           .Size = 10
            .Font.Size = 10 'xl2007
        End With
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = False  'Keine Hilfslinien
        '.MinimumScale = 0
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MaximumScale = iY1AxesMaximumScale
'        .MajorUnit = iY1AxesMaximumScale / 10
        'Max-Skalierung der Y1-Achse sichern für Übernahme Y2-Achse
        iY2AxesMaximumScale = .MaximumScale 'Wert für 2. Achse sichern
        Debug.Print iY2AxesMaximumScale
        Dim iMinScale As Integer: iMinScale = .MinimumScale
        Dim iMaxScale As Integer: iMaxScale = .MaximumScale
        'Variablen hier einfacher zu debuggen
        'iMinScale = (iMinScale / 10) * 10 'Runden auf Zehner
        iMinScale = iMinScale / 10: iMinScale = iMinScale * 10 'Runden auf Zehner
        iMinScale = iMinScale - 20 'offset
        If (iMaxScale - iMinScale) < iMinFlowSkalierung Then
            'Skalierung auf Mindesbreite einstellen
            iMaxScale = iMinScale + iMinFlowSkalierung
            .MinimumScale = iMinScale
            .MaximumScale = iMaxScale
            .MinorUnit = 10
            .MajorUnit = 20
        End If
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y1-Achse
    End With
If bStatistik Then
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)
        .HasTitle = True
        With .AxisTitle
            .Characters.Text = "I [A]"
            .AutoScaleFont = False
'           .Size = 10
            .Font.Size = 10 'xl2007
        End With
        '.MinimumScale = 0
        .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
        iY2AxesMaximumScale = .MaximumScale 'Wert für 2. Achse sichern
        Debug.Print iY2AxesMaximumScale
        .ScaleType = xlLinear
        .DisplayUnit = xlNone
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False   ' festes Format
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0.0"    'Zahlendarstellung Y2-Achse
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10          'SVDO Größe
    End With
End If 'bStatistik
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = sChartTitle
End With 'ActiveChart
'On Error Resume Next 'Fehler unterdrücken wenn z.B. keine Gridlines aktiv
With ActiveChart
    With .ChartArea
        'Keine Änderungen
    End With
    With .ChartTitle
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 12
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
    End With
    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic 'i.d.R Weiß
        .Left = 20  'Platz lassen für Y-Achsenbezeichnung
        .Top = 25   'Platz lassen für Diagrammtitel (fett)
        .Height = 400 - 120 - 10 - 10
'        .Width = 600 - 300 'Rand lassen
        .Width = 600 - 320 'Rand größer wegen Stromachse hinzu
    End With
    With .Axes(xlCategory)
        .HasMajorGridlines = True
        .HasMinorGridlines = True
        .CrossesAt = 0
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Spannung
'        .TickLabelSpacing = 1
'        .TickMarkSpacing = 1
'        .MajorUnit = 1
'        .MinorUnit = 0.5
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
'        .AxisBetweenCategories = True
        .ReversePlotOrder = False
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        With .MinorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
        If .MinimumScale < 0 Then
            .MinimumScale = 0
        End If
    End With
    'Y1-Achse (Primary-Axes)
    With .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)
        .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0" 'Zahlendarstellung Y-Achse
        .TickLabels.AutoScaleFont = False 'Größe nicht frei scalieren
        .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10
        .MinorUnitIsAuto = True
        .MajorUnitIsAuto = True
'        .MajorUnit = 20
'        .MinorUnit = 10
        .MajorTickMark = xlOutside
        .MinorTickMark = xlOutside
        With .MajorGridlines.Border
            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
            .Weight = xlHairline
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        End With
'        With .MinorGridlines.Border
'            .ColorIndex = 15 '15=hellstes grau
'            .Weight = xlHairline
'            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
'        End With
        If .MinimumScale < 0 Then
            .MinimumScale = 0
        End If
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    With .Legend
        .Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
        .AutoScaleFont = False
        .Font.Size = 8
        .Left = 10
        .Top = DiaHeight - 30
        .Width = DiaWidth - 25
'        If XLVER = 12 Then
'            .Format.Fill.BackColor.SchemeColor = 2  'xl2007
'            .Format.Line.BackColor.SchemeColor = 3  'xl2007
'        End If
    End With
    .HasLegend = True
End With 'ActiveChart

ActiveSheet.Shapes("QI_fn").Placement = xlFreeFloating 'd.h. unabhängig vom Autofilter
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_IRIS_Report"
'(c) 2010, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2010-12-29 (Hypercom)
'Letzte Änderung: 2012-02-25
Const csMsgBoxTitel = "Hypercom: Modul_IRIS_REPORT"
Const csPrivotSheetName = "IRIS report pivot"
Const csCognos_IRIS_Id1 = "DEFECT_CODE"
Const csCognos_IRIS_Id2 = "REPAIR_CODE"
Const csCognos_IRIS_Id3 = "CUSTOMER_NUMBER" 'xlWhole beachten wegen CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DISPLAY
  Dim lNumberOfShippingDateRows As Long

'2012-02-25 first draft
'Amdocs report modified for IRIS Code generation
Sub AmdocsReports_IRIS_Pivot_WN()
    If Cognos_Data_Found("Problem Found", "Incoming Unit Part Number", "Incoming Unit Serial Number") Then
        'MsgBox ("Valid IRIS data found")
        If Copy_Sheet("IRIS report internal") Then
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Call Add_Column_IRISCode_Defect
            Call Add_Column_IRISCode_Condition
'            Call Delete_RowsWithoutContent("SERIAL_NUMBER")
'            Call Format_YearMonthDay("RECEIPT_DATE")
'            Call Format_YearMonthDay("SHIPPING_DATE")
'            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("RECEIPT_DATE", "SHIPPING_DATE")
'            Call Validate_RepairCode
'            Call Clear_Column_Content("MATERIAL_NUMBER", 1) 'Header offset=2
'            Call Validate_MaterialNumber_KEBA
'            Call Validate_MaterialDescription_KEBA
'            Call Add_Column_DefectCodeName
'            Call Add_Column_RepairCodeName
'            Call Add_Column_SparePartName
'            Call Add_Column_ComplaintNumber
'        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'            Call Add_Column_Month("SHIPPING_DATE", "MONTH")
'            Call Add_Column_CustomerName
'            Call Add_Content_SectionCode
'            Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts '2011-02-13 MORP - von Mapping_SparePartNumber abhängig
'            Call Delete_Column("CUSTOMER_ORDER_NUMBER")
'            Call Move_Column("SERIAL_NUMBER", "WARRANTY")
'            Call Format_Report
            Call Delete_Column("Ship to Address")
            Call Delete_Column("Outgoing Unit Serial Number")
            Call Delete_Column("Outgoing Unit Part Number")
            Call Delete_Column("Outgoing Part Num Description")
            Call Rename_Column("Incoming Unit Serial Number", "SERIAL_NUMBER")
            Call Rename_Column("Site Name", "CUSTOMER_NAME")
            Call Rename_Column("Ship to Zip", "SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Rename_Column("Ship to City", "REPAIR_CODE")
            Call Rename_Column("Package Id", "REPAIR_CODE_NAME")
            Call Rename_Column("Spare Parts Used", "DEFECT_CODE")
            Call Rename_Column("Part Number Desc", "DEFECT_CODE_NAME")
            Call Rename_Column("Part Number", "SPARE_PART_NUMBER")
            Call Rename_Column("Incoming Unit Part Number", "REFERENCE2")
            Call Rename_Column("Incoming Part Num Description", "REFERENCE3")
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Add_Pivottable_IRIS
            Call Add_PivotChart_IRIS("IRIS-Code report - WN")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-05-22 first draft
'2011-06-05 update Chart, arrange columns, new mappings
Sub CognosReports_IRIS_Code_KEBA()
    If Cognos_Data_Found("DEFECT_CODE", "REPAIR_CODE", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER") Then
        'MsgBox ("Valid IRIS data found")
        If Copy_Sheet("IRIS report internal") Then
            Call Delete_ReportDateLine
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Call Delete_RowsWithoutContent("SERIAL_NUMBER")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("RECEIPT_DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("RECEIPT_DATE", "SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Validate_RepairCode
            Call Clear_Column_Content("MATERIAL_NUMBER", 1) 'Header offset=2
            Call Validate_MaterialNumber_KEBA
            Call Validate_MaterialDescription_KEBA
            Call Add_Column_DefectCodeName
            Call Add_Column_RepairCodeName
            Call Add_Column_SparePartName
            Call Add_Column_ComplaintNumber
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Call Add_Column_Month("SHIPPING_DATE", "MONTH")
            Call Add_Column_CustomerName
            Call Add_Content_SectionCode
            Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts '2011-02-13 MORP - von Mapping_SparePartNumber abhängig
            Call Delete_Column("CUSTOMER_ORDER_NUMBER")
            Call Delete_Column("REF_NUM_1")
            Call Delete_Column("ENGINEER_CODE")
            Call Delete_Column("REF_NUM_3")
            Call Delete_Column("CHANGE")
            Call Delete_Column("REVISION_LEVEL_NEW")
            Call Delete_Column("VERSION")
            Call Delete_Column("SECTION CODE")
            Call Delete_Column("CODE_VERSION")
            Call Delete_Column("MANUFACTURER")
            Call Delete_Column("DEBITORS")
            Call Delete_Column("CREDITORS")
            Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_ID")
            Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_PRICE")
            Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_CENTER_NAME")
            Call Delete_Column("YIELD_RATE")
            Call Delete_Column("COMMENT")
            Call Delete_Column("PROJECT_NAME")
            Call Delete_Column("CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DISPLAY")
            Call Move_Column("SERIAL_NUMBER", "WARRANTY")
            Call Format_Report
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Add_Pivottable_IRIS
            Call Add_PivotChart_IRIS("IRIS-Code report - KEBA")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-06-09 update based on basic CognosReports_IRIS_Code() created 2010-12-29
Sub CognosReports_IRIS_Code_WN()
    If Cognos_Data_Found("DEFECT_CODE", "REPAIR_CODE", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER") Then
        'MsgBox ("Valid IRIS data found")
        If Copy_Sheet("IRIS report WN internal") Then
            Call Delete_ReportDateLine
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Call Delete_RowsWithoutContent("SERIAL_NUMBER")
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("RECEIPT_DATE", "SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("RECEIPT_DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Validate_RepairCode
            Call Add_Column_DefectCodeName
            Call Add_Column_RepairCodeName
            Call Add_Column_SparePartName
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Call Add_Column_Month("SHIPPING_DATE", "MONTH")
            Call Add_Column_CustomerName
            Call Add_Content_SectionCode
            Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts '2011-02-13 MORP - von Mapping_SparePartNumber abhängig
            'Call Delete_Column("CUSTOMER_ORDER_NUMBER")
            Call Delete_Column("REF_NUM_1")
            Call Delete_Column("ENGINEER_CODE")
            Call Delete_Column("REF_NUM_3")
            'Call Delete_Column("CHANGE")
            'Call Delete_Column("REVISION_LEVEL_NEW")
            'Call Delete_Column("VERSION")
            'Call Delete_Column("SECTION CODE")
            'Call Delete_Column("CODE_VERSION")
            'Call Delete_Column("MANUFACTURER")
            'Call Delete_Column("DEBITORS")
            'Call Delete_Column("CREDITORS")
            Call Delete_Column("YIELD_RATE")
            'Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_ID")
            Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_PRICE")
            'Call Delete_Column("REPAIR_CENTER_NAME")
            'Call Delete_Column("COMMENT")
            'Call Delete_Column("PROJECT_NAME")
            'Call Delete_Column("CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DISPLAY")
            Call Move_Column("HYPERCOM_ORDER_NUMBER", "WARRANTY")
            Call Move_Column("HYPERCOM_ITEM_NUMBER", "WARRANTY")
            Call Move_Column("HYPERCOM_ITEM_DESCRIPTION", "WARRANTY")
            Call Clear_Column_Content("MATERIAL_NUMBER", 1)
            Call Validate_MaterialNumber_WN
            Call Header_Mapping_WN
            Call Format_Report
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Add_Pivottable_IRIS
            Call Add_PivotChart_IRIS("IRIS-Code report - Wincor Nixdorf")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-07-10 update based on basic CognosReports_IRIS_Code() created 2010-12-29
Sub CognosReports_IRIS_Code()
    Const csSheetNameInternal = "IRIS-Report Internal"
    If Cognos_Data_Found("DEFECT_CODE", "REPAIR_CODE", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER") Then
        If Copy_Sheet(csSheetNameInternal) Then
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Delete_ReportDateLine
            Call Delete_RowsWithoutContent("SERIAL_NUMBER")
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("RECEIPT_DATE", "SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("RECEIPT_DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Validate_RepairCode
            Call Add_Column_DefectCodeName
            Call Add_Column_RepairCodeName
            Call Add_Column_CustomerName
            Call Add_Content_SectionCode
            Call Add_Column_SparePartName
            Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts
            Call Format_Report
            Call Add_Pivottable_IRIS
            Call Add_PivotChart_IRIS("IRIS-Code Report")
            'None if copying of original ply fails
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-02-13 Mapping MORP
Sub CognosReports_IRIS_Code_old()
    If Cognos_Data_Found("DEFECT_CODE", "REPAIR_CODE", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER") Then
        'MsgBox ("Valid IRIS data found")
        If Copy_Sheet("IRIS report internal") Then
            Call Header_Mapping
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Delete_ReportDateLine
            Call Delete_RowsWithoutContent("SERIAL_NUMBER")
            'Call Add_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers Sortierung derzeit noch fehlerhaft da nur eine Spalte
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("L:M")
            Call Copy_ColumnContent("HYPERCOM_ORDER_NUMBER", "REF_NUM_1")           'WN mapping: Reference1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Call Copy_ColumnContent("HYPERCOM_ITEM_NUMBER", "ENGINEER_CODE")        'WN mapping: Reference2
            Call Copy_ColumnContent("HYPERCOM_ITEM_DESCRIPTION", "REF_NUM_3")       'WN mapping: Reference3
            Call Copy_ColumnContent("CUSTOMER_NUMBER", "HYPERCOM_ORDER_NUMBER")     'WN mapping: CustomerNumber
            Call Copy_ColumnContent("REPAIR_CENTER_NAME", "HYPERCOM_ITEM_NUMBER")   'WN mapping: RepairVendor
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("RECEIPT_DATE", "SHIPPING_DATE")
            Call Validate_RepairCode
            Call Validate_MaterialNumber
            Call Add_Column_DefectCodeName
            Call Add_Column_RepairCodeName
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Call Add_Column_CustomerName
            Call Add_Content_SectionCode
            Call Clear_Column_Content("REPAIR_PRICE", 2) 'Header offset=2
            Call Clear_Column_Content("REPAIR_CENTER_NAME", 2) 'Header offset=2
            'Call Mapping_SparePartNumber
            Call Add_Column_SparePartName
            Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts '2011-02-13 MORP - von Mapping_SparePartNumber abhängig
            Call Format_Report
            Call Add_Pivottable
            Sheets("IRIS report internal").Select
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Function IRIS_Data_Found() As Boolean
    IRIS_Data_Found = False 'default
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csCognos_IRIS_Identifier1:     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    sCriteria = csCognos_IRIS_Identifier2:     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    sCriteria = csCognos_IRIS_Identifier3:     sFindRange = "AA1:AZ1"
    Dim ID3: Set ID3 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole beachten
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing And Not ID3 Is Nothing Then
        IRIS_Data_Found = True
        Const csReasons = "No valid IRIS code data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Cognos_Data_Found(sID1 As String, sID2 As String, sID3 As String) As Boolean
    Cognos_Data_Found = False 'default
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:10" 'consider only first 10 rows
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID2, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    Dim ID3: Set ID3 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID3, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing And Not ID3 Is Nothing Then
        Cognos_Data_Found = True
        Const csReasons = "No valid Cognos Report data found for Identifier: "
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sIdentifier: sIdentifier = sID1 & ", " & sID2 & ", " & sID3
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & sIdentifier & vbCr & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Copy_Sheet(sSheetName As String) As Boolean
    Copy_Sheet = False 'default
    On Error Resume Next
        Sheets(sSheetName).Delete 'falls schon existent
        Sheets(csPrivotSheetName).Delete 'falls schon existent
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim sActiveSheetname As String: sActiveSheetname = ActiveSheet.Name
    Sheets(sActiveSheetname).Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
    Sheets(1).Name = sSheetName
    Copy_Sheet = True
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sSheetName).Tab.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
End Function

'2011-01-22 abgeleitet von Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
Sub Set_AutofilterCognosType()
    '2010-06-12 (original version see Set_Autofilter_Musterbau)
    On Error GoTo LZF1004
    With ActiveSheet
        .AutoFilterMode = False 'Autofilter zurücksetzen
        Dim iColor As Integer: iColor = Selection.Interior.ColorIndex
        Dim lRow As Long
        lRow = Selection.row
        With .Rows(lRow)
            .RowHeight = .RowHeight + 12
            .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
            '.AutoFilter 'liefert an dieser Stelle manchmal mehr Spalten
            Dim iLastCol: iLastCol = .CurrentRegion.Columns.Count ' oder später von hinten nach xlLeft
        End With
        .Range(Cells(lRow, 1), Cells(lRow, iLastCol)).AutoFilter
        If (iColor = xlNone) Then
            With .Range(Cells(lRow, 1), Cells(lRow, iLastCol))
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 24 'default Diagrammfüllfarbe
                .Font.Bold = True
                With .Borders
                    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                    .Weight = xlThin
                    .ColorIndex = 47
                End With
            End With
        End If
        'Fenster fixieren
        With ActiveWindow
            .SplitRow = lRow
            .FreezePanes = True
        End With
    End With
    GoTo Final
    'Laufzeitfehler 1004
    'z.B. wenn leeres Blatt oder leere Zeile
    Debug.Print "ERROR: ", Err.Number,
    Dim sErrorReason
    sErrorReason = "Gries.xla Laufzeitfehler" & vbCr & Selection.Address & vbCr & Err.Description
    MsgBox (sErrorReason)
End Sub

'2011-01-12 abgeleitet von Makrosammlung_Gries.Formel_YearMonth()
'2011-01-16 erweitert um Spaltennamen für sSelection anstelle Rangeangebe z.B."A:B"
Sub Format_YearMonth(sSelection As String)
    Cells.MergeCells = False   'wichtig da manche Reports mit verbundenen Zellen arbeiten
                                'und Selection dann teilweise nicht arbeitet (alles markiert)
    If InStr(sSelection, ":") = 0 Then 'Spaltenname
        Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
        sCriteria = sSelection:     sFindRange = "1:10"
        Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
            Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        End If
    End If
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Long
    Dim e: Dim eV
    Dim sValue As String 'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row: eV = e.Value
        If (IsDate(eV)) Then
            If (month(eV) < 10) Then
               sValue = year(eV) & "-0" & month(eV)
               sValue = year(eV) & "-" & month(eV)
            End If
            e.Value = sValue
        End If
    Next e
    Cells(1, iCol).Select 'Selection aufheben für ungewollte weitere formatierungen
End Sub

'2011-01-12 abgeleitet von Makrosammlung_Gries.Formel_YearMonthDay()
'2011-01-16 erweitert um Spaltennamen für sSelection anstelle Rangeangebe z.B."A:B"
Sub Format_YearMonthDay(sSelection As String)
    Cells.MergeCells = False   'wichtig da manche Reports mit verbundenen Zellen arbeiten
                                'und Selection dann teilweise nicht arbeitet (alles markiert)
    If InStr(sSelection, ":") = 0 Then 'Spaltenname
        Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
        sCriteria = sSelection:     sFindRange = "1:1"
        Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
            Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        End If
    End If
    Dim iCol As Integer: Dim iRow As Long
    Dim e: Dim eV
    Dim sValue As String 'als String um Leerzellen zu erkennen
    Dim sMonth As String 'Monat einstellig/zweistellig
    Dim sDay As String 'Tag einstellig/zweistellig
    For Each e In Selection
        iCol = e.Column: iRow = e.row: eV = e.Value
        If (IsDate(eV)) Then
            If (Day(eV) < 10) Then
               sDay = "-0" & Day(eV)
               sDay = "-" & Day(eV)
            End If
            If (month(eV) < 10) Then
               sMonth = "-0" & month(eV)
               sMonth = "-" & month(eV)
            End If
            sValue = year(eV) & sMonth & sDay '& "Zusatz"
            e.Value = sValue
            e.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
        End If
    Next e
    Cells(1, iCol).Select 'Selection aufheben für ungewollte weitere formatierungen
End Sub

Function Format_Report()
    With Columns("F:F")
        .ColumnWidth = 20
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With
    With Columns("G:G")
        .ColumnWidth = 40
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With
    With Columns("S:S")
        .ColumnWidth = 40
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With
    With Columns("U:U")
        .ColumnWidth = 40
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With
    With Columns("AA:AA")
        .ColumnWidth = 20
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    End With
    Cells(1, 1).Select
End Function

Function Delete_ReportDateLine()
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Selection(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed ' golbale variable (falls andere Spalten Leerzellen enthalten
    Dim Value As Variant: Value = Cells(lRowLastUsed, 1).Value
    If IsDate(Value) Then
    End If
End Function

'2011-01-03 nur zu Testzwecken (Ermittlung PivotTable index)
Sub Debug_PivotTables()
    For Each e In PivotTables
        Debug.Print PivotTables.Name
    Next e
End Sub

Function Add_Pivottable_IRIS()
    Const csTableName = "PivotTableIRIScode"
    Dim sPivotTable: sPivotTable = ActiveSheet.Name
    'Datenumfang für Pivottabelle bestimmen
    Dim sPivotRange: sPivotRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address
    Dim sPivotCache: sPivotCache = sPivotTable & "!" & sPivotRange
    'Pivottabellen spezifische Felder definieren
    Dim sPivotFields
    Dim sPivotFieldsTitle
    Dim sPageField1
    Dim sRowField1
        sPivotFields = "SERIAL_NUMBER"
        sPivotFieldsTitle = "# of Serial"
        sPageField1 = "CUSTOMER_NAME"
        sRowField1 = "SHIPPING_DATE"
    'Pivottabelle hinzufügen
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
        SourceData:=sPivotCache).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:="", _
        TableName:=csTableName, _
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
    ActiveSheet.Name = csPrivotSheetName
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(csPrivotSheetName).Tab.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
    'Pivotfelder hinzufügen
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName)
        'Datenfelder hinzufügen
        .AddDataField .PivotFields(sPivotFields), sPivotFieldsTitle, xlCount
        'Datenseiten hinzufügen
        With .PivotFields(sPageField1)
            .Orientation = xlPageField: .Position = 1
        End With
        ' ab hier weitere Pivots ableiten und
        ' Datenreihen hinzufügen
        ' zunächst gewünschte Gesamtanzahl von Pivot-Tabellen kopieren (wegen Index)
        ' Abstand abhängig von Anzahl Datenreihen und ggf. Datenspalten
        ' (hier nur max. jeweils 2 Datenreihen, ohne Datenspalte)
        ' zweite PivotTabelle hinzukopieren
        Columns("D:E").Insert (xlShiftRight)
        ' dritte PivotTabelle hinzukopieren
        Columns("H:I").Insert (xlShiftRight)
        ' vierte PivotTabelle hinzukopieren
        Columns("L:M").Insert (xlShiftRight)
        'jetzt zu den einzelnen Tabellen die Datenreihen hinzufügen
        'due to 3 times copying: 4 is PivoTableIndex in Column A:B
        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(4)
            With .PivotFields("SHIPPING_DATE")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 1
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
        End With
        'due to 3 times copying: 3 is PivoTableIndex in Column D:E
        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(3)
            With .PivotFields("REPAIR_CODE")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 1
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
            With .PivotFields("REPAIR_CODE_NAME")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 2
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
        End With
        'due to 3 times copying: 2 is PivoTableIndex in Column H:I
        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(2)
            With .PivotFields("DEFECT_CODE")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 1
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
            With .PivotFields("DEFECT_CODE_NAME")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 2
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
        End With
        'due to 3 times copying: 1 is PivoTableIndex in Column L:M
        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
            With .PivotFields("SPARE_PART_NUMBER")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 1
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
            With .PivotFields("REPAIR_CODE_NAME")
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Position = 2
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With
        End With
    End With
    Range("C2").Select 'markiert keine Pivot-Tabelle und blendet somit die Feldeigenschaften aus
End Function

'2011-01-21 Änderung auf Excel WorksheetFunction Days360()
Function Add_Column_RepairDays(sStartdate As String, sEndDate As String)
    Const csColumnTitle = "REPAIR_DAYS"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sStartdate:     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    sCriteria = sEndDate:    sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Dim iColumn3 As Integer: iColumn3 = ID2.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn3).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn3)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
        End With
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn1).End(xlDown).row
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn3)
                Dim dStartDate As Date: dStartDate = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                Dim dEndDate As Date: dEndDate = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2)
                '.value = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1) - Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 2)
                Dim dDate: dDate = Application.WorksheetFunction.Days360(dStartDate, dEndDate, True)
                If Not dDate < 0 Then
                    .Value = dDate
                End If
                .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
            End With
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn3)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid xxx_DATE data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers()
'abgeleitet von Sub Makrosammlung_Gries.CognosReports_MarkDoubleSerialNumbers

    '2010-12-25 Sortiert S/N und markiert dopplete in separater Spalte
    Const csCriteria = "Serial"
    Dim lRow As Long: Dim iColumn As Integer
    Dim lRowLastUsed As Long
    Dim c: Set c = Selection.Find(csCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        'Debug.Print c.Address
        lRow = c.row: iColumn = c.Column
        lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        'Sortierung zuerst
        Range(Cells(3, iColumn), Cells(lRowLastUsed, iColumn)).Select
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Cells(lRow, iColumn), Order1:=xlAscending, _
            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
            Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
        'Spalten kopieren
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        Columns(iColumn + 1).EntireColumn.Select
        With Cells(2, iColumn + 1)
            .Interior.ColorIndex = Cells(1, iColumn + 1).Interior.ColorIndex
        End With
        With Cells(1, iColumn + 1)
            .Value = "S/N mark"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
        End With
        Cells(lRow, iColumn + 1).Select
        Dim sSN1 As String: Dim sSN2 As String
        Dim sSNmark As String
        Dim l As Long
        For l = lRow + 1 To lRowLastUsed
            sSN1 = Cells(l, iColumn)
            sSN2 = Cells(l + 1, iColumn)
            sSNmark = Cells(l, iColumn + 1)
            If sSN1 = sSN2 Then
                Select Case sSNmark
                Case ""
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "1x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                Case "2x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                Case "3x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                Case "4x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                Case "5x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = "6x"
                Case Else
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "unknown"
                End Select
                Select Case sSNmark
                Case ""
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "1x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "2x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "2x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "3x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "3x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "4x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "4x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case "5x"
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "5x"
                    Cells(l + 1, iColumn + 1) = ""
                Case Else
                    Cells(l, iColumn + 1) = "else unknown"
                End Select
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_CustomerName()
    Const csColumnTitle = "CUSTOMER_NUMBER"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according AA-21_Q-Reporting Erstellung IRIS-Code
        mapping.Add "Hectronic", "74309"
        mapping.Add "HÖFT & WESSEL", "74261"
        mapping.Add "KEBA", "74316"
        mapping.Add "KONTRON", "74396"
        mapping.Add "PayLife", "75045"
        mapping.Add "WN Service", "74327"
        mapping.Add "WN China", "74202"
        mapping.Add "WN Singapore", "169809"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = "CUSTOMER_NAME"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn - 1).End(xlDown).row
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_DefectCodeName()
    Const csColumnTitle = "DEFECT_CODE"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according AA-21_Q-Reporting Erstellung IRIS-Code
        mapping.Add "Software problem", "1"
        mapping.Add "No problem found (set within spec)", "3"
        mapping.Add "No problem found (customer misunderstanding)", "4"
        mapping.Add "No problem found (local conditions)", "5"
        mapping.Add "Unable to diagnose fault", "6"
        mapping.Add "Customer misuse", "9"
        mapping.Add "Losing data from memory", "11"
        mapping.Add "Software setup problem", "14"
        mapping.Add "Worn out (or general mechanical defect)", "A"
        mapping.Add "Misoperating", "A1"
        mapping.Add "Mechanically misaligned", "C"
        mapping.Add "Deformed", "E"
        mapping.Add "Picture tube, scratches or external damage", "G1"
        mapping.Add "Open pattern", "U"
        mapping.Add "Soldering", "W"
        mapping.Add "Dirty / clogged", "B"
        mapping.Add "Cut / broken", "D"
        mapping.Add "Loose / off / stripped", "I"
        mapping.Add "Foreign object", "M"
        mapping.Add "Defective electrical component / module", "N"
        mapping.Add "Short circuit (component)", "Q"
        mapping.Add "Bad contact, connection", "T"
        mapping.Add "Wrong component / module", "Y"
        mapping.Add "Missing component, module", "Z"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle & "_NAME"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        'Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn - 1).End(xlDown).row
        'lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lNumberOfShippingDateRows - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_Month(sColumnTitle As String, csColumnTitle As String)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Copy Destination:=Columns(iColumn1 + 1)
        With Cells(1, iColumn1)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'hellorange
        End With
        Call Format_YearMonth(csColumnTitle)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_IRISCode_Condition()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Problem Found"
    Const csColumnTitleOfAddedColumn = "CONDITION_CODE"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according
        '1 - Constantly
        '2 - Intermittently
        mapping.Add "1", "No Trouble Found"         '"No problem found (set within spec)"
        mapping.Add "1", "Keyboard failure"         '"Defective electrical component / module"
        mapping.Add "1", "B02-Mainboard Failure"    '"Defective electrical component / module"
        mapping.Add "1", "P01-Physical Damage"      '"Deformed"
        mapping.Add "2", "T01-Tamper-Soft"          '"Unable to diagnose fault"
        mapping.Add "2", "T02-Tamper-Hard"          '"Unable to diagnose fault"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitleOfAddedColumn
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_IRISCode_Defect()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Problem Found"
    Const csColumnTitleOfAddedColumn = "DEFECT_CODE"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according AA-21_Q-Reporting Erstellung IRIS-Code
        mapping.Add "1", "Software problem"
        mapping.Add "3", "No Trouble Found" '"No problem found (set within spec)"
        mapping.Add "4", "No problem found (customer misunderstanding)"
        mapping.Add "5", "No problem found (local conditions)"
        mapping.Add "6", "T01-Tamper-Soft"          '"Unable to diagnose fault"
        mapping.Add "6", "T02-Tamper-Hard"          '"Unable to diagnose fault"
        mapping.Add "9", "Customer misuse"
        mapping.Add "11", "Losing data from memory"
        mapping.Add "14", "Software setup problem"
        mapping.Add "A", "Worn out (or general mechanical defect)"
        mapping.Add "A1", "Misoperating"
        mapping.Add "C", "Mechanically misaligned"
        mapping.Add "E", "P01-Physical Damage"        '"Deformed"
        mapping.Add "G1", "Picture tube, scratches or external damage"
        mapping.Add "U", "Open pattern"
        mapping.Add "W", "Soldering"
        mapping.Add "B", "Dirty / clogged"
        mapping.Add "D", "Cut / broken"
        mapping.Add "I", "Loose / off / stripped"
        mapping.Add "M", "Foreign object"
        mapping.Add "N", "Keyboard failure"         '"Defective electrical component / module"
        mapping.Add "N", "B02-Mainboard Failure"    '"Defective electrical component / module"
        mapping.Add "Q", "Short circuit (component)"
        mapping.Add "T", "Bad contact, connection"
        mapping.Add "Y", "Wrong component / module"
        mapping.Add "Z", "Missing component, module"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitleOfAddedColumn
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

'2011-07-10 UsedRange changed
Function Add_Column_RepairCodeName()
    Const csColumnTitle = "REPAIR_CODE"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according AA-21_Q-Reporting Erstellung IRIS-Code
        mapping.Add "Software upgrade", "2"
        mapping.Add "Product upgrade (on request)", "3"
        mapping.Add "Replacement", "A"
        mapping.Add "Resoldering", "D"
        mapping.Add "Cleaning", "E"
        mapping.Add "Repaired electrical parts", "G"
        mapping.Add "Functional check", "L"
        mapping.Add "Maintenance", "N"
        mapping.Add "Specification measurement", "M"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishing", "O"
        mapping.Add "Product exchange (impossible to repair)", "S4"
        mapping.Add "Return without repair", "Y"
        mapping.Add "Product exchange", "Z"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle & "_NAME"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_SparePartName()
    Const csColumnTitle = "SPARE_PART_NUMBER"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according CEDEC IRIS code
        mapping.Add "Rechargeable battery", "040"
        mapping.Add "tbd.", "070"
        mapping.Add "Mainboard", "100"
        mapping.Add "GSM board", "120"
        mapping.Add "SAM board", "140"
        mapping.Add "tbd.", "200"
        mapping.Add "PPI board", "250"
        mapping.Add "Display", "400"
        mapping.Add "Printer", "430"
        mapping.Add "Housing", "450"
        mapping.Add "Security Circuit", "460"
        mapping.Add "Card Reader", "500"
        mapping.Add "Component", "570"
        mapping.Add "Software", "700"
        mapping.Add "Software MCU", "710"
        mapping.Add "Subcomponent", "750"
        mapping.Add "Keyboard", "800"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = VBA.Left(csColumnTitle, 10) & "_NAME"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

'2011-03-08 for Rai Yesenski (during Scottsdale visit)
Function Mapping_MORP_Code()
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
    Call Add_Column_SparePartName
    Call Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts
End Function

'2011-02-13 for Rai Yesenski Aggregate Report
Function Add_Column_MostOftenReplacedParts()
    Const csColumnTitle = "SPARE_PART_NAME"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according Aggregate report
    'NPF SP/CA   TSP LCD Misc/comp   Plastic CR/RFID Comm    SW/FW   PRTR    KYPD
        mapping.Add "NPF", "NFF"
        mapping.Add "SP/CA", "Spillage"
        mapping.Add "SP/CA", "Customer Abuse"
        mapping.Add "SP/CA", "Vandalismn"
        mapping.Add "TSP", "Touchscreen"
        mapping.Add "LCD", "Display"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Rechargeable battery"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Mainboard"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "PWBA"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "GSM board"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "SAM board"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "PPI board"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Security Circuit"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Component"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Subcomponent"
        mapping.Add "Plastic", "Housing"
        mapping.Add "CR/RFID", "Card Reader"
        mapping.Add "CR/RFID", "RFID board"
        mapping.Add "Comm", "Communication board"
        mapping.Add "SW/FW", "Software"
        mapping.Add "SW/FW", "Software MCU"
        mapping.Add "PRTR", "Printer"
        mapping.Add "KYPD", "Keypad"
        mapping.Add "KYPD", "Keyboard"
        mapping.Add "Misc/comp", "Unknown Spare Part Number"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = "MORP"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Content_SectionCode()
    Const csColumnTitle = "SECTION CODE"
    Const csCode = "KBD"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:Z2"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 2
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn).Value = csCode
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_ComplaintNumber()
    Const csColumnTitle = "CUSTOMER_NUMBER"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according KEBA
        mapping.Add "NA", "NA"
        mapping.Add "20000xxxx", "see 8D-Report"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = "MELDUNGS_NUMMER"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 24 'default Diagrammfüllfarbe
        End With
        Columns(iColumn + 1).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn + 1)
            .Value = "ABSTELLMAßNAHME"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 24 'default Diagrammfüllfarbe
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = "NA"
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
        Next l
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn + 1)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid customer data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Rename_Column(sColumnTitle1 As String, sColumnTitle2 As String)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnTitle1:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        Cells(1, iColumn) = sColumnTitle2
    End If
End Function

Function Delete_Column(sColumnTitle As String)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
    End If
End Function

Function Move_Column(sColumnTitle As String, sColumnBefore As String)
    Dim sCriteria1 As String: Dim sCriteria2 As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria1 = sColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria2 = sColumnBefore:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria2, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        If iColumn2 < iColumn1 Then
            Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Copy Destination:=Columns(iColumn2)
            Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Delete
            Columns(iColumn1).Copy Destination:=Columns(iColumn2)
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function Delete_RowsWithoutContent(sColumnTitle As String)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        For l = lRowLastUsed To 1 Step -1 'Rückwärts wegen löschen
            If IsEmpty(Cells(l, iColumn)) Then
            End If
        Next l
        Set UR = Nothing
    End If
End Function

Function Clear_Column_Content(sColumnTitle As String, iOffset As Integer)
    iOffset = iOffset + 1 'erste Zeile nach Header
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        Range(Cells(iOffset, iColumn), Cells(iOffset + lNumberOfShippingDateRows, iColumn)).ClearContents
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_RepairCode()
    Const csColumnTitle = "REPAIR_CODE"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "DEFECT_CODE":     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn1).End(xlDown).row
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 2
        Dim sRepairCode As String: Dim sDefectCode As String
        For l = 1 To lNumberOfShippingDateRows - iOffset
            sRepairCode = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sDefectCode = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sRepairCode = "NA" Then 'NA - Not applicable I.e. no Oracle mapping performed
               If sDefectCode = "3" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        .Value = "L" 'equals "Functional check" code
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_MaterialNumber_KEBA()
    Const csColumnTitle = "MATERIAL_NUMBER"
    Const csWorkbookRef = "KEBA"
    Const csMatrixNameD = "KEBA"
    Dim sIRISsourcePly As String: sIRISsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets(csWorkbookRef).Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sIRISsourcePly)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:       sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "SERIAL_NUMBER":     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "HYPERCOM_ITEM_NUMBER":     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID3: Set ID3 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht und Formatierung
        Selection.NumberFormat = "00000"
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sColumn1data As String: Dim sColumn2data As String
        For l = 1 To lNumberOfShippingDateRows - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht
            sColumn1data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sColumn2data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sColumn1data = "" Then 'IsEmty() funktioniert nicht
               If Not sColumn2data = "" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        '.value = "Formel" 'nur für Testzwecke
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                        Call Formel_Sverweis("AH", csMatrixNameD, 2)
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_MaterialDescription_KEBA()
    Const csColumnTitle = "HYPERCOM_ITEM_DESCRIPTION"
    Const csWorkbookRef = "KEBA"
    Const csMatrixNameD = "KEBA"
    Dim sIRISsourcePly As String: sIRISsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
    'ThisWorkbook.Sheets(csWorkbookRef).Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sIRISsourcePly)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:       sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "SERIAL_NUMBER":     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht und Formatierung
        Selection.NumberFormat = "00000"
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 2
        Dim sColumn1data As String: Dim sColumn2data As String
        For l = 1 To lNumberOfShippingDateRows - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht
            sColumn1data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sColumn2data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sColumn1data = "" Then 'IsEmty() funktioniert nicht
               If Not sColumn2data = "" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        '.value = "Formel" 'nur für Testzwecke
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                        Call Formel_Sverweis("AH", csMatrixNameD, 4)
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_MaterialNumber_WN()
    Const csColumnTitle = "MATERIAL_NUMBER"
    Dim sIRISsourcePly As String: sIRISsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WN").Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sIRISsourcePly)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:       sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "SERIAL_NUMBER":     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht und Formatierung
        Selection.NumberFormat = "00000000000"
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sColumn1data As String: Dim sColumn2data As String
        For l = 1 To lNumberOfShippingDateRows - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht
            sColumn1data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sColumn2data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sColumn1data = "" Then 'IsEmty() funktioniert nicht
               If Not sColumn2data = "" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        '.value = "Formel" 'nur für Testzwecke
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                        Call Formel_Sverweis("E", "WNxREF", 3)
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

'2011-01-03 update 2011-01-10, 2011-04-13
Sub Formel_Sverweis(sColumn As String, sMatrix As String, sSpalte As String)
    'abgeleitet von Modul_Prüfstand.Formel_elektrischeLeistung
    Dim e
    For Each e In Selection
        Dim lRow As Long: lRow = e.row
        Dim iCol As Integer: iCol = e.Column
        Dim sFormel As String
        sFormel = "=" & _
            "SVERWEIS(" & sColumn & lRow & ";" & sMatrix & ";" & sSpalte & ";FALSCH)"
        e.FormulaLocal = sFormel
    Next e
End Sub

Function Copy_ColumnContent(sColumnSource As String, sColumnDestination As String)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = sColumnDestination:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumnSource As Integer: iColumnSource = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumnDestination As Integer: iColumnDestination = ID2.Column
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumnSource).End(xlDown).row
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sSourceData As String: Dim sDestinationData As String
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sSourceData = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumnSource).Value
            With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumnDestination)
                .Value = sSourceData
                .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
            End With
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Header_Mapping_WN()
'coding derived from module 'Modul_SQA'
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table Wincor Nixdorf
    mapping.Add "PurchaseNumber", "CUSTOMER_ORDER_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "SerialNumber", "SERIAL_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "MaterialNumber", "MATERIAL_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "Reference1", "HYPERCOM_ORDER_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "Reference2", "HYPERCOM_ITEM_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "Reference3", "HYPERCOM_ITEM_DESCRIPTION"
    mapping.Add "Warranty", "WARRANTY"
    mapping.Add "RevisionChange", "CHANGE"
    mapping.Add "Revision", "REVISION_LEVEL_NEW"
    mapping.Add "NewVariant", "VERSION"
    mapping.Add "IncommingDate", "RECEIPT_DATE"
    mapping.Add "", "MONTH"
    mapping.Add "OutgoingDate", "SHIPPING_DATE"
    mapping.Add "ConditionCode", "CONDITION_CODE"
    mapping.Add "MainsymptomCode", "MAIN_SYMPTOM_CODE"
    mapping.Add "SectionCode", "SECTION CODE"
    mapping.Add "DefectCode", "DEFECT_CODE"
    mapping.Add "", "DEFECT_CODE_NAME"
    mapping.Add "RepairCode", "REPAIR_CODE"
    mapping.Add "", "REPAIR_CODE_NAME"
    mapping.Add "CodeCharacter", "CODE_VERSION"
    mapping.Add "ComponentNumber", "SPARE_PART_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "", "SPARE_PART_NAME"
    mapping.Add "", "SPARE_PART_NÂME"
    mapping.Add "", "MORP"
    mapping.Add "Quantity", "QUANTITY"
    mapping.Add "Manufacturer", "MANUFACTURER"
    mapping.Add "DebitorNumber", "DEBITORS"
    mapping.Add "ComponentName", "CREDITORS"
    mapping.Add "RepairID", "REPAIR_ID"
    mapping.Add "Unrepairable", "SCRAP"
    mapping.Add "Worktime (m)", "COMMENT"
    mapping.Add "RepairPrice", "PROJECT_NAME"
    mapping.Add "Comment", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DISPLAY"
    mapping.Add "ComponentLocation", "REPAIR_CENTER_NAME"
    mapping.Add "CustomerNumber", "CUSTOMER_NUMBER"
    mapping.Add "RepairVendor", "CUSTOMER_NAME"
    'additonal Header row for mapping to be inserted
    Rows(1).Insert (xlShiftDown)
    Dim sCriteria As String:  Dim ID1: Dim i
    Dim sFindRange As String:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    For i = 1 To mapping.Count Step 1
        sCriteria = Cells(1, i).Value
        Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
            Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then 'Modul_IRIS_Code
                With Cells(2, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
                End With
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function

Public Function IsInCollection(ByRef col As Collection, ByRef elem As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    If IsEmpty(col(elem)) Then: 'DoNothing
    IsInCollection = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

'2011-07-10 derived from Modul_Pivot adapted for IRIS report
Sub Add_PivotChart_IRIS(sChartTitle As String)
    Const csRange = "L1"
    Dim sPivotSheetName: sPivotSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
    With ActiveChart
        .SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(sPivotSheetName).Range(csRange)
        .Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
        .HasTitle = True 'wichtig
        .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = sChartTitle
    End With
    Dim sPivotChartSheetName: sPivotChartSheetName = sPivotSheetName & "chart"
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    ActiveSheet.Name = sPivotChartSheetName
    ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 35 'hellblau
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Klarstellungen"
'(c) 2007, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2007-02-08
'Letzte Änderung: 2007-06-13
'Referenz: Aufgabe A26-2007 (Wehrum)
'Pfad (neu):    G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Public_K\KP_Aufwandsabschaetzung\Aufträge&Klarstellungen\ _
'(ab 05.03.07)  Klarstellungen.xls
'Pfad (alt):    F:\R&D\KP_Aufwandsabschaetzung\Aufträge&Klarstellungen\ _
'               Klarstellungen.xls
Option Explicit
Const sOverviewFile As String = "Klarstellungen.xls"
Const csFormDevelopment = "R&D - Entwicklung.xlt"
Const sHomeServer As String = "G:\R&D\Fuel Pumps\Public_K"
Const sHomePath As String = "\KP_Aufwandsabschaetzung\Aufträge&Klarstellungen\"
Const sSubPath As String = "Aufträge\"
Const sFormPath As String = "Formulare&Vorlagen\"
Const sEmailTo As String = "uidf9595"       'Bernd Wehrum'
Const sEmailCc As String = "uidf9170"       'Cicero Constantin
Const sEmailBcc As String = "uidf9246"      'Testuser
Const sMailHyperlinkIdenfifierStart As String = " 0 Then
            sSubject = sRdNo & " kein Grundauftrag vorhanden"
            sSubject = sRdNo & " Grundauftrag "
        End If
    Else 'Nachtrag
        sSubject = sRdNo & " Nachtrag " & sNtNo
    End If
    'Nachtrag 2007-04-26 Anforderung von Wehrum: Kunde und Projekt in Betreff hinzu
    'Betreffzeile erweitern um Entwicklungsangaben
    sSubject = sSubject & "  /  " & sKunde & "  /  " & sProjekt
    If sLfdNo = "" Then
        MsgBox "Keine gültige Zeile ausgewählt"
        Send_Auftrag_angelegt = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim sfolder As String: Dim sCheckFolder As String
    Debug.Print VBA.CurDir("F")
    sfolder = sHomeServer & sHomePath & sSubPath & sYear & "\" & sLfdNo
    sCheckFolder = VBA.Dir(sfolder, vbDirectory)
    If sCheckFolder = "" Then
        VBA.MkDir sfolder
        VBA.ChDir sfolder
    End If
    Debug.Print .Name; sYear; sLfdNo
    'Verzeichnis im Dokument verlinken
    .Cells(lRowSelected, iColLfdNo).Select
    .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=sfolder
    Dim sLink As String
    sLink = sMailHyperlinkIdenfifierStart & sfolder & sMailHyperlinkIdenfifierStop
    Debug.Print sLink
    Dim bResult As Boolean
    bResult = Send_Mail(sSubject, sLink)
    'MsgBox "gesendet" & " Zeile: " & lRowSelected & vbCr & sYear & vbCr & sLfdNo
    Send_Auftrag_angelegt = True
    End With
End Function

Function Send_Mail(Subject As String, Folder As String) As Boolean
    Dim olApp As Object, olNewMail As Object, olRecipient As Object
    Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'    Set olNewMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'oder eigene Vorlage
    Dim sMailVorlage As String
    sMailVorlage = sHomeServer & sHomePath & sFormPath & "Klarstellungen.oft"
    Set olNewMail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(sMailVorlage)
    Set olRecipient = olNewMail.Recipients.Add(sEmailTo)
    olRecipient.Type = olTo
'    Set olRecipient = olNewMail.Recipients.Add(sEmailCc)
'    olRecipient.Type = olCC
    Set olRecipient = olNewMail.Recipients.Add(sEmailBcc)
    olRecipient.Type = olBCC
    Dim sLinkToFile As String
    sLinkToFile = sMailHyperlinkIdenfifierStart & _
                  sHomeServer & sHomePath & sOverviewFile & _
    Dim sÜbersicht As String
    sÜbersicht = "Klarstellungsübersicht: " & vbCr & sLinkToFile & vbCr
    Dim sVerzeichnis As String
    sVerzeichnis = "Auftrag abgelegt unter: " & vbCr
    Dim sBody As String
    sBody = sÜbersicht & vbCr & sVerzeichnis & Folder
    With olNewMail
        .Subject = Subject
        .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
        .body = sBody
        '.Category = "Klarstellungen" 'Objekt unterstützt Eigenschaft nicht
        .Importance = olImportanceHigh
        '.Close (olSave)
    End With
    Set olApp = Nothing
    Set olNewMail = Nothing
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Logfile"
'(c) 2010, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2010-08-19 (Hypercom)
'Letzte Änderung: 2010-08-19
'Pivot-Tabellen Lage
Public Const sTablePRFDestinationAddress = "R10C1"
Public Const sTableFT2DestinationAddress = "R35C1"

Sub DateiLaden_Logfiles()

' Konstanten
Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "EPP V6 Logfiles (*.txt),*.txt"
Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Logfiles EPP V6"
Const strSQAdateiMerkmal As String = "EPP V6 Logfile"

Dim WorkbookSaveAsName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim Mappen As Variant
Dim str As String
Dim strScrollAreaRange As String
Dim auflistung As New VBA.Collection

 l = 0
 Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)

 If IsArray(Mappen) Then
    For l = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
       Workbooks.Open Mappen(l)
    Next l
    'MsgBox "Es wurde keine Datei ausgewählt! "
    Exit Sub
 End If
' Datei Kopfzeilen vorbereiten
auflistung.Add "Data", "data"
auflistung.Add "Datum", "date"
auflistung.Add "Zeit", "time"
auflistung.Add "Code1", "type1"
auflistung.Add "Code2", "type2"

Sheets(1).Name = "Logfile" 'umbenennen

'Kopfzeile hinzufügen
'Spalten-Namen festlegen
Selection.Value = "Module-ID"
Dim n As Integer: n = auflistung.Count
Dim s As Integer
For j = 0 To 19 Step 1
    s = j * n + 1
    For i = 1 To n Step 1
        Cells(1, i + s).Value = auflistung(i) 'collection typ beginnt bei 1
    Next i
Next j

Call Set_Autofilter

'With Selection
'    .Find(What:=strSQAdateiMerkmal).Activate
'    Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0)).EntireRow.Insert
'End With
'For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
''    Cells(1, i).Value = auflistung(i) 'collection typ beginnt bei 1
''Next i
'Zellnamen festlegen
''For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
''    Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(1, i)).Select
''    On Error Resume Next 'Name-Definitionen dürfen z.B. keine Leerzzeichen enthalten
''    ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=auflistung(i), RefersToR1C1:=Selection
''Next i

' Spalten  formatieren
Range("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("B:CW").NumberFormat = "0"
For j = 0 To 19 Step 1
    s = j * n + 1
    Columns(s + 1).NumberFormat = "00000000"
    Columns(s + 2).NumberFormat = "2000-00-00"
    Columns(s + 3).NumberFormat = "00 00 00"
    Columns(s + 4).NumberFormat = "00"
    Columns(s + 5).NumberFormat = "00"
    Range(Columns(s + 2), Columns(s + 5)).Select
    Call SpaltenGruppieren
Next j

''Range("1:2").Font.Bold = True    'die ersten beiden Kopfzeilen fett darstellen
''Range("1:1").Font.ColorIndex = 5 'eingefügte Zeile blau darstellen
''Range("K:K").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Exceed Werte rot färben

' Gruppierungen festlegen
'Call SpaltenGruppieren

'With ActiveSheet.Outline
'    .AutomaticStyles = False
'    .SummaryRow = xlAbove
'    .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
'    .ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
'End With
'erst an Ende der Zeilen-/Spaltenformatierung
Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 12 'wegen Überschrift

With Application
    .CutCopyMode = False 'keine Zellmarkierung
    .ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
End With

' Dokument Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook ' or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = "ENH Logfile Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "Hypercom GmbH"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Michael Gries"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "created by VBA (Gries.xla)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = "created by VBA (Gries.xla)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Quality"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = "ENH"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = "Products, EPP V6, Logfile, Alarmspeicher"
End With

With ActiveWorkbook
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Contact", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Michael Gries"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Department", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Quality"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Phone", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="+49 6621 84 691"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Mobile", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="+49 172 6317936"
End With

With ActiveSheet
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Contact", Value:="Michael Gries"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Department", Value:="Quality"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Phone", Value:="+49 6621 84 691"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Mobile", Value:="+49 172 6317936"
End With

' Fenster Einstellungen
With ActiveWindow
    .SplitRow = 1
    .SplitColumn = 1
    .FreezePanes = True
    .Zoom = 100
End With

'Auf Nicht Leere Einträge filtern
Range("B:B").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"

'Arbeitsmappe speichern
'WorkbookSaveAsName = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".xls"
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=WorkbookSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlNormal

ActiveWorkbook.AddToFavorites ' Verknüpfung zum Favoritenordner

With Application
    .DisplayStatusBar = True
    .StatusBar = "Daten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & WorkbookSaveAsName & " gesichert"
End With
l = Timer
Do While Timer < l + 2
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Messergebnisse"
Option Explicit
'(C) 2005, Michael Gries

Public Const csHomeUser As String = "Michael"
Const csFilename As String = "Messergebnisse.xls"
Const csHomeServer As String = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Michael\"
Const csHomePath As String = "Eigene Dateien\! Büro\! Messergebnisse\"
Const csOfficeServer As String = "\\bber002a\did82002\"
Const csOfficePath As String = "KP_Entwicklung\Datenbank\Daten\"

Sub KontextmenüZurücksetzen()
End Sub

Sub ZuDateiMessergebnisseHinzufügen()
    Const bOpenOnly As Boolean = False
    Const iSpalteAuswahl As Integer = 11
    Const sCharAuswahl As String = "'-1"
    Call Modul_Prüfstand.Format_Prüfwerte
    Call OpenFileMessergebnisse(bOpenOnly)

    'Letzte belegte Zeile (von unten) ermitteln (+1 = erste freile Zeile)
    Dim iRowLastBefore: Dim iRowLastAfter
    iRowLastBefore = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1

    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Rows(iRowLastBefore)
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    'Neue letzte Zeile ermitteln und anzeigen (für visuelle Kontrolle)
    iRowLastAfter = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    'Auswahl Zeichen in Spalte iSpalteAuswahl hinzufügen
    Dim i: Dim idiff
    idiff = iRowLastAfter - iRowLastBefore
    For i = 0 To idiff
        Cells(iRowLastBefore + i, iSpalteAuswahl) = sCharAuswahl
    Next i
    Application.StatusBar = "Zeilen erfolgreich in Datei: 'Messergebnisse.xls' geschrieben"
    'Modul_API_functions.SystemBeep_OK 'Akustische Rückmeldung

    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03")) '3 Sekunden warten
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Sub DateiMessergebnisseÖffnen()
    Const bOpenOnly As Boolean = True
    Call OpenFileMessergebnisse(bOpenOnly)
End Sub

Function OpenFileMessergebnisse(bOpenOnly As Boolean)
    Const iSpalteZeit As Integer = 10

    Dim sServer As String
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim sFile As String
    Dim strUserName As String
    strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    'Server auswählen
    If strUserName = csHomeUser Then
        sServer = csHomeServer: sPath = csHomePath: sFile = csFilename
        sServer = csOfficeServer: sPath = csOfficePath: sFile = csFilename
    End If
    'Gültigkeit teilweise prüfen (Spalten 1 bis 10 müssen voll sein)
    If Not bOpenOnly Then
        Dim e
        For Each e In Selection
            If e.Column < iSpalteZeit + 1 Then
                If IsEmpty(e) Then
                MsgBox "          Auswahl beinhaltet leere Zellen ab " & e.Address, , _
                        "zu Messergebnisse.xls hinzufügen: - Vorgang abgebrochen"
                Exit Function
                End If
            End If
        Next e
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=sServer & sPath & sFile 'Datei Öffnen
    'auf mögliche Laufzeitfehler hin überprüfen
    If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            MsgBox "Konnte externes Programm nicht starten" & Err.Description _
                    & Err.Source, vbCritical
            Exit Function
    End If
    'erste freie Zeile (von unten) ermitteln und aktivieren
    Dim iRowLast
    iRowLast = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    Rows(iRowLast + 1).Activate
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_OnTime"
Option Explicit
Public Const ciIntervall As Integer = 5 'Sekunden
Public Const dsMacro As String = "ZellenkontextmenüErgänzen"
Public gdNextTime As Double
Public gvar As Variant

Sub OnTimeStart()
    gdNextTime = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, ciIntervall)
    Application.OnTime gdNextTime, dsMacro
    On Error Resume Next 'falls nur Musterbau Menü
    With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
        .Controls("Kontext &Beenden").Enabled = True
        .Controls("Kontext &Aktivieren").Enabled = False
    End With
End Sub

Sub OnTimeStop()
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.OnTime earliesttime:=gdNextTime, _
      procedure:=dsMacro, schedule:=False
    Application.Calculation = gvar
    Application.CommandBars("Row") _
                .Controls("zu Messergebnisse.xls hinzufügen").Delete
    On Error GoTo test
    With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _
        .Controls("Kontext &Beenden").Enabled = False
        .Controls("Kontext &Aktivieren").Enabled = True
    End With
    Modul_API_functions.SystemBeep_OK 'Akustische Rückmeldung
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Number
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Pivot"
'(c) 2010, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2010-11-07 (Hypercom)
'Letzte Änderung: 2011-06-19
'Pivot-Tabellen Lage
Private Const csMsgBoxTitel = "Hypercom: Modul_Pivot"

'2011-04-11  for S&R - Falk Stolle - Revenue
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_RFC_Revenue()
    Const sReportName = "Repair Fault Code"
    Const sReportAbbr = "RFC"
    Const sPageField1 = "Item Description"
    Const sDataField1 = "Serial #"
    Const sRow1Field1 = "Repair Level"
    If Cognos_Data_Found(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1) Then
        If Copy_Sheet(sReportAbbr) Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sPageField1)
            Call Add_Column_HGN(sDataField1)
            Call Select_CognosColumn("Customer Name")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Fault Tree Level 2")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Fault Tree Level 3")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Fault Tree Level 4")
            Call Add_Column_ProductSegment
            Call Validate_ProductSegment
            Call Add_Column_ProductGroup("Item #")
            Call Validate_ProductGroup
            Call Mapping_RepairLevel
            Call Select_CognosColumn("Item #")
            Call Add_Pivottable(sDataField1, sPageField1, "Product_Segment")
            Call Add_PivotChart("Repair - Fault Codes - Revenue")
            Call Format_PivotChart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Column_1stShipped()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Serial"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "1:1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column
        Dim sColumnName As String: sColumnName = Cells(1, iColumn).Value
        Add_Column_Produced (sColumnName)
    End If
End Sub

Function Add_Column_Produced(sAfterColumn As String)
    Const csColumnTitle = "1st SHIPPED"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according 'SERIAL NUMBER FORMAT'
        mapping.Add "Others", "000"     'default
        mapping.Add "medCompact", "210" 'medCompact
        mapping.Add "ACRmanual", "167"  'ACR Manual
        mapping.Add "EPP", "930"        'EPP V6
        mapping.Add "EPP", "931"        'EPP Vario
        mapping.Add "EPP", "944"        'EPP V5
        mapping.Add "HCR", "6809"       'HCR
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sAfterColumn:     sFindRange = "1:1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Serial Number' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
    Call Copy_ColumnContent(sAfterColumn, csColumnTitle)
    Call Modul_IRIS_Report.Clear_Column_Content(csColumnTitle, 1)
    Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
    For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
        Dim sSN As String: Dim sHGN As String
        Dim sDB As String: Dim sFROM As String
        sSN = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
        'sHGN = VBA.Right(sSN, 8)
        sDB = EvaluateSerialNumber(sSN) 'distinguish between different mapping Databases
        If IsInCollection(mapping, sDB) Then
            sFROM = mapping(sDB) 'Datenbank ermitteln
            With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                .Select 'Fortschritt anzeigen
                .Value = ADO_Get_SN(sFROM, sSN)
                .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
            End With
        End If
    Next l
    Dim sColumnTitleMonth As String: sColumnTitleMonth = csColumnTitle & " Month"
    Call Add_Column_Month(csColumnTitle, sColumnTitleMonth)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Function

Function EvaluateSerialNumber(sSN As String)
    Dim iSize As Integer: iSize = VBA.Len(sSN)
    Select Case iSize
        Case 12:
            'determine HCR:             SN Format 'cwYY xxxxxxx'        (12 characters)
            EvaluateSerialNumber = "6809"
        Case 15:
            'determine Thales products: SN format 'pppvvvvxxxxxxxx'     (15 characters)
            EvaluateSerialNumber = VBA.Left(sSN, 3)
        Case 16:
            'determine EPP:             SN format 'CCCCCC10xxxxxxxx'    (16 characters)
            EvaluateSerialNumber = "930"
        Case Else
            EvaluateSerialNumber = "930" 'default
            'EvaluateSerialNumber = "000" 'default
    End Select
End Function

Sub Open_CSV_Files_LDB()
    Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "TMS Produktiv - comma separated file (*.csv),*.csv"
    Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Ladedatenbank Rohdaten"
    Dim Mappen As Variant
    Dim iMappen As Long
    iMappen = 0
    Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, FilterIndex:=0, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)
    If IsArray(Mappen) Then
        For iMappen = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
            'Ggf. Meldung bei OpenText Prozedur unterdrücken, falls Format nicht erkannt wird
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=Mappen(iMappen), DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("SerienNrExt")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("AuftragsPos")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("LadeInstanz")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("KundenGruppe")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("INFORAuftrPos")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("RueckmeldStat")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("SecuritySealNumber")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("ORA_OrderLineNumber")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("ORA_OrderShipmentNumber")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("ORA_MoveOrderLineNumber")
            Call Move_Column("AuftragsNr", "ORA_OrderNumber")
            Call Select_CognosColumn("LadeZeit")
            Selection.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
            ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Mappen(iMappen) & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
        Next iMappen
    End If
End Sub

Sub Open_CSV_Files_DDT()
    Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "Diagnose_DB (DDT) - comma separated file (*.csv),*.csv"
    Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Ladedatenbank Rohdaten"
    Dim Mappen As Variant
    Dim iMappen As Long
    iMappen = 0
    Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, FilterIndex:=0, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)
    If IsArray(Mappen) Then
        For iMappen = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
            'Ggf. Meldung bei OpenText Prozedur unterdrücken, falls Format nicht erkannt wird
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            On Error GoTo SYLN
Read:           Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=Mappen(iMappen), DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True
            On Error GoTo 0
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
            Call Select_CognosColumn("DateTimeDgn")
            Selection.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
            Call Select_CognosColumn("CDF_Err_State")
            Call Select_CognosColumn("BSL_Err_State")
            Call Add_Column_BSL_Err_State_Binary
            Call Add_Column_BSL_Err_State
            ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Mappen(iMappen) & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
        Next iMappen
    End If
Exit Sub
' falls csv-Datei als erst 2 Zeichen 'ID' enhält (wird von Excel als .SYL Datei interpretiert)
        Dim sFilename As String: sFilename = Mappen(iMappen)
        Makrosammlung_Gries.ReplaceTextInFile sFilename, "ID_DiagnosticsSet", "'ID_DiagnosticsSet"
        GoTo Read
End Sub

Sub Add_Column_HGN_Sub()
    Const csColumn = "Serial #"
    Call Add_Column_HGN(csColumn)
End Sub

Function Add_Column_HGN(sAtColumn As String)
    Const csColumnTitle = "HGN"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sAtColumn:     sFindRange = "1:1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "00000000"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Serial Number' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
    Call Copy_ColumnContent(sAtColumn, csColumnTitle)
    Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each e In Selection
        Dim sE As String: sE = e.Value
        e.Value = VBA.Strings.Right$(sE, 8)
    Next e
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function

Function Add_Column_SwLoadDate()
    Const csColumnTitle = "S/W Loaded"
    Const csColumnSource = "Serial"
    Const csColumnAfter = "Serial"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according 'SERIAL NUMBER FORMAT'
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "20"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "21"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "22"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "23"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "24"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "25"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "26"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "27"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "28"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "29"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "30"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "2xxxxxxx", "31"  'EPP
        mapping.Add "40xxxxxx", "40"  'TECTRON
        mapping.Add "60xxxxxx", "60"  'EN-Hersfeld
        mapping.Add "61xxxxxx", "61"  'EN-Hersfeld
        mapping.Add "62xxxxxx", "62"  'EN-Hersfeld
        mapping.Add "63xxxxxx", "63"  'EN-Hersfeld
        mapping.Add "64xxxxxx", "64"  'Zollner
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ4"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn1)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        With Columns(iColumn1)
            .NumberFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Dim sSN As String: Dim sHGN As String
            Dim sDB As String: Dim sFROM As String
            sSN = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1 + 1).Value
            sHGN = VBA.Right(sSN, 8)
            sDB = VBA.Left(sHGN, 2)
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sDB) Then
                sFROM = mapping(sDB) 'Datenbank ermitteln
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                    .Value = ADO_Get_HGN(sFROM, sHGN, True)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        'Call Move_Column(csColumnTitle, csColumnAfter)
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Serial #' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_Rev()
    Const csColumnTitle = "ITEM REV"
    Const csColumnSource = "Serial"
    Const csColumnAfter = "Item #"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table REV according 'SERIAL NUMBER FORMAT'
        mapping.Add "medCompact", "210"  'medCompact
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn1)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Dim sSN As String
            sSN = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1 + 1).Value
            sCriteria = VBA.Left(sSN, 3)
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                sCriteria = mapping(sCriteria) 'Datenbank ermitteln
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                    .Value = ADO_Get_Rev(sCriteria, sSN)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn1)
            .NumberFormat = "00"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        'Call Move_Column(csColumnTitle, csColumnAfter)
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Serial #' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_BSL_Err_State_Binary()
    Const csColumnTitle = "BSL_Binary"
    Const csColumnSource = "BSL_Err_State"
    Const csColumnBefore = "BSL_Err_State"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn1)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Dim iBSL As Long
            iBSL = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1 + 1).Value
            With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                .Value = CStr(Makrosammlung_Gries.dec2bin(iBSL)) 'String convertion
                .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
            End With
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn1)
            .NumberFormat = "0000 0000 0000 0000" '16 bit wegen Binär Darstellung
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
        End With
        'Call Move_Column(csColumnTitle, csColumnBefore)
        Const csReasons = "No valid " & csColumnSource & " data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

'2011-08-21 (copied from Excel Gries.xla)
Function GetBslErrState(ByVal sDecimalBslState As String, Optional sDevice As String) As String
    IIf IsMissing(sDevice), sDevice = "XXX", sDevice = sDevice
    Dim BSLtype As New VBA.Collection 'sDevice evaluation
    'Mapping table according Robert Dipauli-Mayer Table
        BSLtype.Add "BSL0", "TST"     'for test purposes only
        BSLtype.Add "BSL3", "XXX"     'default = AHT
        BSLtype.Add "BSL3", "AHT"     'Artema
        BSLtype.Add "BSL4", "EPP"     'Unattented
    Dim BSL0 As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according Robert Dipauli-Mayer Table 3
        BSL0.Add "Unknown", "0"       'for test purposes only
    Dim BSL3 As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according Robert Dipauli-Mayer Table 3
        BSL3.Add "OK", "0"              'No Fault Found
        BSL3.Add "Temperature", "1"     'Temperatur low
        BSL3.Add "Temperature", "2"     'Temperatur high
        BSL3.Add "Temperature", "3"     'theoretisch
        BSL3.Add "Undervoltage", "4"    'Unterspannung
        BSL3.Add "User Reset", "8"      'Benutzer Löschtaste
        BSL3.Add "Cover Contact", "16"  'Deckelkontakt
        BSL3.Add "Foil", "32"           'Folie 1
        BSL3.Add "Foil", "64"           'Folie 2
        BSL3.Add "Unknown", "8192"      't.b.d.
        BSL3.Add "Register 17", "16384" 'Register 17 Eintrag
        BSL3.Add "Sync Error", "32768"  'Synkronisierungsfehler
    Dim BSL4 As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according Robert Dipauli-Mayer Table 4
        BSL4.Add "OK", "0"           'No Fault Found
        BSL4.Add "Keyboard", "1"     'SS1
        BSL4.Add "Keyboard", "2"     'SS2
        BSL4.Add "Keyboard", "3"     'SS1 & SS2
        BSL4.Add "Keyboard", "4"     'SS3
        BSL4.Add "Mesh", "8"         'Mesh 1
        BSL4.Add "Mesh", "16"        'Mesh 2
        BSL4.Add "Foil", "8192"      'Folie 1
        BSL4.Add "Foil", "16384"     'Folie 2
    Dim sMappingTableSection As String
    If IsInCollection(BSLtype, sDevice) Then
        sMappingTableSection = BSLtype(sDevice)  'get BSL state table
    End If
    Select Case sMappingTableSection
        Case "BSL0":
        If IsInCollection(BSL0, sDecimalBslState) Then
            GetBslErrState = BSL0(sDecimalBslState)  'for test purposes only
        End If
        Case "BSL3":
        If IsInCollection(BSL3, sDecimalBslState) Then
            GetBslErrState = BSL3(sDecimalBslState)  'main Tamper evaluation
        End If
        Case "BSL4":
        If IsInCollection(BSL4, sDecimalBslState) Then
            GetBslErrState = BSL4(sDecimalBslState)  'main Tamper evaluation
        End If
        Case Else
        If IsInCollection(BSL3, sDecimalBslState) Then
            GetBslErrState = BSL3(sDecimalBslState)  'default
        End If
    End Select
End Function

Function Add_Column_BSL_Err_State()
    Const csColumnTitle = "BSL_TAMPER"
    Const csColumnSource = "BSL_Err_State"
    Const csColumnBefore = "BSL_Err_State"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according Robert Dipauli-Mayer Table
        mapping.Add "OK", "0"           'No Fault Found
        mapping.Add "Keyboard", "1"     'SS1
        mapping.Add "Keyboard", "2"     'SS2
        mapping.Add "Keyboard", "3"     'SS1 & SS2
        mapping.Add "Keyboard", "4"     'SS3
        mapping.Add "Mesh", "8"         'Mesh 1
        mapping.Add "Mesh", "16"        'Mesh 2
        mapping.Add "Foil", "8192"      'Folie 1
        mapping.Add "Foil", "16384"     'Folie 2
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn1)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Dim iBSL As Long: Dim iMask As Long
            iBSL = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1 + 1).Value
            iMask = iBSL And &H601F '0110 0000 0001 1111
            sCriteria = CStr(iMask) 'String convertion
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                sCriteria = mapping(sCriteria) 'main Tamper evaluation
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                    .Value = sCriteria
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn1)
            .NumberFormat = "000"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        'Call Move_Column(csColumnTitle, csColumnBefore)
        Const csReasons = "No valid " & csColumnSource & " data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_Datecode()
    Const csColumnTitle = "YYYY-MM"
    Const csColumnSource = "Date Code"
    Dim year As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table Datecode according DIN EN 60062'
        year.Add "2010", "A"  '
        year.Add "2011", "B"  '
        year.Add "2012", "C"  '
        year.Add "2013", "D"  '
        year.Add "2014", "E"  '
        year.Add "2015", "F"  '
        year.Add "1996", "H"  '
        year.Add "1997", "J"  '
        year.Add "1998", "K"  '
        year.Add "1999", "L"  '
        year.Add "2000", "M"  '
        year.Add "2001", "N"  '
        year.Add "2002", "P"  '
        year.Add "2003", "R"  '
        year.Add "2004", "S"  '
        year.Add "2005", "T"  '
        year.Add "2006", "U"  '
        year.Add "2007", "V"  '
        year.Add "2008", "W"  '
        year.Add "2009", "X"  '
    Dim month As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table Datecode according DIN EN 60062'
        month.Add "01", "1"  '
        month.Add "02", "2"  '
        month.Add "03", "3"  '
        month.Add "04", "4"  '
        month.Add "05", "5"  '
        month.Add "06", "6"  '
        month.Add "07", "7"  '
        month.Add "08", "8"  '
        month.Add "09", "9"  '
        month.Add "10", "O"  '
        month.Add "11", "N"  '
        month.Add "12", "D"  '
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Copy_ColumnContent(csColumnSource, csColumnTitle)
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Dim sDC As String: Dim sDCY As String: Dim sDCM As String
            sDC = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            sDC = VBA.Left(sDC, 2)
            sDCY = VBA.Left(sDC, 1)
            sDCM = VBA.Right(sDC, 1)
            If IsInCollection(year, sDCY) And IsInCollection(month, sDCM) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = year(sDCY) & "-" & month(sDCM)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "00"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Date code' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_EMS()
    Const csColumnTitle = "EMS"
    Const csColumnSource = "Serial"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table EMS according 950264-001e 'SERIAL NUMBER FORMAT'
        mapping.Add "FF", "FF"  'Flextronics (France)
        mapping.Add "FP", "FP"  'Flextronics (Poland)
        mapping.Add "SR", "SR"  'Solectron / Flextronics (Romania)
        mapping.Add "SB", "SB"  'Solectron Bordeaux (France)
        mapping.Add "TF", "TF"  'TES (France)
        mapping.Add "AR", "AR"  'Arteixo (Spain)
        mapping.Add "AL", "10"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "11"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "12"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "13"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "20"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany) - EPP
        mapping.Add "AL", "29"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany) - EPP
        mapping.Add "TC", "35"  'Tectron (Germany)
        mapping.Add "TC", "40"  'Tectron (Germany)
      ' mapping.Add "SR", "40"  'Solectron / Flextronics (Romania)
        mapping.Add "AL", "60"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "61"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "62"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "63"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany)
        mapping.Add "AL", "64"  'Zollner (Romania)
        mapping.Add "AL", "70"  'EN-Hersfeld (Germany) - conflict with Wenture -old
      ' mapping.Add "SR", "70"  'Solectron / Flextronics (Romania)
      ' mapping.Add "VE", "70"  'Venture until 2009 (Malaysia)
        mapping.Add "VE", "80"  'Venture after 2009 (Malaysia)
        mapping.Add "ZR", "92"  'Zollner (Romania)
        mapping.Add "MT", "93"  'Mitac TLA (China)
        mapping.Add "MP", "94"  'Mitac PWA (China)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnSource:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Set UR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = UBound(UR.Formula) 'Anzahl der Zeilen ermitteln
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Call Copy_ColumnContent(csColumnSource, csColumnTitle)
        Call Select_CognosColumn(csColumnTitle)
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            sCriteria = VBA.Right(sCriteria, 8)
            sCriteria = VBA.Left(sCriteria, 2)
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'EMS' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_ProductSegment()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Item #"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table only as example
        mapping.Add "Countertop", "TestItem1"
        mapping.Add "Mobile", "TestItem2"
        mapping.Add "PINpad", "Testitem3"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:     sFindRange = "A1:AZ1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = "Product_Segment"
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn - 1).End(xlDown).row
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Product_Segment' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Add_Column_ProductGroup(sAtColumn As String)
    Const csColumnTitle = "Product_Group"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table only as example
        mapping.Add "ADT", "TestItem1"
        mapping.Add "M4240", "TestItem2"
        mapping.Add "MCU", "TestItem3"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = sAtColumn:     sFindRange = "1:1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn As Integer: iColumn = ID1.Column + 1
        Columns(iColumn).Insert (xlShiftRight)
        With Cells(1, iColumn)
            .Value = csColumnTitle
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40
        End With
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(1, iColumn - 1).End(xlDown).row
        lNumberOfShippingDateRows = lRowLastUsed 'global variable - valid for all column modifications
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sCriteria = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn - 1).Value
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sCriteria) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn)
                    .Value = mapping(sCriteria)
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn)
            .NumberFormat = "0"
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        Const csReasons = "No valid 'Product_Group' data found"
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_ProductSegment()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Product_Segment"
    Dim sIRISsourcePly As String: sIRISsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ItemMappingProduct").Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sIRISsourcePly)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:       sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "Item #":     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht und ggf. Formatierung
        'Selection.NumberFormat = "00000000000"
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sColumn1data As String: Dim sColumn2data As String
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn2).End(xlUp).row
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht
            sColumn1data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sColumn2data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sColumn1data = "" Then 'IsEmty() funktioniert nicht
               If Not sColumn2data = "" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        '.value = "Formel" 'nur für Testzwecke
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                        Call Formel_Sverweis("P", "ItemMappingMatrix", 5)
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

Function Validate_ProductGroup()
    Const csColumnTitle = "Product_Group"
    Dim sIRISsourcePly As String: sIRISsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
''''ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ItemMappingProduct").Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sIRISsourcePly)
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle:       sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    sCriteria = "Item #":     sFindRange = "A1:Z1"
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Columns(iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht und ggf. Formatierung
        'Selection.NumberFormat = "00000000000"
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sColumn1data As String: Dim sColumn2data As String
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn2).End(xlUp).row
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Select 'zwecks Ansicht
            sColumn1data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            sColumn2data = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2).Value
            If sColumn1data = "" Then 'IsEmty() funktioniert nicht
               If Not sColumn2data = "" Then
                    With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1)
                        '.value = "Formel" 'nur für Testzwecke
                        .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
                        Call Formel_Sverweis("P", "ItemMappingMatrix", 3)
                    End With
               End If
            End If
        Next l
    End If
End Function

'2011-01-16  for S&R - Falk Stolle
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_RFC()
    Const sReportName = "Repair Fault Code"
    Const sReportAbbr = "RFC"
    Const sPageField1 = "Item Description"
    Const sDataField1 = "Serial #"
    Const sRow1Field1 = "Fault Tree Level 4"
    If Cognos_Data_Found(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1) Then
        If Copy_Sheet(sReportAbbr) Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sPageField1)
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Date of Receipt")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Shipping Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Invoice Date")
            Call Format_FaultTreeColumns
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("Date of Receipt", "Shipping Date")
            Call Mapping_RepairLevel
            Call Mapping_RepairRecordType
            Cells(1, 1).Select
            Call Add_Pivottable(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1)
            Call Add_PivotChart("Repair - Fault Codes")
            Call Format_PivotChart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-01-29 RSQ for S&R - Michael Blasl für Service Provider Auswertun
'2011-03-31 Korrektur da auch neue unbekannte ServiceProvider dazukommen können (Venture, Zollner)
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_SP()
    Const csServiceProvider1ref = "Quality"
    Const csServiceProvider1out = "Quality Management"
    Const csServiceProvider2ref = "EN HERSFELD"
    Const csServiceProvider2out = "EN-Hersfeld GMBH"
    Const csServiceProvider3ref = "CRC"
    Const csServiceProvider3out = "Regenersis GMBH"
    Const csSP = "Service Provider"
    Call CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ
    Call Format_YearMonth("Repair Delivery Date")
    'allte Mappen löschen
    Dim sServicePrividerSelectSheetName
    On Error Resume Next
        sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider1out '
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error Resume Next
        sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider2out '
    On Error GoTo 0
    On Error Resume Next
        sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider3out '
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Alle ServiceProvider anzeigen
    Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        With .PivotFields(csSP)
            .Orientation = xlRowField
            .Position = 2
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
''''    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).VisibleItems
''''        Debug.Print pvtField.Name
''''        If InStr(pvtField.Name, csServiceProvider1ref) = 0 Then ' klammert SP aus da nicht alle False sein dürfen
''''            pvtField.Visible = False
''''        End If
''''    Next pvtField

    'Zusätzlich alle nicht relevanten Service Zeielen rausfiltern (Cancel Line)
        With .PivotFields("Line Status")
            On Error Resume Next ' falls kein Cancel Line
            .PivotItems("Cancel Line").Visible = False
            On Error GoTo 0
        End With
    End With
    'Alle Daten von ServiceProvider1 in separater Mappe ausgeben
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).HiddenItems
            pvtField.Visible = True
    Next pvtField
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).VisibleItems
        Dim sPvtFieldName1 As String: sPvtFieldName1 = pvtField.Name
        If InStr(sPvtFieldName1, csServiceProvider1ref) = 0 Then ' klammert angegebenen SP aus da nicht alle False sein dürfen
            On Error Resume Next
                pvtField.Visible = False
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    Next pvtField
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        .PivotSelect "'Column Grand Total'", xlDataOnly, True
    End With
    Selection.ShowDetail = True
    sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider1out '& Makrosammlung_Gries.Get_Timestamp
    ActiveSheet.Name = sServicePrividerSelectSheetName
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Call Mapping_RepairLevel
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
    Call Store_ActiveSheet(csServiceProvider1out)
    Sheets("RSQ pivot").Select
    'Alle Daten von ServiceProvider2 in separater Mappe ausgeben
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).HiddenItems
            pvtField.Visible = True
    Next pvtField
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).VisibleItems
        Dim sPvtFieldName2 As String: sPvtFieldName2 = pvtField.Name
        If InStr(sPvtFieldName2, csServiceProvider2ref) = 0 Then ' klammert angegebenen SP aus da nicht alle False sein dürfen
            On Error Resume Next
                pvtField.Visible = False
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    Next pvtField
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        .PivotSelect "'Column Grand Total'", xlDataOnly, True
    End With
    Selection.ShowDetail = True
    sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider2out '& Makrosammlung_Gries.Get_Timestamp
    ActiveSheet.Name = sServicePrividerSelectSheetName
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Call Mapping_RepairLevel
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
    Call Store_ActiveSheet(csServiceProvider2out)
    Sheets("RSQ pivot").Select
    'Alle Daten von ServiceProvider3 in separater Mappe ausgeben
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).HiddenItems
            pvtField.Visible = True
    Next pvtField
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).VisibleItems
        Dim sPvtFieldName3 As String: sPvtFieldName3 = pvtField.Name
        If InStr(sPvtFieldName3, csServiceProvider3ref) = 0 Then ' klammert angegebenen SP aus da nicht alle False sein dürfen
            On Error Resume Next
                pvtField.Visible = False
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    Next pvtField
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        .PivotSelect "'Column Grand Total'", xlDataOnly, True
    End With
    Selection.ShowDetail = True
    sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProvider3out '& Makrosammlung_Gries.Get_Timestamp
    ActiveSheet.Name = sServicePrividerSelectSheetName
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Call Mapping_RepairLevel
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
    Call Store_ActiveSheet(csServiceProvider3out)
    'alle Service Provider anzeigen lassen
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).HiddenItems
            pvtField.Visible = True
    Next pvtField
    Sheets("RSQ pivot").Select
    'Chart und Speichern
    Call Add_PivotChart("Service Provider - all")
    Call Store_Workbook("Service Provider - all")
End Sub

'2011-01-17 RSQ for QM - Michael Gries
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ_QM()
    Const csServiceProviderSelect = "Quality Management"
    Const csSP = "Service Provider"
    Call CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ
    Call Format_YearMonth("Repair Delivery Date")
    On Error Resume Next
    Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.PivotFields(csSP).VisibleItems
        Debug.Print pvtField.Name
        If InStr(pvtField.Name, "Quality") = 0 Then ' klammert QM aus da nicht alle False sein dürfen
            pvtField.Visible = False
        End If
    Next pvtField
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        With .PivotFields(csSP)
            .Orientation = xlRowField
            .Position = 2
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
        With .PivotFields("Line Status")
             .PivotItems("Cancel Line").Visible = False
        End With
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim sServicePrividerSelectSheetName: sServicePrividerSelectSheetName = csServiceProviderSelect '& Makrosammlung_Gries.Get_Timestamp
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Alle Daten von ServiceProvider = "Quality Management" in separater Mappe ausgeben
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotSelect "'Column Grand Total'", xlDataOnly, True
    Selection.ShowDetail = True
    ActiveSheet.Name = sServicePrividerSelectSheetName
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Call Mapping_RepairLevel
    Cells(1, 1).Select
    Call Set_AutofilterCognosType
    Call Store_ActiveSheet(csServiceProviderSelect)
    Sheets("RSQ pivot").Select
    Call Add_PivotChart("Service Provider -> Quality Management")
    Call Format_PivotChart
    Call Store_Workbook("Service Provider - " & csServiceProviderSelect)
End Sub

'2011-01-14 RSQ for S&R - Michael Blasl
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_RSQ()
    Const sReportName = "Repair Status Quo"
    Const sPageField = "Request Status"
    Const sDataField = "Repair Order #"
    Const sRow1Field = "Line Status"
    If Cognos_Data_Found(sDataField, sPageField, sRow1Field) Then
        If Copy_Sheet("RSQ") Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sPageField)
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Date Verified")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Due Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Repair End Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Date of Receipt")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Request Delivery Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Repair Delivery Date")
            Call Add_Column_RepairDays("Date of Receipt", "Repair Delivery Date")
            'Call Add_Column_Produced("Serial #") 'Laufzeit beachten wegen ADO Abfrage
            Call Add_Pivottable(sDataField, sPageField, sRow1Field)
                On Error Resume Next
                With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Line Status")
                    .PivotItems("Cancel Line").Visible = False
                End With
                On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-01-11 SOD for PM - Horst Bernshausen
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_SOD()
    Const sReportName = "Shipped Order Details"
    If Cognos_Data_Found("Customer Name", "Item Number", "Quantity") Then
        If Copy_Sheet("SOD") Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines("Quantity")
            Call Delete_CognosFooterLines("OPERATING_UNIT")
            Call FindPageIdentifier
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("First Commit Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Booked Date")
            Call Format_YearMonth("Date Shipped")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("First Request Date")
            Call Add_Pivottable_SOD("Quantity", "Qty", "Customer Name", "Item Number")
            'Call Format_Pivottable_SOD("Anzahl von Quantity")
            'Call Format_Pivottable_SOD("Quantity")
            Call Add_PivotChart("Shipped Order Details")
            Call Format_PivotChart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-03-08 SOD for GPS - Rai Yesenski
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_SOD_GPS()
    Const sReportName = "Shipped Order Details"
    If Cognos_Data_Found("Customer Name", "Item Number", "Quantity") Then
        If Copy_Sheet("SOD") Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines("Quantity")
            Call Delete_CognosFooterLines("OPERATING_UNIT")
            Call FindPageIdentifier
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("First Commit Date")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Booked Date")
            Call Format_YearMonth("Date Shipped")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("First Request Date")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Shipping Method")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Freight Carrier")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Freight Terms")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Waybill #")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Revenue Type")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Order Type")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Line Type")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("Unit Price")
            Call Delete_CognosColumn("USD")
            Call Add_Pivottable_SOD("Quantity", "Qty", "Customer Name", "PRODUCT_GROUP")
            'Call Format_Pivottable_SOD("Anzahl von Quantity")
            'Call Format_Pivottable_SOD("Quantity")
            Call Add_PivotChart("Shipped Order Details")
            Call Format_PivotChart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-01-14 SNL for PM - Torsten Ide
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_SNL()
    Const sReportName = "Serial Number List"
    Const sReportAbbr = "SNL"
    Const sPageField1 = "ITEM #"
    Const sDataField1 = "SERIAL #"
    Const sRow1Field1 = "DELIVERY DATE"
    If Cognos_Data_Found(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1) Then
        If Copy_Sheet(sReportAbbr) Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sPageField1)
            Call FindPageIdentifier
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("Ship Confirm Dt")
            Call Format_YearMonth("DELIVERY DATE")
            Call Format_YearMonthDay("SOFTWARE LOAD DATE")
            Cells(1, 1).Select
            Call Add_Pivottable(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1)
            Call Add_PivotChart(sReportName)
            Call Format_PivotChart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

'2011-01-12 OHQ for S&R - Christina Lyding
'2011-01-16 erweitert um Pivot Optimierung
Sub CognosReports_Pivot_OHQ()
    Const sReportName = "On Hand Quantity"
    Const sReportAbbr = "OHQ"
    Const sPageField1 = "Rev"
    Const sDataField1 = "Qty"
    Const sRow1Field1 = "Item #"
    If Cognos_Data_Found(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1) Then
        If Copy_Sheet(sReportAbbr) Then
            Call Add_AuthorInfo(sReportName)
            Call Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sPageField1)
            Cells(1, 1).Select
            Call Add_Pivottable(sDataField1, sPageField1, sRow1Field1)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_AuthorInfo(sComments As String)
    'Benutzerlogin ermitteln
    Dim sBenutzerkennung As String:    sBenutzerkennung = Modul_API_functions.GetUserLoginName
    With ActiveWorkbook 'ActiveWorkbook or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
        'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/ZUSAMMENFASSUNG
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 0)
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "VeriFone Germany GmbH"
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = Menüs_VeriFone.Mapping_User_to_Username
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = Menüs_VeriFone.Mapping_User_to_Manager
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Quality"
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = sComments
        'Dokumenteigenschaften unter Register EIGENSCHAFTEN/STATISTIK
        .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = sBenutzerkennung
    End With
    Makrosammlung_Gries.Append_Data_To_HYC_Logfile "Gries.xla " & Last_Modified & " VeriFone GmbH"
End Sub

Function Add_Pivottable(sDataField As String, sPageField As String, sRow1Field As String)
    Const csTableName = "PivotTableSOD"
    Dim sPrivotSheetName: sPrivotSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name & " pivot"
    Dim sPivotTable: sPivotTable = ActiveSheet.Name
    'Datenumfang für Pivottabelle bestimmen
    Dim sPivotRange: sPivotRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address
    Dim sPivotCache: sPivotCache = sPivotTable & "!" & sPivotRange
    'Pivottabelle hinzufügen
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
        SourceData:=sPivotCache).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:="", _
        TableName:=csTableName, _
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    ActiveSheet.Name = sPrivotSheetName
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPrivotSheetName).Tab.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
    'Pivotfelder hinzufügen
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName)
        'Datenfelder hinzufügen
        .AddDataField .PivotFields(sDataField)
        'Datenseiten hinzufügen
        With .PivotFields(sPageField)
            .Orientation = xlPageField: .Position = 1
        End With
        With .PivotFields(sRow1Field)
            .Orientation = xlRowField
            .Position = 1
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
        Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        For Each pvtField In pvtTable.HiddenFields
            Debug.Print pvtField.Name
            On Error Resume Next
            pvtField.Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next pvtField
    End With
    Range("B1").Select 'markiert Pivot-Page-Field und blendet somit die Feldeigenschaften ein
End Function

Sub Add_PivotChart(sChartTitle As String)
    Dim sPivotSheetName: sPivotSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
    With ActiveChart
        .SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(sPivotSheetName).Range("A1")
        .Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
        .HasTitle = True 'wichtig
        .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = sChartTitle
    End With
    Dim sPivotChartSheetName: sPivotChartSheetName = sPivotSheetName & "chart"
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    ActiveSheet.Name = sPivotChartSheetName
    ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 35 'hellblau
End Sub

Function Add_Pivottable_SOD(sPvF As String, sPvFT As String, sPaF As String, sRF As String)
    Const csTableName = "PivotTableSOD"
    Const csPrivotSheetName = "SOD pivot"
    Dim sRF1: sRF1 = "Item Number"
    Dim sRF2: sRF2 = "PRODUCT_GROUP"
    Dim sCF1: sCF1 = "Date Shipped"
    Dim sPivotTable: sPivotTable = ActiveSheet.Name
    'Datenumfang für Pivottabelle bestimmen
    Dim sPivotRange: sPivotRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address
    Dim sPivotCache: sPivotCache = sPivotTable & "!" & sPivotRange
    'Pivottabellen spezifische Felder definieren
    Dim sPivotFields
    Dim sPivotFieldsTitle
    Dim sPageField1
    Dim sRowField1
        sPivotFields = sPvF
        sPivotFieldsTitle = sPvFT
        sPageField1 = sPaF
        sRowField1 = sRF
    'Pivottabelle hinzufügen
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
        SourceData:=sPivotCache).CreatePivotTable _
        TableDestination:="", _
        TableName:=csTableName, _
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    ActiveSheet.Name = csPrivotSheetName
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(csPrivotSheetName).Tab.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
    'Pivotfelder hinzufügen
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName)
        'Datenfelder hinzufügen
        .AddDataField .PivotFields(sPivotFields), sPivotFieldsTitle, xlSum
        'Datenseiten hinzufügen
        With .PivotFields(sPageField1)
            .Orientation = xlPageField: .Position = 1
        End With
        With .PivotFields(sRF1)
            .Orientation = xlRowField
            .Position = 1
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
        With .PivotFields(sRF2)
            .Orientation = xlRowField
            .Position = 2
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
        With .PivotFields(sCF1)
            .Orientation = xlColumnField
            .Position = 1
            .Caption = "Shipped"
            .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        End With
    End With
    Range("B1").Select 'markiert Pivot-Page-Field und blendet somit die Feldeigenschaften ein
End Function

Sub CognosReports_Pivot()

'Pivottabellen spezifische Konstanten definieren
Const csTableName = "PivotTableCognos"
Const csPivotFields = "Quantity"
Const csPivotFieldsTitle = "Sum of Quantity"
Const csPageField2 = "Product Segment" 'umgekehrte Reihenfolge bei PageFiled
Const csPageField1 = "PRODUCT_LINE"
Const csColumnField = "Schedule Date"
Const csRowField1 = "PRODUCT_GROUP"
Const csRowField2 = "Item #"
Const csRowField3 = "Customer Name"
Const csRowField4 = "Order #"

'Pivottabellen spezifische Felder definieren
Dim sPivotFields
Dim sPivotFieldsTitle
Dim sPageField2
Dim sPageField1
Dim sColumnField
Dim sRowField1
Dim sRowField2
Dim sRowField3
Dim sRowField4

'Farbwerte setzen
Const csColorHYCblue = 14
Const csColorHYCgrey = 11
On Error Resume Next ' falls keine Mappe offen
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(csColorHYCblue) = RGB(0, 44, 95)
    ActiveWorkbook.Colors(csColorHYCgrey) = RGB(139, 141, 142)
On Error GoTo 0

'vermeiden das Bilder activiert sind

Const csCognos_OOS = "Open Orders Snapshot"
Const csCognos_SNL = "Serial Number List"
Const csCognos_RFC = "Returns - Fault Codes"
Const csCognos_SOD = "Shipped Order Details Snapshot"
Const csCognos_OHQ = "Summary By Item Org & Sub Inventory" 'On Hand Quantity

Dim colSupportedReports As New VBA.Collection
' Datei Kopfzeilen vorbereiten
colSupportedReports.Add csCognos_OOS
colSupportedReports.Add csCognos_SNL
colSupportedReports.Add csCognos_RFC
colSupportedReports.Add csCognos_SOD
colSupportedReports.Add csCognos_OHQ

'Test supported Cognos Report types
Dim bSupportedCognosReports As Boolean
bSupportedCognosReports = False 'default

On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Delete

Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
Dim lRow As Long
On Error GoTo LZF1004
With ActiveSheet
    .AutoFilterMode = False 'Autofilter zurücksetzen
    Call FindPageIdentifier
    'REPORT-TYPE: OOS - Open Orders Snapshot
    sCriteria = csCognos_OOS:     sFindRange = "A1:D8"
    Dim OOS: Set OOS = .Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not OOS Is Nothing Then
        bSupportedCognosReports = True
        'OOS.CurrentRegion.Select 'Nur für Testzwecke
        'Debug.Print OOS.row
        lRow = OOS.row
        Dim d: Set d = .Range("A1:AZ30").Find("Quantity", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        sPivotFields = csPivotFields
        sPivotFieldsTitle = csPivotFieldsTitle
        sPageField2 = csPageField2
        sPageField1 = csPageField1
        sColumnField = "Ship Date" '2011-01-26 Cognos Report Änderung
        Call Format_YearMonth("Ship Date")
        sRowField1 = csRowField1
        sRowField2 = csRowField2
        sRowField3 = csRowField3
        sRowField4 = csRowField4
    End If
    'REPORT-TYPE: SNL - Serial Number List
    sCriteria = csCognos_SNL:     sFindRange = "A1:D8"
    Dim SNL: Set SNL = .Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not SNL Is Nothing Then
        bSupportedCognosReports = True
        'SNL.CurrentRegion.Select 'Nur für Testzwecke
        'Debug.Print SNL.row
        lRow = SNL.row
        Selection.WrapText = False
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
        Dim c: Set c = .Range("A1:AZ30").Find("SERIAL #", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        'lRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        sPivotFields = "SERIAL #"
        sPivotFieldsTitle = "Sum of S/N"
        sPageField2 = "PRODUCT SEGMENT"
        sPageField1 = "PRODUCT LINE"
        sColumnField = "DELIVERY DATE"
        sRowField1 = "CUSTOMER"
        sRowField2 = "ITEM #"
        sRowField3 = "PRODUCT GROUP"
        sRowField4 = "ORDER #"
    End If

    'REPORT-TYPE: RFC - Returns Fault Cause
    sCriteria = csCognos_RFC:     sFindRange = "A1:D8"
    Dim RFC: Set RFC = .Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not RFC Is Nothing Then
        bSupportedCognosReports = True
        'SNL.CurrentRegion.Select 'Nur für Testzwecke
        'Debug.Print SNL.row
        Call Mapping_RepairLevel
        lRow = RFC.row
        Selection.WrapText = False
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
        Set c = .Range("A:A").Find("Version", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        If Not c Is Nothing Then 'falls nicht gefunden oder schon gelöscht (n.ter Aufruf)
        End If
        Set c = .Range("A1:AZ30").Find("Serial #", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        'iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        sPivotFields = "Serial #"
        sPivotFieldsTitle = "Sum of S/N"
        sPageField2 = "Customer Warranty"
        sPageField1 = "Customer Name"
        sColumnField = "DOA"
        sRowField1 = "Item Description"
        sRowField2 = "Fault Tree Level 2"
        sRowField3 = "Fault Tree Level 3"
        sRowField4 = "Fault Tree Level 4"
    End If

    'REPORT-TYPE: SOD - Shipped Order Details snapshot
    sCriteria = csCognos_SOD:     sFindRange = "A1:D8"
    Dim SOD: Set SOD = .Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not SOD Is Nothing Then
        bSupportedCognosReports = True
        'SNL.CurrentRegion.Select 'Nur für Testzwecke
        'Debug.Print SNL.row
        lRow = SOD.row
        Selection.WrapText = False
        ActiveCell.offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
        Set c = .Range("A:A").Find("Currency", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        If Not c Is Nothing Then 'falls nicht gefunden oder schon gelöscht (n.ter Aufruf)
            c.Value = ""
        End If
        Set c = .Range("A1:AZ30").Find("Quantity", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        'iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        sPivotFields = "Quantity"
        sPivotFieldsTitle = "Sum of Quantity"
        sPageField2 = "PRODUCT_SEGMENT"
        sPageField1 = "PRODUCT_LINE"
        sColumnField = "Region"
        sRowField1 = "Customer Name"
        sRowField2 = "Item Number"
        sRowField3 = "PRODUCT_GROUP"
        sRowField4 = "Sales Rep"
    End If

    'REPORT-TYPE: OHQ - On Hand Quantity
    sCriteria = csCognos_OHQ:     sFindRange = "A1:D8"
    Dim OHQ: Set OHQ = .Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not OHQ Is Nothing Then
        bSupportedCognosReports = True
        Set c = .Range("A1:G20").Find("Locator", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        Set c = .Range("A1:G20").Find("Locator", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
        'iRowLastUsed = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        sPivotFields = "Qty"
        sPivotFieldsTitle = "Quantity"
        sPageField2 = "Item #"
        sPageField1 = "Description"
        sColumnField = "Rev"
        sRowField1 = "Item #"
        sRowField2 = "Subinventory"
        sRowField3 = "Locator"
        sRowField4 = "Org"
    End If

End With

If Not bSupportedCognosReports Then
    Dim sReport As String:
    sReport = "Derzeit unterstützte Cognos Reports: (Michael Gries, -691)" & vbCr
    Dim e As Variant
    For Each e In colSupportedReports
    Debug.Print e
        sReport = sReport & " - " & e & vbCr
    Next e
    Dim r: r = MsgBox(sReport, vbInformation, csMsgBoxTitel)
    GoTo NO_LZF
End If

With ActiveWindow
    .ScrollRow = 1
    .ScrollColumn = 1
End With

Dim colPivotFields As New VBA.Collection
' Datei Kopfzeilen vorbereiten

Dim sPivotTable: sPivotTable = "Details-1"  'Beispiel aus OpenOrdersSnapshot
sPivotTable = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim sPivotRange: sPivotRange = "R8C1:R56C36" 'Beispiel oder Darstellung A8:R56
'Datenumfang für Pivottabelle bestimmen
sPivotRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address
Dim sPivotCache: sPivotCache = sPivotTable & "!" & sPivotRange

'Pivottabelle hinzufügen
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
    SourceData:=sPivotCache).CreatePivotTable _
    TableDestination:="", _
    TableName:=csTableName, _
ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select

'Pivot Auswahlfelder anzeigen
ActiveWorkbook.ShowPivotTableFieldList = True

'Registerblatt Name ändern
Const csPlyName = "Tabelle": Const csPlyNameNew = "Pivot"
Dim sPlyName As String:     sPlyName = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim sPlyNameNew As String
    sPlyNameNew = VBA.Replace(sPlyName, csPlyName, csPlyNameNew)
ActiveSheet.Name = sPlyNameNew
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPlyNameNew).Tab.ColorIndex = 36 'gelb

'ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields(csPivotFields), "Anzahl von Quantity", xlCount

'Pivotfelder hinzufügen
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName)
    'Datenfelder hinzufügen
    .AddDataField .PivotFields(sPivotFields), sPivotFieldsTitle, xlSum
    'Datenseiten hinzufügen
    With .PivotFields(sPageField1)
        .Orientation = xlPageField: .Position = 1
    End With
    With .PivotFields(sPageField2)
        .Orientation = xlPageField: .Position = 2
    End With
    'Datenspalten hinzufügen
    With .PivotFields(sColumnField)
        .Orientation = xlColumnField: .Position = 1
    End With
    'Datenzeilen hinzufügen
    With .PivotFields(sRowField1)
        .Orientation = xlRowField: .Position = 1
    End With
    With .PivotFields(sRowField2)
        .Orientation = xlRowField: .Position = 2
    End With
    With .PivotFields(sRowField3)
        .Orientation = xlRowField: .Position = 3
    End With
    With .PivotFields(sRowField4)
        .Orientation = xlRowField: .Position = 4
    End With
    'Pivottabelle mit Excel-Standardformaten formatieren
    '.Format xlTable9  'als Tabelle - siehe Icon in Pivot Symbolleiste
   '.Format xlReport9 'als Report
End With

'Zeilen & Spalten auswählen und fixieren
ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 2 'mind. 2 wenn PageFields hinzugefügt wurden
ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 5 ' abhängig von Anzahl der PageFields
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

'Pivot Felder formatieren
Application.PivotTableSelection = True
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
    "'Column Grand Total'", xlDataAndLabel, True
    With Selection
        .Interior.ColorIndex = 14
        .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
        .Font.ColorIndex = 2
        .Font.Bold = True
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
        .WrapText = True
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
    End With
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
    "'Row Grand Total'", xlDataAndLabel, True
    With Selection
        .Interior.ColorIndex = 14
        .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
        .Font.ColorIndex = 2
        .Font.Bold = True
    End With
If Not OOS Is Nothing Then
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "PRODUCT_GROUP[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection.Interior
            .ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
            .Pattern = xlSolid
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "'Customer Name'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 11
            .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
            .Font.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
            .Font.Bold = True
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "'Item #'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 11
            .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
            .Font.ColorIndex = 2
            .Font.Bold = True
        End With
End If

If Not RFC Is Nothing Then
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotFields("Sum of S/N")
        .Function = xlCount
        .Caption = "Quantity of S/N"
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotFields("Fault Tree Level 2")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotFields("Fault Tree Level 3")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
    End With
End If

If Not SOD Is Nothing Then
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "PRODUCT_GROUP[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection.Interior
            .ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
            .Pattern = xlSolid
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "'Customer Name'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 11
            .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
            .Font.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
            .Font.Bold = True
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotSelect _
        "'Item Number'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
        With Selection
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 11
            .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
            .Font.ColorIndex = 2
            .Font.Bold = True
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("Customer Name").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("Item Number").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("PRODUCT_GROUP").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
End If

If Not OHQ Is Nothing Then
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotFields("Org")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 2
    End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotSelect "Org[All] 'Item #'", _
        xlDataAndLabel, True
    Selection.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotSelect "Rev[All]", xlLabelOnly, True
    With Selection
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .Borders.Weight = xlThin
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("Item #").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("Subinventory").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables(csTableName).PivotFields("Locator").Subtotals = _
        Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotSelect "Rev[All]", xlLabelOnly, True
    With Selection
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 90
        .AddIndent = False
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
        .Font.Bold = True
        With .Interior
            .ColorIndex = 40
            .Pattern = xlSolid
        End With
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").PivotFields("Subinventory")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
        .CurrentPage = "Q-LAGER"
    End With
    Set rPivotHeader = Application.Union(Range("A1:A3"), Range("A6:B6"), Range("A5"), Range("C5"))
    With rPivotHeader
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blau
    End With
    With Range("B1:B3")
        .Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
    End With
    Range("A4").Select 'blendet Pivot Feldliste aus
End If

'Pivot-Felder umbenennen
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTableCognos").GrandTotalName = "Totals"


'Laufzeitfehler 1004
'z.B. wenn leeres Blatt oder leere Zeile
    Debug.Print "ERROR: ", Err.Number, Err.Description
    Const csContacsTableNamect = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
    Dim sText: sText = Err.Description & vbCr & csContact
    Dim sResult
    sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
End Sub

Function FindPageIdentifier()
    Const csCriteria1 = "-  1  -"   'in OOB - Reihe B
    Const csCriteria2 = "1 of "      'in SNL - Reihe B
    Const csCriteria3 As Variant = "Summary"   'in SOD - Reihe A / in OHQ as Identifier
    'Find dault Werte wurden vom früheren Aufruf gespeichert - hier neu definieren
    Columns("A:B").MergeCells = False 'wichtig wegen Suchfunktion, da verbundene Zellen nicht findbar
    Dim o:
    Set o = Range("B:B").Find(csCriteria1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not o Is Nothing Then
    End If
    Set o = Range("B:B").Find(csCriteria2, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not o Is Nothing Then
    End If
    Set o = Range("A:C").Find(csCriteria3, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not o Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Function

Sub Format_Pivottable_SOD(sDataField As String)
    Dim sPivotSelectField: sPivotSelectField = "'" & sDataField & "[All]'"
    'ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotSelect "'Row Grand Total'", xlLabelOnly, True
    'ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotSelect "'Column Grand Total'", xlLabelOnly, True
    'ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotSelect sPivotSelectField, xlLabelOnly, True
    With Selection
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 90
        .AddIndent = False
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
        .MergeCells = False
        .Font.Bold = True
        With .Interior
            .ColorIndex = 40
            .Pattern = xlSolid
        End With
    End With
End Sub

'2011-02-13 for WWSC&O Marco Müller
Sub Format_PivotChart()
Dim e
For Each e In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
   Dim CodeModuleBook As String
   CodeModuleBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
   Dim CodeModuleSheet As String
   CodeModuleSheet = e.CodeName
   Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
   Dim LineNum As Long
   Set VBCodeMod = Workbooks(CodeModuleBook).VBProject. _
'  Debug.Print VBCodeMod.CountOfDeclarationLines
   Debug.Print Application.VBE.SelectedVBComponent.Name
   With VBCodeMod
        On Error Resume Next 'falls noch kein Code vorhanden
            LineNum = .ProcBodyLine("Chart_Calculate", vbext_pk_Proc)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If LineNum > 0 Then
            .DeleteLines LineNum, 5
        End If
        LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
        .InsertLines LineNum, _
"Private Sub Chart_Calculate()" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True, LegendKey:= False, _ " & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"          ShowSeriesName:=False, ShowCategoryName:=False, ShowValue:=True, _ " & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"          ShowPercentage:=False, ShowBubbleSize:=False" & VBA.Chr(13) & _
"End Sub"
    End With
Next e
End Sub

Sub Format_FaultTreeColumns() '
    Dim sCriteria As String: sCriteria = "Fault Tree Level"
    Dim sFindRange As String: sFindRange = "1:1"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
        End With
        Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Select
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
        End With
        Columns(iColumn1 + 2).Select
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub debugPivotCharts()
    Dim e
    For Each e In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
        Debug.Print e.CodeName; ": "; e.Name
    Next e
End Sub

Sub debugPivot()
   'Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").PivotTable
    Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.VisibleFields
        Debug.Print pvtField.Name
    Next pvtField
    For Each pvtField In pvtTable.HiddenFields
        Debug.Print pvtField.Name
    Next pvtField
End Sub

'2011-01-10  Mappping Code derived of Excel-file
'2011-06-09  Update WS 54 added on request Michael Blasl
'Wartungsstufe (Repair Level) - CrossReference.xls dated 01.01.2011 (prepared by Jennifer Hennigsen)
'Original file "L:\KV\KVR\_Übersicht Wartungsstufen\Repair Level - CrossReference.xls"
Function Mapping_RepairLevel()
    Const csColumnTitle1 = "Repair Level"
    Const csColumnTitle2 = "Repair Level Description"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according list mentioned above
        mapping.Add "Keine Eingabe", "0"
        mapping.Add "ungeprüft an Lager", "1"
        mapping.Add "ungeprüft an Kunde zurück", "2"
        mapping.Add "Verpackungsart", "3"
        mapping.Add "geprüft und unrepariert an Kunde zurück", "4"
        mapping.Add "SW laden in SVP verpacken", "10"
        mapping.Add "SW laden in EVP verpacken ", "11"
        mapping.Add "Grob reinigen, SW laden, in SVP verpacken", "12"
        mapping.Add "Grob reinigen, SW laden, in EVP verpacken", "13"
        mapping.Add "Grob reinigen, an Lager", "15"
        mapping.Add "Telecash TA 7.0, Haarisse", "19"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment Stufe 2 an Lager", "20"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment inkl. SW laden, in SVP verpackt", "21"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment inkl. SW laden, in EVP verpacken", "22"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment ohne Laden an Lager", "23"
        mapping.Add "Kleinteile wie z.B. Modem, Netzteile, Ladegeräte prüfen, in SV", "24"
        mapping.Add "Kleinteile wie z.B. Modem, Netzteile, Ladegeräte prüfen an Lager", "25"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment kostenpfl. Vandalismus", "26"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment including software loading / lost software", "27"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment Stufe 2", "28"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment inkl. SW laden an Lager", "29"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden, in SVP verpacken", "30"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden, in EVP verpacken", "31"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur ohne Laden an Lager", "32"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden und Umsatz auslesen", "33"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden", "34"
        mapping.Add "Druckertausch", "35"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur kostenpfl. Vandalismus", "36"
        mapping.Add "Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden an Lager", "39"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur mit Reinigen und SW laden in SVP verpacken", "40"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur mit Reinigen und SW laden in EVP verpacken", "41"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur mit Reinigen, Funktionsprüfung an Lager", "42"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur mit Reinigen, SW laden und Umsatz auslesen", "43"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur kostenpfl. Vandalismus", "46"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur", "47"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur 1", "48"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur inkl. SW laden an Lager", "49"
        mapping.Add "Vorab Retoure: Auslagern, Laden, Verpacken", "51"
        mapping.Add "Reparatur", "52"
        mapping.Add "Reparatur, kostenpfl. Vandalismus", "53"
        mapping.Add "Reparatur, kostenpfl. NFF", "54"
        mapping.Add "Ersatzteilverkauf", "55"
        mapping.Add "Leihlieferung, mit produktiver SW geladen", "61"
        mapping.Add "Leihlieferung, mit Test-SW geladen", "62"
        mapping.Add "Leihlieferung, ohne SW", "63"
        mapping.Add "Depotversand", "65"
        mapping.Add "nach Prüfung defekt", "70"
        mapping.Add "Verwurf Entsorgung durch EZH", "71"
        mapping.Add "Verwurf an Kunde zurück", "72"
        mapping.Add "Austauschgerät liefern", "73"
        mapping.Add "Ware an Hypercom GmbH zurück", "74"
        mapping.Add "medLine - Passwort zurücksetzen", "77"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. SW laden in SVP verpacken", "80"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. SW laden in EVP verpacken", "81"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. Refurbishment inkl. SW laden, in SVP verpacken", "82"
        mapping.Add "hardware modification including refurbishment, software loading", "83"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. WS 23", "84"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden, in SVP verpacken", "85"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. Kleine Reparatur inkl. SW laden, in EVP verpacken", "86"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. WS 32", "87"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. Große Reparatur mit Reinigen und SW laden", "88"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. Große Reparatur mit Reinigen und SW laden 1", "89"
        mapping.Add "Hardware Umbau inkl. WS 42", "90"
        mapping.Add "Geräteüberprüfung an Lager", "91"
        mapping.Add "Geräteüberprüfung an Lager 1", "92"
        mapping.Add "Geräteüberprüfung", "93"
        mapping.Add "Geräteüberprüfung 1", "94"
        mapping.Add "Sonderprojekte", "95"
        mapping.Add "Kein Fehler", "98"
        mapping.Add "Kein Fehler 1", "99"
        mapping.Add "Refurbishment inklusive Umbau lt. ÄM", "122"
        mapping.Add "Große Reparatur inklusive Umbau lt. ÄM", "141"
        mapping.Add "on hold ENH", "198"
        mapping.Add "on hold Hypercom GmbH", "199"
        mapping.Add "Klärung Bestand", "201"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle1:     sFindRange = "1:5"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim lRow1 As Long: lRow1 = ID1.row
        Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Insert (xlShiftToRight)
        With Cells(lRow1, iColumn1 + 1)
            .WrapText = True
            .Value = csColumnTitle2
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
        End With
        sCriteria = csColumnTitle2:     sFindRange = "1:5"
        Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn1).End(xlUp).row
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sMappingCode As String
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sMappingCode = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).NumberFormat = "General"
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sMappingCode) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2)
                    .Value = mapping(sMappingCode)
                    '.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn2)
            .ColumnWidth = 50
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End If
End Function

'2011-02-16  Mappping Code derived of Excel-file
'Repair Type - Record Type Coding.xls dated 18.02.2011 (prepared by Nathalie Dunst)
Function Mapping_RepairRecordType()
    Const csColumnTitle1 = "Record Type"
    Const csColumnTitle2 = "Record Type Description"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according list mentioned above
        mapping.Add "Returned & Repaired", "M"
        mapping.Add "Returned & Replacement", "AM"
        mapping.Add "Returned to EMS & Replacement", "AH"
        mapping.Add "Returned replaced by upgrate", "AUM"
        mapping.Add "Returned upgrated", "AUH"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle1:     sFindRange = "1:5"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim lRow1 As Long: lRow1 = ID1.row
        Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Insert (xlShiftToRight)
        With Cells(lRow1, iColumn1 + 1)
            .WrapText = True
            .Value = csColumnTitle2
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
        End With
        sCriteria = csColumnTitle2:     sFindRange = "1:5"
        Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn1).End(xlUp).row
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sMappingCode As String
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sMappingCode = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).NumberFormat = "General"
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sMappingCode) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2)
                    .Value = mapping(sMappingCode)
                    '.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn2)
            .ColumnWidth = 25
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End If
End Function

'2011-01-19  Mappping Code derived of Excel-file
'Standard-Fehlerbaum GROUP_ID mapping.xls dated 31.12.2010 (prepared by Macro Müller, Jennifer Hennigsen)
Function Mapping_FaultTree()
    Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
    Const csColumnTitle1 = "ITEM_GROUP_ID"
    Const csColumnTitle2 = "GROUP ID Description"
    Dim mapping As New VBA.Collection
    'Mapping table according list mentioned above
        mapping.Add "unused", "0"
        mapping.Add "default", "1"
        mapping.Add "Artema PIN unattended (APU)", "2"
        mapping.Add "Artema Controller", "3"
        mapping.Add "Artema Pin Pad Hybrid (APH)", "4"
        mapping.Add "ACU 7000, ACU 5700", "5"
        mapping.Add "Artema Hybrid (AHT)", "6"
        mapping.Add "Artema Portable, A.Mobile, A.Basic", "7"
        mapping.Add "Artema Desk", "8"
        mapping.Add "Artema Base station", "9"
        mapping.Add "Artema Compact", "A"
        mapping.Add "AVT 2800, AVT  SCOP", "B"
        mapping.Add "AVT Compact, AVT Controller", "D"
        mapping.Add "EPP V6", "F"
        mapping.Add "EPP V4, EPP V5", "G"
        mapping.Add "HCC, ACR Manual, ACR Motorized", "H"
        mapping.Add "KVT, VKMT", "K"
        mapping.Add "M-/T-Series", "M"
        mapping.Add "MCT 25, 28, MIT 28, 29, KVT mobil", "N"
        mapping.Add "P-Series", "O"
        mapping.Add "MCT 5xxx, EKT", "P"
        mapping.Add "MCU 5xxx", "S"
        mapping.Add "T-Series", "T"
        mapping.Add "MCU 7000, MCU 5700 h", "U"
        mapping.Add "S10", "V"
        mapping.Add "medHybrid", "W"
        mapping.Add "medCompact", "X"
        mapping.Add "medMobile", "Y"
        mapping.Add "Einzelkomponente (Zukaufteil)", "Z"
    Dim sCriteria As String: Dim sFindRange As String
    sCriteria = csColumnTitle1:     sFindRange = "1:15"
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
        Dim lRow1 As Long: lRow1 = ID1.row
        Columns(iColumn1 + 1).Insert (xlShiftToRight)
        With Cells(lRow1, iColumn1 + 1)
            .WrapText = True
            .Value = csColumnTitle2
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'orange
        End With
        sCriteria = csColumnTitle2:     sFindRange = "1:15"
        Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(sFindRange).Find(sCriteria, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
        Dim iColumn2 As Integer: iColumn2 = ID2.Column
        Dim lRowLastUsed As Long: lRowLastUsed = Cells(Rows.Count, iColumn1).End(xlUp).row
        Dim l As Long: Dim iOffset As Integer: iOffset = 1
        Dim sMappingCode As String
        For l = 1 To lRowLastUsed - iOffset
            sMappingCode = Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).Value
            Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn1).NumberFormat = "General"
            If IsInCollection(mapping, sMappingCode) Then
                With Cells(iOffset + l, iColumn2)
                    .Value = mapping(sMappingCode)
                    '.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'hellgelb
                    .Font.ColorIndex = 55 'Hypercom blue
                End With
            End If
        Next l
        With Columns(iColumn2)
            .ColumnWidth = 50
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        End With
    Else 'Criteria not found
        Dim sReasons: sReasons = "No valid Identifier found within range: " & sFindRange
        Dim sIdentifier: sIdentifier = "Identifier: " & sCriteria
        Dim sText: sText = sReasons & vbCr & sIdentifier & vbCr & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Cognos_Data_Found(sID1 As String, sID2 As String, sID3 As String) As Boolean
    Cognos_Data_Found = False 'default
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:10" 'consider only first 10 rows
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    Dim ID2: Set ID2 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID2, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    Dim ID3: Set ID3 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID3, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing And Not ID2 Is Nothing And Not ID3 Is Nothing Then
        Cognos_Data_Found = True
        Const csReasons = "No valid Cognos Report data found for Identifier: "
        Const csContact = "Contact: Michael Gries, -691"
        Dim sIdentifier: sIdentifier = sID1 & ", " & sID2 & ", " & sID3
        Dim sText: sText = csReasons & vbCr & sIdentifier & vbCr & vbCr & csContact
        Dim sResult:  sResult = MsgBox(sText, vbCritical, csMsgBoxTitel)
    End If
End Function

Function Delete_CognosHeaderLines(sID1 As String)
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:10" 'consider only first 10 rows
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim lRow1 As Long: lRow1 = ID1.row
        If lRow1 > 1 Then
            Rows("1:" & lRow1 - 1).Select
        End If
        Call Makrosammlung_Gries.Set_Autofilter
        On Error Resume Next
            ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Delete
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
End Function

Function Delete_CognosFooterLines(sID1 As String)
    Cells.MergeCells = False ' wegen Sortierung
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:1" 'consider only first row (since header lines should always deleted
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Cells.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
            OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
    End If
End Function

Function Select_CognosColumn(sID1 As String)
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:2" 'consider only first 2 rows
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
    End If
End Function

Function Delete_CognosColumn(sID1 As String)
    Const csFindRange As String = "1:2" 'consider only first 2 rows
    Dim ID1: Set ID1 = Range(csFindRange).Find(sID1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) 'xlWhole or xlPart
    If Not ID1 Is Nothing Then
        Dim iColumn1 As Integer: iColumn1 = ID1.Column
    End If
End Function

Sub Store_Workbook(sFilename As String)
    Const csFileExtension = ".xls"
    ' Arbeitsmappe speichern
    Dim sLogDate As String: sLogDate = VBA.Format(VBA.Now, "yyyy-mm-dd")
    sFilename = sLogDate & " " & sFilename & csFileExtension
    'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sFilename, FileFormat:=xlNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs (sFilename)
    '2011-02-08 Favoritenliste auf Wunsch von Michael Blasl an dieser Stelle entfernt
    'da sich Dateinamen tagesakuell ändern - nur Statische Favoriten sinnvoll
    'ActiveWorkbook.AddToFavorites ' Verknüpfung zum Favoritenordner
    With Application
        .DisplayStatusBar = True
        .StatusBar = "Daten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & sFilename & " gesichert"
    End With
    l = Timer
    Do While Timer < l + 5
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Sub Store_ActiveSheet(sFilename As String)
    Const csFileExtension = ".xls"
    Dim sLogDate As String: sLogDate = VBA.Format(VBA.Now, "yyyy-mm-dd")
    sFilename = sLogDate & " " & sFilename & csFileExtension
    ' Arbeitsmappe speichern
    Dim sBasicWorkbook As String: sBasicWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    'Anmerkung aus Excel Hilfe (F1)
    'Wenn Sie weder Before noch After angeben, erstellt Microsoft Excel eine neue Arbeitsmappe,
    'die das kopierte Blatt enthält.
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sFilename, FileFormat:=xlNormal
    'Erst Speichern und dann Dokumenteigenschaften aktualisieren wegen Dateinamen und Mappe
    Dim sComment As String: sComment = "Usage of 'Gries.xla' " & Last_Modified
    Call Add_AuthorInfo(sComment)
    With Application
        .DisplayStatusBar = True
        .StatusBar = "Sheetdaten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & sFilename & " gesichert"
    End With
    l = Timer
    Do While Timer < l + 3
    Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

'2011-06-04, Update 2011-06-09
Sub FileFormat_Cognos_SaveAs_XLS()
'Working in Excel 97-2010
    Dim FileExtStr As String
    Dim FileFormatNum As Long
    Dim FileFormatCurrently As String
    Dim WB As Workbook
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With
    'Determine the Excel version and file extension/format
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    FileFormatCurrently = WB.FileFormat
    With WB
        If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
            'Excel 97-2003
            FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = -4143
            Select Case FileFormatCurrently
                Case 45: 'mhtml Format - Cognos default if Excel is choosen
                    With WB
                        Application.StatusBar = "Store 'WebArchiv (*.mhtml)' into 'Excel Format (*.xls)' ..."
                        .SaveAs .Name, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
                        Application.StatusBar = "Store 'WebArchiv (*.mhtml)' into 'Excel Format (*.xls)' ... done"
                        '.Close SaveChanges:=False
                    End With
                    With Application
                        .ScreenUpdating = True
                        .EnableEvents = True
                        .Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03")) '3 Sekunden warten
                        .StatusBar = False
                    End With
           End Select
            Select Case WB.FileFormat
                Case 51: FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
                Case 52:
                    If .HasVBProject Then
                        FileExtStr = ".xlsm": FileFormatNum = 52
                        FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
                    End If
                Case 56: FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 56
                Case Else: FileExtStr = ".xlsb": FileFormatNum = 50
            End Select
        End If
    End With
'    With WB
'        .SaveAs .Name & FileExtStr, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
'        .Close SaveChanges:=False
'    End With
    Set WB = Nothing
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_PPT"
'(c) 2006, Michael Gries, Tel. -770
'Erstellung: 2006-03-18
'Letzte Änderung: 2006-04-02

Const sPPT_ScrollArea As String = "A1:P45"

Option Explicit

Sub PPT_Diagramm()
Attribute PPT_Diagramm.VB_Description = "Q"
Attribute PPT_Diagramm.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Q\n14"
    Const csTitleCell As String = "D5"
    Const csDefaultCell As String = "A1"
    Const csDiagramDataBegin As String = "AA7"
    Const csFootnoteCell As String = "C42"
    Const csTodayCell As String = "L42"
    Const csPagenumberCell As String = "N42"
    Dim sPPTsourcePly As String
    Const csTypCell As String = "B4": Dim sTyp As String
    Const csMediumCell As String = "J4": Dim sMedium As String
    Const csMuster1stCell As String = "A8": Dim sMuster As String
    'Benutzer, Datum, etc.
    Const csCopyright As String = "© 2007 | Siemens VDO "
    Const csDepartment As String = "SV P FS RD BBE DA"
    Const csTitle As String = "fuel pump "
    Const csTemperature As String = "room temperature, "
    Dim sUsername As String: sUsername = Get_Username
    Dim sToday As String: sToday = VBA.Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
    Dim sFootnote As String
    sFootnote = csCopyright & " | " & sUsername & " | " & csDepartment
    'Allgemeine Daten sichern
    On Error Resume Next 'falls keine Schlüsselwörter gefunden
    sPPTsourcePly = ActiveSheet.Name
    sTyp = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly).Range("A:A").Find("Typ:", LookIn:=xlValues).offset(0, 1).Value
    sMedium = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly).Range("I:I").Find("Medium:", LookIn:=xlValues).offset(0, 1).Value
    sMuster = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly).Range("A:A").Find("Muster", LookIn:=xlValues).offset(1, 0).Value
    On Error GoTo 0
    Dim sConditions: sConditions = csTemperature
    If VBA.InStr(1, sMedium, "uper") Or VBA.InStr(1, sMedium, "sb") Then
        sConditions = sConditions & "premium gasoline"
        sConditions = sConditions & sMedium
    End If
    sConditions = sConditions & ", pressure=constant="
    If Modul_Prüfstand.Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Application.WindowState = xlMaximized 'Maximiert wegen Darstellung Steuerelemente
        'Application.DisplayFullScreen = True 'Vollbild wegen DarstellungSteuerelemente
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long:     Dim sTestsetDataBegin As String
        lHeaderRow = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly).Range("A:A").Find("Muster", LookIn:=xlValues).row
        Dim iDataRows As Integer: Dim sDataSet As String
        sTestsetDataBegin = "A" & lHeaderRow
        iDataRows = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly).Range(sTestsetDataBegin).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
        iDataRows = iDataRows + lHeaderRow
        sDataSet = sTestsetDataBegin & ":J" & iDataRows
        'Arbeitspunkt setzen
        Dim sChartType As String
        Dim p_b_1 As Double, p_b_2 As Double, U_1 As Double, U_2 As Double
        U_1 = WorksheetFunction.Round(Range("B" & iDataRows - 1), 1)
        U_2 = WorksheetFunction.Round(Range("B" & iDataRows - 2), 1)
        p_b_1 = WorksheetFunction.Round(Range("H" & iDataRows - 1), 1)
        p_b_2 = WorksheetFunction.Round(Range("H" & iDataRows - 2), 1)
        If p_b_1 = p_b_2 And U_1 <> U_2 _
        Then 'Spannungkennlinie
            sChartType = "Q, I = f ( U )"
        ElseIf p_b_1 <> p_b_2 And U_1 = U_2 _
        Then 'Druckkennlinie
            sChartType = "Q, I = f ( p )"
        Else 'unbestimmt
            sChartType = "Q, I = f ( n )"
        End If

        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("K0000_1").Copy Before:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sPPTsourcePly)

        'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        'With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Powerpoint")
        With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("K0000_1") 'da mehrere Aufrufe d.h. Blätter möglich
            .ScrollArea = sPPT_ScrollArea
            'Kopfzeile bearbeiten
            .Range(csTitleCell).Value = csTitle & sTyp
            .Range("AA6").Value = sTyp 'Sicherung für spätere Abspeicherung in Kennlinienübersicht
            .Range("AJ6").Value = sUsername 'Sicherung für spätere Abspeicherung in Kennlinienübersicht
            ActiveChart.Shapes("Conditions") _
                .TextFrame.Characters.Text = sConditions
            'Fußzeile bearbeiten
            .Range(csFootnoteCell).Value = sFootnote
            .Range(csTodayCell).Value = sToday
            .Range(csPagenumberCell).Value = 1
            .Range("L45") = "not saved"
            .Range("S8") = sChartType 'ermitteler Diagrammtyp
            .Range("X8") = p_b_1 'ermitteler Druck für Arbeitspunkt
            .Hyperlinks.Add _
                Anchor:=.Range("I45"), _
                Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & sPPTsourcePly & "'!A1", _
                TextToDisplay:="Datenquelle " & sPPTsourcePly
        End With
        With ActiveWindow
            .Zoom = 66
            .DisplayGridlines = False           'Gitternetz
            .DisplayHeadings = False            'Zeilen- und Spaltenüberschriften
            .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False 'H Bildlaufleiste
            .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False   'V Bildlaufleiste
            .DisplayWorkbookTabs = True         'Registerkarten
        End With
        With Application
            .ShowChartTipNames = True  'Datenindex mit anzeigen
            .ShowChartTipValues = True 'Diagrammwerte mit anzeigen
            .ScreenUpdating = True
        End With
        Makrosammlung_Gries.Append_Data_To_Logfile "PPT_Diagramm " & vbTab & _
                                                    "Version: " & Last_Modified
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Diagramm Fehler"
End Sub

Function Get_Username() As String
    Debug.Print GetEnvironComputername
    Dim strUserName As String: strUserName = GetUserLoginName()
    Dim cUser As New Collection
    cUser.Add "M. Gries", "Michael"
    cUser.Add "M. Gries", "uidf9246"
    cUser.Add "C. Constantin", "uidf9170"
    cUser.Add "B. Wehrum", "uidf9595"
    cUser.Add "K. Meiser", "uidf9404"
    cUser.Add "P. Rademacher", "uid82111"
    cUser.Add "M. Staab", "uidf9544"
    cUser.Add "M. Bämpfer", "uidf9124"
    cUser.Add "J. Missun", "uidf9413"
    On Error GoTo Err
    Get_Username = cUser(strUserName)
    Exit Function
    Get_Username = strUserName
End Function

Sub Convert_Deichmann_Matrix()
Attribute Convert_Deichmann_Matrix.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14"
    Sheets.Add Before:=Sheets(1)
    Sheets(2).Range("A4:C26").Copy  'U,I,n
    ActiveSheet.Range("B8").PasteSpecial xlValues
    Sheets(2).Range("F4:G26").Copy  'p_a,Q_a
    ActiveSheet.Range("E8").PasteSpecial xlValues
    Sheets(2).Range("D4:E26").Copy  'p_b,Q_b
    ActiveSheet.Range("H8").PasteSpecial xlValues
    Sheets(2).Range("J4:J26").Copy  'eta
    ActiveSheet.Range("G8").PasteSpecial xlValues
    'Spalte Muster=Calculated
    Range("A8").FormulaR1C1 = "calculated"
    Range("A9:A30").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    'Spalte Zeit=aktuelle Uhrzeit
    Range("J8").FormulaR1C1 = VBA.Format(VBA.Now, " hh:mm")
    Range("B4").Value = "Matrix" 'Feld TYP
    Range("B5").Value = "Intern" 'Feld KUNDE
End Sub

Sub Protect_Vorlage_PPT_Sperren()
    Const csVBAProjectName As String = "Applikation"
    Const csPassword As String = "###"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        SendKeys "%{F11}" 'VBE aufrufen
        'Stop 'nur für Testzwecke
        SendKeys "%XI" '(VBE) Extras/Eigenschaften von Applikation...
        SendKeys csVBAProjectName
        SendKeys "{TAB 9}{RIGHT}{TAB} " & _
                 "{TAB}" & csPassword & _
                 "{TAB}" & csPassword & _
        SendKeys "%Q" 'VBE beenden
       'SendKeys "%{F11}" 'VBE verlassen (bleibt geöffnet)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    'On Error Resume Next
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim sWorkbookPath As String: Dim sWorkbookName As String: Dim sWorkbook As String
    sWorkbookPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path: sWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    sWorkbook = sWorkbookPath & "\" & sWorkbookName
    Debug.Print sWorkbook
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=sWorkbook
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.Run ("'Gries.xla'!SystemBeep_OK") 'Akustische Rückmeldung
End Sub



[an error occurred while processing this directive]


Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_Pump_Analysis"
'(c) 2007, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2007-06-30
'Vorletzte Änderung: 2007-06-30
'Letzte Änderung: 2007-08-20
Option Explicit
Dim aLine1(10) As Variant: Dim aLine2(10) As Variant

Function Eta(U As Double, i As Double, _
             p_a As Double, Q_a As Double, _
             p_b As Double, Q_b As Double, _
             Optional ver As String) As Double
    Dim einh As String
    Eta = ((p_a * Q_a) + (p_b * Q_b)) / 36 / (U * i) * 100: einh = "_%"
    If ver = "Pel" Then Eta = U * i: einh = "_W"
    If ver = "no" Then Eta = 999: einh = "_xxx"
    If ver = "Phy" Then Eta = ((p_a * Q_a) + (p_b * Q_b)) / 36: einh = "_W"
    'Eta = wert & einh
End Function

Sub Add_Mittelwerte()
    Const csSheetNameMean As String = "Mittelwerte"
    Const csSheetHelpMean As String = "Sortiert"
    Const csSpalteU As String = "U(V)"
    Const csSpalteZeit As String = "Zeit"
    Const csSpalteQ_a As String = "Q_a(l/h)"
    Const csSpalteQ_b As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
    Dim aLine1(10) As Variant   '1.Zeile
    Dim aLine2(10) As Variant   '2.Zeile
    Dim aLineM(10) As Variant   'Summenzeile für Mittelwertsbildung
    Dim iNoOfMeans As Integer
    Dim iNoOfMeansRows As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Set_Autofilter  'Wichtig: ggf. aktiven Filter aufheben,
                        'um alle Datensätze zu aktualisieren
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long: lHeaderRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A")
        Dim sUColumn As String: sUColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteU, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sTimeColumn As String: sTimeColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteZeit, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sQ_bColumn As String: sQ_bColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteQ_b, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim lfirstrow As Long: Dim lNoOfRows As Long: Dim lLastRow As Long
        Dim iLastColumn As Integer: Dim iNoOfColumns As Integer
        Dim bPartialInterpolation As Boolean
            lfirstrow = lHeaderRow
            lNoOfRows = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            iNoOfColumns = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows - 1
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns + 1
'       rMarked nur für Debugging Zwecke vom Selektion Objekt
'       Dim rMarked As Range
'       Set rMarked = Selection
        If lNoOfRows > 2 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Dim sSheet As String: sSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
            Sheets(sSheet).Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
            'muss (Index 1) sein, da sSheet bei "geklammerten" d.h
            'bereits kopierten Blättern nicht mehr funktioniert
            Sheets(1).Name = csSheetHelpMean
            Sheets(sSheet).Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
            Sheets(1).Name = csSheetNameMean
            Sheets(csSheetNameMean).AutoFilterMode = False 'Autofilter aufheben
            Dim sRange As String
            sRange = Range(Cells(lfirstrow + 1, 1), Cells(lLastRow, iNoOfColumns)).Address
            Dim sURange As String
            sURange = Range(Cells(lfirstrow + 1, 2), Cells(lLastRow, 2)).Address
            Dim sQ_aRange As String
            sQ_aRange = Range(Cells(lfirstrow + 1, 5), Cells(lLastRow, 5)).Address
            Dim sQ_bRange As String
            sQ_bRange = Range(Cells(lfirstrow + 1, 8), Cells(lLastRow, 8)).Address
            With Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean)
                .Range(sRange).Sort _
                Key1:=.Range(sURange), Order1:=xlAscending, _
                Key2:=.Range(sQ_aRange), Order2:=xlAscending, _
                Key3:=.Range(sQ_bRange), Order3:=xlAscending, _
                Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
                Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
                DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
                DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _
            End With
'           'XL2007
'''            Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean).Sort.SortFields.Clear
'''            Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(sURange), _
'''                SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
'''            Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(sQ_aRange), _
'''                SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
'''            Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(sQ_bRange), _
'''                SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
'''            With Worksheets(csSheetHelpMean).Sort
'''                .SetRange Range(sRange)
'''                .Header = xlNo 'bereits in sRange abgezogen (wegen ClearContents)
'''                .MatchCase = False
'''                .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
'''                .SortMethod = xlPinYin
'''                .Apply
'''            End With

            Dim lActRow As Long: lActRow = lfirstrow + 1
            Dim lMeansRow As Long: lMeansRow = lActRow
            iNoOfMeans = 1: iNoOfMeansRows = 1
            With Sheets(csSheetHelpMean)
                For i = 2 To 9
                    aLineM(i) = .Cells(lActRow, i)
                Next i
            End With

            'aktive Zeilen ins Array laden
            With Sheets(csSheetHelpMean)
                For i = 1 To 10
                    aLine1(i) = .Cells(lActRow, i)
                    aLine2(i) = .Cells(lActRow + 1, i)
                Next i
            End With
            Dim bMittelwert As Boolean
            'Bedingungen für Mittelwertsbildung prüfen (aLine1 zu aLine2):
            '1.) Spannung U muss gleich sein (array index 2)
            '2.) Druck Q_b muss gleich sein (array index 8)
            '3.) Druck Q_a muss gleich sein (array index 5)
            '''  Round(aLine1(5), 1) = Round(aLine2(5), 1) And
            If Round(aLine1(2), 1) = Round(aLine2(2), 1) And _
               Round(aLine1(8), 1) = Round(aLine2(8), 1) _
                bMittelwert = True
                iNoOfMeans = iNoOfMeans + 1
                For i = 2 To 9 'nur Zahlenfelder
                    aLineM(i) = aLineM(i) + aLine2(i)
                Next i
                bMittelwert = False
                'Mittelwerte berechnen und Übertragen
                Cells(lMeansRow, 1) = "Mittelwert"
                For i = 2 To 9 'nur Zahlenfelder
                    Cells(lMeansRow, i) = aLineM(i) / iNoOfMeans
                Next i
                Cells(lMeansRow, 10) = "Mittelwert aus " & iNoOfMeans
                'Zähler zurücksetzen und Array neu laden
                iNoOfMeans = 1
                lMeansRow = lMeansRow + 1
                For i = 2 To 9 'nur Zahlenfelder
                    aLineM(i) = aLine2(i)
                Next i
            End If
            lActRow = lActRow + 1 'nächste Zeile
        Loop Until aLine1(1) = ""
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True

            'ggf. alte Diagramme löschen
            On Error Resume Next
            ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Q_fn").Delete 'falls vorhanden
            ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("QI_fp").Delete 'falls vorhanden
            ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("QI_fU").Delete 'falls vorhanden
            On Error GoTo 0
            Call QI_U_Diagramm
            With Application
                .DisplayStatusBar = True
                .StatusBar = iNoOfMeans & " Mittelwertsbildungen durchgeführt"
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Pressure()
Attribute Add_Pressure.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Z\n14"
    Const csSpaltePressure As String = "p_b(bar)"
    Const csSpalteZeit As String = "Zeit"
    Const csSpalteQ_b As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
    Dim aLine1(10) As Variant: Dim aLine2(10) As Variant
    Dim iNoOfInterpolations As Integer
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Set_Autofilter  'Wichtig: ggf. aktiven Filter aufheben,
                        'um alle Datensätze zu aktualisieren
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long: lHeaderRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A")
        Dim sPressureColumn As String: sPressureColumn = Find_Column(csSpaltePressure, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sTimeColumn As String: sTimeColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteZeit, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sQ_bColumn As String: sQ_bColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteQ_b, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim lfirstrow As Long: Dim lNoOfRows As Long: Dim lLastRow As Long
        Dim iLastColumn As Integer: Dim iNoOfColumns As Integer
        Dim bPartialInterpolation As Boolean
'       rMarked nur für Debugging Zwecke vom Selektion Objekt
'       Dim rMarked As Range
'       Set rMarked = Selection
        If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 _
        Then    'Interpolation ggf. nur im selektierten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = True
            lfirstrow = Selection.row - 1 '== vor erster Zeile der Markierung
            lNoOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count + 1
            iNoOfColumns = Selection.CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns
        Else    'Interpolation ggf. im gesamten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = False
            lfirstrow = lHeaderRow
            lNoOfRows = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            iNoOfColumns = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows - 1
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns + 1
        End If
        If lNoOfRows > 2 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            'Drehzahlspalte auswählen
            Range(sPressureColumn & lHeaderRow).Select
            Dim lActRow As Long
            lActRow = lfirstrow + 1
            Dim k As Long
        For k = 1 To lNoOfRows - 1 - 1 'Minus Header und Minus letzte Zeile

            'aktive Zeilen ins Array laden
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To 10
                aLine1(i) = Cells(lActRow, i)
                aLine2(i) = Cells(lActRow + 1, i)
            Next i
            Dim bInterpolation As Boolean
            'Bedingungen für Interpolation prüfen (aLine1 zu aLine2):
            '1.) Musternumern müssen gleich sein (array index 1)
            '2.) Druck Q-a muss gleich sein (array index 5)
            '3.) Spannung U muss gleich sein (array index 2)
            If aLine1(1) = aLine2(1) And _
               Round(aLine1(5), 1) = Round(aLine2(5), 1) And _
               Round(aLine1(2), 1) = Round(aLine2(2), 1) Then
               bInterpolation = True
               bInterpolation = False
            End If
            Debug.Print lActRow; ": "; bInterpolation
            Dim dPressure1 As Double: Dim dPressure2 As Double
            Dim iPressure1r As Integer: Dim iPressure2r As Integer
            dPressure1 = Cells(lActRow, sPressureColumn)
            dPressure2 = Cells(lActRow + 1, sPressureColumn)
            iPressure1r = dPressure1 * 10
            iPressure2r = dPressure2 * 10
            Dim iPressureDelta As Integer
            iPressureDelta = Abs(iPressure1r - iPressure2r)
            If iPressureDelta > 1 And bInterpolation Then  ' zusätzliche Spannungs-Zeilen einfügen
                iNoOfInterpolations = iNoOfInterpolations + 1
                Dim j As Long: Dim iPressureTrend As Variant
                Dim lNewRow As Long: lNewRow = lActRow

                For j = 1 To iPressureDelta
                    Rows(lNewRow + j).Insert xlShiftUp
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 1) = aLine1(1)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 5) = aLine1(5)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 2) = aLine1(2)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sPressureColumn) = (iPressure1r + j) / 10
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sTimeColumn) = "Interpoliert"
                    Dim dPressureNew As Double: dPressureNew = (iPressure1r + j) / 10
                    'Durchfluss B
                    iPressureTrend = LinearTrend(dPressure1, dPressure2, aLine1(9), aLine2(9), dPressureNew)
                    'Hinweis: Laufzeitfehler 1004 bei Trend-Funktion wenn Arg3 nicht vom gleichen Typ
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sQ_bColumn) = VBA.Round(iPressureTrend(1), 1)
                    'Anm.: Runden bei Q_b auf 0 Stellen hinter Komma zu ungenau in Diagramm-Darstellung
                    iPressureTrend = LinearTrend(dPressure1, dPressure2, aLine1(4), aLine2(4), dPressureNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 4) = iPressureTrend
                    iPressureTrend = LinearTrend(dPressure1, dPressure2, aLine1(3), aLine2(3), dPressureNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 3) = iPressureTrend
                    'Durchfluss A
                    iPressureTrend = LinearTrend(dPressure1, dPressure2, aLine1(6), aLine2(6), dPressureNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 6) = iPressureTrend
                    'Wirkungsgrad (U*I)/(36*(p_a*Q_a+p_b*Q_b)
                    'zunächst interpolieren, später berechnen
                    iPressureTrend = LinearTrend(dPressure1, dPressure2, aLine1(7), aLine2(7), dPressureNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 7) = iPressureTrend
                Next j
            End If
            If bInterpolation Then
                lActRow = lActRow + iPressureDelta + 1
                lActRow = lActRow + 1
            End If
        Next k
            With Application
                .DisplayStatusBar = True
                .StatusBar = iNoOfInterpolations & " Interpolationsreihen durchgeführt"
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Voltage()
    Const csSpalteVoltage As String = "U(V)"
    Const csSpalteZeit As String = "Zeit"
    Const csSpalteQ_b As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
    Dim aLine1(10) As Variant: Dim aLine2(10) As Variant
    Dim iNoOfInterpolations As Integer
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Set_Autofilter  'Wichtig: ggf. aktiven Filter aufheben,
                        'um alle Datensätze zu aktualisieren
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long: lHeaderRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A")
        Dim sVoltageColumn As String: sVoltageColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteVoltage, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sTimeColumn As String: sTimeColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteZeit, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sQ_bColumn As String: sQ_bColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteQ_b, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim lfirstrow As Long: Dim lNoOfRows As Long: Dim lLastRow As Long
        Dim iLastColumn As Integer: Dim iNoOfColumns As Integer
        Dim bPartialInterpolation As Boolean
'       rMarked nur für Debugging Zwecke vom Selektion Objekt
'       Dim rMarked As Range
'       Set rMarked = Selection
        If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 _
        Then    'Interpolation ggf. nur im selektierten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = True
            lfirstrow = Selection.row - 1 '== vor erster Zeile der Markierung
            lNoOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count + 1
            iNoOfColumns = Selection.CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns
        Else    'Interpolation ggf. im gesamten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = False
            lfirstrow = lHeaderRow
            lNoOfRows = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            iNoOfColumns = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows - 1
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns + 1
        End If
        If lNoOfRows > 2 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            'Drehzahlspalte auswählen
            Range(sVoltageColumn & lHeaderRow).Select
            Dim lActRow As Long
            lActRow = lfirstrow + 1
            Dim k As Long
        For k = 1 To lNoOfRows - 1 - 1 'Minus Header und Minus letzte Zeile

            'aktive Zeilen ins Array laden
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To 10
                aLine1(i) = Cells(lActRow, i)
                aLine2(i) = Cells(lActRow + 1, i)
            Next i
            Dim bInterpolation As Boolean
            'Bedingungen für Interpolation prüfen (aLine1 zu aLine2):
            '1.) Musternumern müssen gleich sein (array index 1)
            '2.) Druck Q-a muss gleich sein (array index 5)
            '3.) Druck Q_b muss gleich sein (array index 8)
            If aLine1(1) = aLine2(1) And _
               Round(aLine1(5), 1) = Round(aLine2(5), 1) And _
               Round(aLine1(8), 1) = Round(aLine2(8), 1) Then
               bInterpolation = True
               bInterpolation = False
            End If
            Debug.Print lActRow; ": "; bInterpolation
            Dim dVoltage1 As Double: Dim dVoltage2 As Double
            Dim iVoltage1r As Integer: Dim iVoltage2r As Integer
            dVoltage1 = Cells(lActRow, sVoltageColumn)
            dVoltage2 = Cells(lActRow + 1, sVoltageColumn)
            iVoltage1r = dVoltage1 * 10
            iVoltage2r = dVoltage2 * 10
            Dim iVoltageDelta As Integer
            iVoltageDelta = Abs(iVoltage1r - iVoltage2r)
            If iVoltageDelta > 1 And bInterpolation Then  ' zusätzliche Spannungs-Zeilen einfügen
                iNoOfInterpolations = iNoOfInterpolations + 1
                Dim j As Long: Dim iVoltageTrend As Variant
                Dim lNewRow As Long: lNewRow = lActRow

                For j = 1 To iVoltageDelta
                    Rows(lNewRow + j).Insert xlShiftUp
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 1) = aLine1(1)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 5) = aLine1(5)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 8) = aLine1(8)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sVoltageColumn) = (iVoltage1r + j) / 10
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sTimeColumn) = "Interpoliert"
                    Dim dVoltageNew As Double: dVoltageNew = (iVoltage1r + j) / 10
                    'Durchfluss B
                    iVoltageTrend = LinearTrend(dVoltage1, dVoltage2, aLine1(9), aLine2(9), dVoltageNew)
                    'Hinweis: Laufzeitfehler 1004 bei Trend-Funktion wenn Arg3 nicht vom gleichen Typ
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sQ_bColumn) = VBA.Round(iVoltageTrend(1), 1)
                    'Anm.: Runden bei Q_b auf 0 Stellen hinter Komma zu ungenau in Diagramm-Darstellung
                    iVoltageTrend = LinearTrend(dVoltage1, dVoltage2, aLine1(4), aLine2(4), dVoltageNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 4) = iVoltageTrend
                    iVoltageTrend = LinearTrend(dVoltage1, dVoltage2, aLine1(3), aLine2(3), dVoltageNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 3) = iVoltageTrend
                    'Durchfluss A
                    iVoltageTrend = LinearTrend(dVoltage1, dVoltage2, aLine1(6), aLine2(6), dVoltageNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 6) = iVoltageTrend
                    'Wirkungsgrad (U*I)/(36*(p_a*Q_a+p_b*Q_b)
                    'zunächst interpolieren, später berechnen
                    iVoltageTrend = LinearTrend(dVoltage1, dVoltage2, aLine1(7), aLine2(7), dVoltageNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 7) = iVoltageTrend
                Next j
            End If
            If bInterpolation Then
                lActRow = lActRow + iVoltageDelta + 1
                lActRow = lActRow + 1
            End If
        Next k
            With Application
                .DisplayStatusBar = True
                .StatusBar = iNoOfInterpolations & " Interpolationsreihen durchgeführt"
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Speed()
    Const csSpalteSpeed As String = "n(1/min)"
    Const csSpalteZeit As String = "Zeit"
    Const csSpalteQ_b As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
    Dim aLine1(10) As Variant: Dim aLine2(10) As Variant
    Dim iNoOfInterpolations As Integer
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Set_Autofilter  'Wichtig: ggf. aktiven Filter aufheben,
                        'um alle Datensätze zu aktualisieren
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long: lHeaderRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A")
        Dim sSpeedColumn As String: sSpeedColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteSpeed, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sTimeColumn As String: sTimeColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteZeit, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sQ_bColumn As String: sQ_bColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteQ_b, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim lfirstrow As Long: Dim lNoOfRows As Long: Dim lLastRow As Long
        Dim iLastColumn As Integer: Dim iNoOfColumns As Integer
        Dim bPartialInterpolation As Boolean
'       rMarked nur für Debugging Zwecke vom Selektion Objekt
'       Dim rMarked As Range
'       Set rMarked = Selection
        If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 _
        Then    'Interpolation ggf. nur im selektierten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = True
            lfirstrow = Selection.row - 1 '== vor erster Zeile der Markierung
            lNoOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count + 1
            iNoOfColumns = Selection.CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns
        Else    'Interpolation ggf. im gesamten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = False
            lfirstrow = lHeaderRow
            lNoOfRows = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            iNoOfColumns = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows - 1
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns + 1
        End If
        If lNoOfRows > 2 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            'Drehzahlspalte auswählen
            Range(sSpeedColumn & lHeaderRow).Select
            Dim lActRow As Long
            lActRow = lfirstrow + 1
            Dim k As Long
        For k = 1 To lNoOfRows - 1 - 1 'Minus Header und Minus letzte Zeile

            'aktive Zeilen ins Array laden
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To 10
                aLine1(i) = Cells(lActRow, i)
                aLine2(i) = Cells(lActRow + 1, i)
            Next i
            Dim bInterpolation As Boolean
            'Bedingungen für Interpolation prüfen (aLine1 zu aLine2):
            '1.) Musternumern müssen gleich sein (array index 1)
            '2.) Druck Q-a muss gleich sein (array index 5)
            '3.) Druck Q_b muss gleich sein (array index 8)
            If aLine1(1) = aLine2(1) And _
               Round(aLine1(5), 1) = Round(aLine2(5), 1) And _
               Round(aLine1(8), 1) = Round(aLine2(8), 1) Then
               bInterpolation = True
               bInterpolation = False
            End If
            Debug.Print lActRow; ": "; bInterpolation
            Dim iSpeed1 As Integer: Dim iSpeed2 As Integer
            iSpeed1 = Cells(lActRow, sSpeedColumn)
            iSpeed2 = Cells(lActRow + 1, sSpeedColumn)
            Dim iSpeed1r As Integer: Dim iSpeed2r As Integer
            'hier: RoundDown wichtig, da sonst auf ODER ab gerundet würde
            iSpeed1r = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(iSpeed1, -2)
            iSpeed2r = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(iSpeed2, -2)
            Dim iSpeedDelta As Integer
            iSpeedDelta = Abs(iSpeed1r - iSpeed2r) / 100
            If iSpeedDelta > 1 And bInterpolation Then  ' zusätzliche Drehzahlspalten einfügen
                iNoOfInterpolations = iNoOfInterpolations + 1
                Dim j As Long: Dim iSpeedTrend As Variant
                Dim lNewRow As Long: lNewRow = lActRow

                For j = 1 To iSpeedDelta
                    Rows(lNewRow + j).Insert xlShiftUp
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 1) = aLine1(1)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 5) = aLine1(5)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 8) = aLine1(8)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sSpeedColumn) = iSpeed1r + j * 100
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sTimeColumn) = "Interpoliert"
                    Dim dSpeedNew As Double: dSpeedNew = iSpeed1r + j * 100
                    'Durchfluss B
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(9), aLine2(9), dSpeedNew)
                    'Hinweis: Laufzeitfehler 1004 bei Trend-Funktion wenn Arg3 nicht vom gleichen Typ
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sQ_bColumn) = VBA.Round(iSpeedTrend(1), 1)
                    'Anm.: Runden bei Q_b auf 0 Stellen hinter Komma zu ungenau in Diagramm-Darstellung
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(2), aLine2(2), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 2) = iSpeedTrend
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(3), aLine2(3), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 3) = iSpeedTrend
                    'Durchfluss A
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(6), aLine2(6), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 6) = iSpeedTrend
                    'Wirkungsgrad (U*I)/(36*(p_a*Q_a+p_b*Q_b)
                    'zunächst interpolieren, später berechnen
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(7), aLine2(7), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 7) = iSpeedTrend
                Next j
            End If
            If bInterpolation Then
                lActRow = lActRow + iSpeedDelta + 1
                lActRow = lActRow + 1
            End If
        Next k
            With Application
                .DisplayStatusBar = True
                .StatusBar = iNoOfInterpolations & " Interpolationsreihen durchgeführt"
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub Add_Speed_Extrapoliert()
    'Erstellt 2007-09-07
    Const csSpalteSpeed As String = "n(1/min)"
    Const csSpalteZeit As String = "Zeit"
    Const csSpalteQ_b As String = "Q_b(l/h)"
    Const sAbfrage As String = "Drehzahl [1/min] ?" & vbCr & vbCr & vbCr & vbCr & _
                                "Bereich 1000 ... 9000 Umdrehungen"
    Const sTitleInputbox As String = "Berechung: Drehzahl extrapolieren"
    Const sInputDefault As String = "7000"
    Dim sInput As String
    sInput = InputBox(sAbfrage, sTitleInputbox, sInputDefault)
    'Dim dblDüse As Double: dblDüse = VBA.CCur(sDüse) 'nicht VBA.Val wegen Komma
    'ACHTUNG: folgende Umwandlung in englische Darstellung ist notwendig,
    'um die automatische Gebietsschema-Konvertierung bei FormulaR1C1 zu ermöglichen
    sInput = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(sInput, ",", ".")
    MsgBox sInput
'    Stop 'nur für Testzwecke Inputbox
    Dim aLine1(10) As Variant: Dim aLine2(10) As Variant
    Dim iNoOfExterpolations As Integer
    If Test_Dateimerkmale_Prüfstand("Typ:", "Kunde:", "Muster") Then
        Set_Autofilter  'Wichtig: ggf. aktiven Filter aufheben,
                        'um alle Datensätze zu aktualisieren
        Dim lHeaderRow As Long: lHeaderRow = Find_Row("Muster", "A:A")
        Dim sSpeedColumn As String: sSpeedColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteSpeed, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sTimeColumn As String: sTimeColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteZeit, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim sQ_bColumn As String: sQ_bColumn = Find_Column(csSpalteQ_b, lHeaderRow & ":" & lHeaderRow)
        Dim lfirstrow As Long: Dim lNoOfRows As Long: Dim lLastRow As Long
        Dim iLastColumn As Integer: Dim iNoOfColumns As Integer
        Dim bPartialInterpolation As Boolean
'       rMarked nur für Debugging Zwecke vom Selektion Objekt
'       Dim rMarked As Range
'       Set rMarked = Selection
        If Selection.Rows.Count > 1 _
        Then    'Interpolation ggf. nur im selektierten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = True
            lfirstrow = Selection.row - 1 '== vor erster Zeile der Markierung
            lNoOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count + 1
            iNoOfColumns = Selection.CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns
        Else    'Interpolation ggf. im gesamten Bereich
            bPartialInterpolation = False
            lfirstrow = lHeaderRow
            lNoOfRows = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
            iNoOfColumns = Range("A" & lHeaderRow).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
            lLastRow = lfirstrow + lNoOfRows - 1
            iLastColumn = iNoOfColumns + 1
        End If
        If lNoOfRows > 2 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            'Drehzahlspalte auswählen
            Range(sSpeedColumn & lHeaderRow).Select
            Dim lActRow As Long
            lActRow = lfirstrow + 1
            Dim k As Long
        For k = 1 To lNoOfRows - 1 - 1 'Minus Header und Minus letzte Zeile

            'aktive Zeilen ins Array laden
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To 10
                aLine1(i) = Cells(lActRow, i)
                aLine2(i) = Cells(lActRow + 1, i)
            Next i
            Dim bExtrapolation As Boolean
            'Bedingungen für Interpolation prüfen (aLine1 zu aLine2):
            '1.) Musternumern müssen gleich sein (array index 1)
            '2.) Druck Q-a muss gleich sein (array index 5)
            '3.) Druck Q_b muss gleich sein (array index 8)
            If aLine1(1) = aLine2(1) And _
               Round(aLine1(5), 1) = Round(aLine2(5), 1) And _
               Round(aLine1(8), 1) = Round(aLine2(8), 1) Then
               bExtrapolation = True
               bExtrapolation = False
            End If
            Debug.Print lActRow; ": "; bExtrapolation
            Dim iSpeed1 As Integer: Dim iSpeed2 As Integer
            iSpeed1 = Cells(lActRow, sSpeedColumn)
            iSpeed2 = Cells(lActRow + 1, sSpeedColumn)
            Dim iSpeed1r As Integer: Dim iSpeed2r As Integer
            'hier: RoundDown wichtig, da sonst auf ODER ab gerundet würde
            iSpeed1r = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(iSpeed1, -2)
            iSpeed2r = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(iSpeed2, -2)
            Dim iSpeedDelta As Integer
            iSpeedDelta = Abs(iSpeed1r - iSpeed2r) / 100
            If iSpeedDelta > 1 And bExtrapolation Then  ' zusätzliche Drehzahlspalten einfügen
                iNoOfExterpolations = iNoOfExterpolations + 1
                Dim j As Long: Dim iSpeedTrend As Variant
                Dim lNewRow As Long: lNewRow = lActRow

                For j = 1 To iSpeedDelta
                    Rows(lNewRow + j).Insert xlShiftUp
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 1) = aLine1(1)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 5) = aLine1(5)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 8) = aLine1(8)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sSpeedColumn) = iSpeed1r + j * 100
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sTimeColumn) = "Extrapoliert"
                    Dim dSpeedNew As Double: dSpeedNew = iSpeed1r + j * 100
                    'Durchfluss B
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(9), aLine2(9), dSpeedNew)
                    'Hinweis: Laufzeitfehler 1004 bei Trend-Funktion wenn Arg3 nicht vom gleichen Typ
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, sQ_bColumn) = VBA.Round(iSpeedTrend(1), 1)
                    'Anm.: Runden bei Q_b auf 0 Stellen hinter Komma zu ungenau in Diagramm-Darstellung
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(2), aLine2(2), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 2) = iSpeedTrend
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(3), aLine2(3), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 3) = iSpeedTrend
                    'Durchfluss A
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(6), aLine2(6), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 6) = iSpeedTrend
                    'Wirkungsgrad (U*I)/(36*(p_a*Q_a+p_b*Q_b)
                    'zunächst interpolieren, später berechnen
                    iSpeedTrend = LinearTrend(iSpeed1, iSpeed2, aLine1(7), aLine2(7), dSpeedNew)
                    Cells(lNewRow + j, 7) = iSpeedTrend
                Next j
            End If
            If bExtrapolation Then
                lActRow = lActRow + iSpeedDelta + 1
                lActRow = lActRow + 1
            End If
        Next k
            With Application
                .DisplayStatusBar = True
                .StatusBar = iNoOfExterpolations & " Interpolationsreihen durchgeführt"
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Function LinearTrend(ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal y1 As Double, ByVal y2 As Double, ByVal x As Double) As Variant
    'Range("AA1") = x1: Range("AA2") = x2
    'Range("AB1") = y1: Range("AB2") = y2
    'Hinweis: Laufzeitfehler 1004 bei Trend-Funktion wenn Arg3 nicht vom gleichen Typ
    'LinearTrend = WorksheetFunction.Trend(Range("AB1:AB2"), Range("AA1:AA2"), x, True)
    'Range("AA1").Clear: Range("AA2").Clear
    'Range("AB1").Clear: Range("AB2").Clear
    'Vereinfachung: 2007-07-25
    LinearTrend = WorksheetFunction.Trend(Array(y1, y2), Array(x1, x2), x, True)
End Function



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_SAP"
'(c) 2010, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2010-11-25 (Hypercom)
'Letzte Änderung: 2010-11-25
'in EXCEL extrahierte SAP-Tabellen formatieren
Const csLevel1 = "1"
Const csLevel2 = ".2"
Const csLevel3 = "..3"
Const csLevel4 = "...4"

Sub SAP_ExcelReports_grouping()
    Dim bDEBUG As Boolean: bDEBUG = False
    'On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet.Outline
        .AutomaticStyles = False
        .SummaryRow = xlAbove
        .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
    End With
    Cells.Select:    Selection.AutoFilter

    Dim colLevel As New Collection
    colLevel.Add key:="1", Item:=csLevel1
    colLevel.Add key:="2", Item:=csLevel2
    colLevel.Add key:="3", Item:=csLevel3
    colLevel.Add key:="4", Item:=csLevel4

    Dim lRowStart As Long: Dim lRowStop As Long
    Dim ilevel As Integer: ilevel = 0
    Dim slevelIdent As String
    Dim e As Variant
    For Each e In colLevel
        ilevel = ilevel + 1
        slevelIdent = e
        Selection.Find(What:=slevelIdent, After:=ActiveCell, _
                LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
                SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
                MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
        'Set c = Selection.Find(What:=slevelIdent, LookIn:=xlValues)
'        If Not c Is Nothing Then
'            firstAddress = c.Address
'            Do
                lRowStart = ActiveCell.row
                'lRowStart = c.row
                'Set c = Selection.FindNext(c)
                lRowStop = ActiveCell.row
                'lRowStop = c.row
                Dim sGroupRange As String
                sGroupRange = lRowStart + 1 & ":" & lRowStop - 2
                If bDEBUG Then
                    MsgBox ("Level: " & ilevel & " = " & sGroupRange)
                End If
                Dim iGroupLevel As Integer
                For iGroupLevel = 1 To ilevel
                Next iGroupLevel
'            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
'        End If
    Next e
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_SQA"
Sub DateiLaden_SQA()

' Konstanten
Const DateiFilterTyp As String = "SQA-Rohdaten (*.txt),*.txt"
Const DialogÖffnenTitle As String = "Öffnen: Rohdaten SQA"
Const strSQAdateiMerkmal As String = "planid"

Dim WorkbookSaveAsName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim Mappen As Variant
Dim str As String
Dim strScrollAreaRange As String
Dim auflistung As New VBA.Collection

 l = 0
 Mappen = Application.GetOpenFilename(DateiFilterTyp, Title:=DialogÖffnenTitle, MultiSelect:=True)

 If IsArray(Mappen) Then
    For l = LBound(Mappen) To UBound(Mappen)
       Workbooks.Open Mappen(l)
    Next l
    'MsgBox "Es wurde keine Datei ausgewählt! "
    Exit Sub
 End If
' Datei Kopfzeilen vorbereiten
auflistung.Add "Wname", "planid"
auflistung.Add "Teilnummer", "partnb"
auflistung.Add "Name", "id"
auflistung.Add "Typ", "type"
auflistung.Add "Symbol", "idsymbol"
auflistung.Add "Istwert", "actual"
auflistung.Add "Sollwert", "nominal"
auflistung.Add "o.Tol.", "uppertol"
auflistung.Add "u.Tol.", "lowertol"
auflistung.Add "Abweich", "deviation"
auflistung.Add "n.i.O.", "exceed"
auflistung.Add "Merkmal_ID", "featureid"
auflistung.Add "Bemerkung", "comment"
auflistung.Add "Verweis", "link"
auflistung.Add "Verweisart", "linkmode"
auflistung.Add "MMC", "mmc"
auflistung.Add "Useruppertol", "useruppertol"
auflistung.Add "Userlowertol", "userlowertol"

With Selection
    Range(ActiveCell.offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.offset(0, 0)).EntireRow.Insert
End With

For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
    Cells(1, i).Value = auflistung(i) 'collection typ beginnt bei 1
Next i

'Zellnamen festlegen
For i = 1 To auflistung.Count Step 1
    Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(1, i)).Select
    On Error Resume Next 'Name-Definitionen dürfen z.B. keine Leerzzeichen enthalten
    ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=auflistung(i), RefersToR1C1:=Selection
Next i

' Spalten  formatieren
Range("F:G").NumberFormat = "0.000"
Range("J:K").NumberFormat = "0.000"
Range("1:2").Font.Bold = True    'die ersten beiden Kopfzeilen fett darstellen
Range("1:1").Font.ColorIndex = 5 'eingefügte Zeile blau darstellen
Range("K:K").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Exceed Werte rot färben

' Gruppierungen festlegen


' Fenster Einstellungen
With ActiveWindow
    .SplitRow = 2
    .SplitColumn = 2
    .FreezePanes = True
    .Zoom = 75
End With

With ActiveSheet.Outline
    .AutomaticStyles = False
    .SummaryRow = xlAbove
    .SummaryColumn = xlLeft
    .ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
End With
'Kopfzeilen einstellen
With Rows(2)
    .RowHeight = Rows(2).RowHeight * 2
    .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
    .OutlineLevel = 1
End With
'Dokumentberiech einschränken
With Selection.Borders
    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With

strScrollAreaRange = Selection.Address
ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = strScrollAreaRange
'ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 'hier identisch mit UsedRange

With Application
    .CutCopyMode = False 'keine Zellmarkierung
    .ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
End With

' Dokument Eigenschaften
With ActiveWorkbook ' or for add-ins use "ThisWorkbook"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value = ActiveSheet.Name
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value = "SQM-Rohdaten Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value = "Siemens VDO"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value = "Bernd Wehrum"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value = "created by macro (Gries)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Author").Value = "created by macro (Gries)"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application Name").Value = "Auswertung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value = "Vermessung"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value = "None"
    .BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = "SQM, SQA"
End With

With ActiveWorkbook
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Makro Ansprechpartner", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Gries"
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Macro Version", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeNumber, Value:=2
    .CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Abteilung", _
     LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="FS RD BBE D"
End With

With ActiveSheet
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Ansprechpartner", Value:="M. Gries"
    .CustomProperties.Add Name:="Telefon", Value:="-770"
End With

' Arbeitsmappe speichern
WorkbookSaveAsName = VBA.Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 4) & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=WorkbookSaveAsName, FileFormat:=xlNormal

ActiveWorkbook.AddToFavorites ' Verknüpfung zum Favoritenordner

With Application
    .DisplayStatusBar = True
    .StatusBar = "Daten wurden als Excel-Datei: " & WorkbookSaveAsName & " gesichert"
End With
l = Timer
Do While Timer < l + 30
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_VBE"
'Hinweis (M. Gries):
'Unter EXTRAS/VERWEISE muss MS VBA extensibility 5.3 aktiviert sein
'End Deklarationen

Option Explicit

'Verweise: (aus Buch "VBA mit Excel", Christian Friedrich, Kapitel 30, ISBN: 3-89842-489-8
'Registrierungscode: 04GP48911265 unter
Sub Verweise_auflisten()
    Dim refReference As Reference
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each refReference In _
        Debug.Print "Text: " & refReference.Description
        Debug.Print "Pfad: " & refReference.FullPath
        Debug.Print "GUID: " & refReference.GUID
        Debug.Print "Name: " & refReference.Name
        Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
    Next refReference
End Sub

Sub Verweis_per_GUID(strGUID As String, lngMajor As Long, lngMinor As Long)
    Dim objReference As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objReference = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject _
        .References.AddFromGuid(strGUID, lngMajor, lngMinor)
    Set objReference = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Verweis_per_File(strFile As String)
    Dim refReference As Reference
    On Error Resume Next
    Set refReference = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject _
    Set refReference = Nothing
End Sub

''Dim VBProj As VBProject
''Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
''Dim VBComp As VBComponent
''Set VBComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Modul1")
''Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
''Set VBCodeMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Modul1").CodeModule
''Ein Modul in eine Mappe einfügen
''Die untenstehende Prozedur fügt ein neues Modul
''mit dem Namen "NeuesModul" in ThisWorkbook ein.
'Sub AddModule()
'   Dim VBComp As VBComponent
'   Set VBComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents. _
'                Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
'   VBComp.Name = "Modul_Gries"
'   Application.Visible = True
'End Sub
''Wenn dieser Code von Excel her ausgeführt wird,
''während der VBE offen ist, wirst Du direkt zum neuen Modul geführt und
''die Prozedur wird beendet. Wenn der Code ausgeführt wird,
''wenn der VBE geschlossen ist, wird der Fokus an die
''Excel Applikation zurückgegeben. Der VBE wird nicht geöffnet.
''Die nächste Prozedur fügt eine neue Prozedur
''mit dem Namen "MeineNeueProzedur" in das Modul
''mit dem Namen "NeuesModul" in ThisWorkbook ein.
''Das Modul "NeuesModul" muss vorhanden sein,
''ansonsten entsteht eine Fehlermeldung.
'Sub AddProcedure()
'   Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
'   Dim LineNum As Long
'   Set VBCodeMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject. _
'                   VBComponents("Auto_Modul_Gries").CodeModule
'   With VBCodeMod
'       LineNum = .CountOfLines + 1
'       .InsertLines LineNum, _
'   "Sub MeineNeueProzedur()" & Chr(13) & _
'   " Msgbox ""Hier ist die neue Prozedur"" " & Chr(13) & _
'   "End Sub"
'   End With
'   Application.Run "MeineNeueProzedur"
'End Sub
''Beachte den Weg, wie die .InsertLines Methode verwendet wird.
''Die gesamte Prozedur wird als ein Argument aufbereitet.
''Mit dem Chr(13) werden die Zeilenumbrüche erzeugt.
''Die Anweisung Application.Run "MeineNeueProzedur"
''bewirkt, dass die Prozedur gleich gestartet wird.
''Anstatt die Prozedur direkt aufzurufen (Call),
''musst Du die Anweisung Application.Run verwenden.
''Damit kann ein eventueller Compile-Time Error vermieden werden.
''Die Methode Call wird nur funktionieren,
''wenn Du Code in ein anderes Code Modul einfügst.
''Wenn Code im selben Modul eingefügt wird,
''musst Du ein Application.OnTime einsetzen.
''Auf diese Weise wird die Kontrolle an Excel zurückgegeben und
''das Modul kann kompiliert und geladen werden.
''Mit der Benutzung von Application.OnTime können
''unter Umständen Synchronisierungsprobleme entstehen.
''Du solltest vermeiden, eine Prozedur aufzurufen,
''die gerade erst ins selbe Modul eingefügt wurde ohne,
''dass zuvor alle VBA Prozeduren die Möglichkeit hatten beendet zu werden.
''Application.OnTime Now, "NeueProzedurName"



Attribute VB_Name = "Modul_WSH"
Option Explicit

Private Sub Test_Check_Folder()
    Debug.Print "Folder C:\Temp : "; CheckFolderExists("c:\Temp\")
    Debug.Print "Folder T:\KP\... : "; CheckFolderExists("T:\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL")
End Sub

Function CopyFile(sSource As String, sDestination As String) As Boolean
   Dim objFS As Object
   Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
   If objFS.FileExists(sSource) Then
'        If CheckFolderExists(sDestination) Then
            objFS.CopyFile sSource, sDestination, True
            CopyFile = True
'        Else
'            CopyFile = False
'        End If
        CopyFile = False
   End If
   Set objFS = Nothing
End Function

Function CheckFolderExists(sfolder As String) As Boolean
   Dim objFS As Object
   Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
   If objFS.FolderExists(sfolder) Then
      CheckFolderExists = True
      CheckFolderExists = False
   End If
   Set objFS = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub Test_Check_Drive()
    Debug.Print "Drive C: "; CheckDriveExists("c")
    Debug.Print "Drive T: "; CheckDriveExists("t")
End Sub

'Function CheckDriveExists(sDrive As String) As Boolean
'   Dim FSobj As Object
'   Dim colDrives
'   Dim appDrive
'   Dim objFile As Object
'   Set FSobj = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
'   Set colDrives = FSobj.Drives.Item(2) ?????????????????????????????????????
'   Debug.Print colDrives.Count
'   Set appDrive = FSobj.colDrives.Drive.Item(2) ?????????????????????????????
'   If FSobj.DriveExists(sDrive) Then
'      CheckDriveExists = True
'      If appDrive.IsReady Then
'            If FSobj.FileExists("C:\Gries.xla") Then
'                Set objFile = FSobj.GetFile("C:\Gries.xla")
'            Else
'                MsgBox "Datei ist nicht vorhanden."
'            End If
'      Else
'            CheckDriveExists = False
'      End If
'   Else
'      CheckDriveExists = False
'   End If
'   Set FSobj = Nothing
'End Function

Function CheckDriveExists(sDrive As String) As Boolean
   Dim FSobj As Object
   Set FSobj = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
   If FSobj.DriveExists(sDrive) Then
      CheckDriveExists = True
      CheckDriveExists = False
   End If
   Set FSobj = Nothing
End Function

Sub RegWrite()
   Dim wsh As New IWshShell_Class
   With wsh
      .RegWrite "HKCU\Software\HWH\", "Dies ist eine Voreinstellung"
      .RegWrite "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyString", "Eine Zeichenfolge"
      .RegWrite "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyNumString", 12345
      .RegWrite "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyDwordValue", 12345, "REG_DWORD"
      .RegWrite "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyBinaryValue", 12345, "REG_BINARY"
   End With
   Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub

Sub RegRead()
   Dim wsh As New IWshShell_Class
   With wsh
   MsgBox .RegRead("HKCU\Software\HWH\") & vbLf & _
      .RegRead("HKCU\Software\HWH\MyString") & vbLf & _
      .RegRead("HKCU\Software\HWH\MyNumString") & vbLf & _
   End With
   Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub

Sub RegDelete()
   Dim wsh As New IWshShell_Class
   wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\"
   '    wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyString"
   '    wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyNumString"
   '    wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyDwordValue"
   '    wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\MyBinaryValue"
   '    wsh.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\HWH\"
   Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub



Attribute VB_Name = "SVDOsupport"
'(c) 2005, Michael Gries
'Erstellung: 2005-12-30
'Letzte Änderung: 2006-12-31
Option Explicit

Const csAddinTitle As String = "SVDO-Makros (Gries.xla)"

'Private Sub Workbook_Open()             'in "Diese Arbeitsmappe"
'    Call SVDOsupport.Copy_Gries_Addin   'Aktualisiert lokale Kopie vom Netz, _
'                                        wenn Netzlaufwerk verfügbar
'End Sub

Sub Copy_Gries_Addin()
    'Source definition
    Dim bStatusBarState As Boolean
    bStatusBarState = Application.DisplayStatusBar
    Dim sSource As String
    Dim sUP As String: Dim sUPUD As String
    sUP = "T:\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten"
    sUPUD = "\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL\"
    sSource = sUP & sUPUD & "Gries.xla"
    'Destination definition
    Dim sDestination As String
    Dim sUA As String: sUA = VBA.Environ("APPDATA")
    Const csUPUA As String = "\Microsoft\Addins\"
    sDestination = sUA & csUPUA & "Gries.xla"
    'ggf. aktives Addin muss zuvor inaktiv gesetzt werden
    On Error GoTo AddinError:
    If Application.AddIns(csAddinTitle).Installed Then
       Application.AddIns(csAddinTitle).Installed = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If CopyFile(sSource, sDestination) Then
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
        Application.StatusBar = csAddinTitle & " kopiert"
'        MsgBox "Fehler bei (WSH FileCopy): " & vbCr & _
'                sSource & vbCr & _
'                sDestination, , ThisWorkbook.Name
    End If
    On Error GoTo AddinError:
    'anschließend aktualisiertes Addin wieder aktivieren
    Application.AddIns(csAddinTitle).Installed = True
    Application.StatusBar = csAddinTitle & " aktualisiert"
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
    Application.StatusBar = False
    If Not bStatusBarState Then 'falls ursprünglich ausgeschaltet
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Fehler bei (Addin Installation): " & _
            csAddinTitle & vbCr & vbCr & _
            sSource & vbCr & _
            sDestination, , ThisWorkbook.Name
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = bStatusBarState
End Sub

Function CopyFile(sSource As String, sDestination As String) As Boolean
   Dim objFS As Object
   Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
   If objFS.FileExists(sSource) Then
        objFS.CopyFile sSource, sDestination, True
        CopyFile = True
        CopyFile = False
   End If
   Set objFS = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub Test_Check_Folder()
    Debug.Print "Folder C:\Temp : "; CheckFolderExists("c:\Temp\")
    Debug.Print "Folder T:\KP\... : "; CheckFolderExists("T:\KP\Pruef_Labor_Daten\XLA_AddIn_ASCinEXCEL")
End Sub

Function CheckFolderExists(sfolder As String) As Boolean
   Dim objFS As Object
   Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
   If objFS.FolderExists(sfolder) Then
      CheckFolderExists = True
      CheckFolderExists = False
   End If
   Set objFS = Nothing
End Function